The Americans have just sent their first shipment of Aid to the Ukraine what was sent was classed as LETHAL Aid. The US CSG in the med training with Italy and Spain no doubt this is positioned close by aswell. , updated Russian warships have been spotted off the British coast. Ukraine is not a NATO country, therefore Article 5 will not be called and NATO will not fight. Royal Navy ship off Crimea sparks diplomatic row between Russia and UK That was not my point: NATO has antied up and put boots on the ground, who are prepared to fight. the less we have to do with the ukraine the better. Lithuanian Defence Minister Arvydas Anusauskas said today: 'In the current situation, we view the arrival of Russian armed forces in Belarus not only as a destabilising factor in the security situation but also as the one posing an even bigger direct threat to Lithuania.'. They took over from @kon_marine and will pass onto the @MarineNationale to continue the escort. 'Also, if he just occupies the eastern regions he will never be able to take back the whole of Ukraine because of the inevitable strengthening of Ukrainian forces in the remainder of the country in the aftermath. See today's front and back pages, download the newspaper, order back issues and use the historic Daily Express newspaper archive. This stuff was going on long before sites like this were around to report it in the public domain. As they have plenty of gear around Ukraine already it makes sense that at least some of the 6 are bound for Tartus. He sees weakness and disharmony and a split America with half the voters seeing thier Country as an island totally ignorant of what losing Europe would mean to the US position in the World. 210 comments about a decades old routine RN escort operation. Spot on Johnathan, nothing beats the smell of Cordite when doing a spread or up ladder SU shoot. Britain was unexpectedly embroiled in a diplomatic and military dispute with Russia on Wednesday after Royal Navy destroyer HMS Defender briefly sailed through territorial waters off the coast. JSM is also getting a version of BAes RF receiver, that is one of the primary sensors on the LRASM. For use in the littoral, these also need to be smart weapons, able to accurately discriminate between types of ships not good to go sinking the wrong ships! Likewise the presence of Nato tripwire forces might just persuade Russian planners to step back. Its the same with 90% of Russian kit. How does that relate to this story? In his annual Defence speech, General Sir Nick Carter also said it was 'too early to plot the demise of the tank'. Giving his annual speech to the Royal United Services Institute, the Defence chief said: They are flexing their muscles in our own back yard with an ostentation they have not displayed since the Cold War. See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Resources, they have plenty of their own. So many completely underestimate the complexity and difficulties of achieving the kill chain with Anti ship missiles. HMS Tyne, HMS Richmond and HMS Kent jointly escorted the same group of Russian ships as they operated in the Celtic Sea. 'Clearly the preferable path, clearly the most responsible path and the one that we would prefer, but there is also the path if Russia chooses to renew aggression, of conflict, confrontation and consequences for Russia,' Blinken said. Biden??? The region has been on a knife-edge since the end of last year when Moscow moved as many as 100,000 troops, as well as tanks and missiles, close to the border. Count on enhancing economic & financial cooperation. Inspite of their age, the Russian Ropucha class have been fitted with AK-630 CIWS, easily as good as Phalanx. Anti-air systems appear to be a weakness for Ukraine which might be something that the US should focusRead more . The huge explosion at the military complex of Parchin, 30 kilometers southeast Tehran. "These aircraft posed no immediate threat to HMS Defender, but some of these manoeuvres were neither safe nor professional," Britain's Wallace said. Trump was an idiot and poor president. Estimates of the numbers of new Russian troops moved closer to Ukraine vary from 60,000 to around 100,000, with a U.S. intelligence document suggesting that number could be ramped up to 175,000. Ukraine was in part happy to negotiate them away for exactly that reason. ", READ MORE: Russian doctors urge Putin to 'stop abusing' Alexei Navalny, Maintaining maritime situational awareness is a core task for #NATO Standing Maritime Groups, in close coordination with Allies. Severn was also on patrol as the Vice-Admiral Kulakov sailed through the Channel. Certainly Ivan is getting very desperate now with the prop.! Thats if of the few Astutes we have arent already chasing their own Oscars or Yasen. With the US on side, it could even be a NATO contingent. And even 2 or 3 Astute boats would give any fleet a serious headache. When the world is fully and singularly looking at that location. He may lose power after a disastrous foreign adventure. Seems a bit left-field but the Swedes seem to be taking things seriously. Russia is 'flexing muscles in Britain's back yard' after ten warships Even so, Ukraine's Defense Ministry said it was accelerating its plan to form reserve battalions, a move that would help it rapidly deploy 130,000 recruits to bolster its 246,000-strong armed forces. However, the MoD has failed to reveal which, if any, of the existing equipment programmes will be cut to reduce the funding gap. Russia released footage filmed from a Russian SU-24 bomber flying close to the British ship. Kyiv might also be provoked into attacking by the separatists who could then ask Russia to send troops to help, he said. If this new cold war turns into something nasty, our T45 should have something better than Harpoon to engage enemy ships. His advanced years are often publicly evident in his performance. Ryabkov, referring to Moscow's version of events in which a Russian aircraft bombed the path of the British destroyer, said that in future bombs would be sent "not only in its path, but also on target.". Nine Royal Navy ships have completed a "concentrated operation" to shadow seven Russian warships, the British Royal Navy said Thursday, citing "unusually high levels of activity" in the English . Just to keep us on our toes. It was not immediately clear what equipment would be arriving today. They now believe they have achieved their goal and no longer have to bowRead more , Err no. Much as he did in Syria . To all and intents you could be correct, but heres the rub he is a dictator in all but name. But what if Russias is using the same effect in reverse. russian dockyards will need to build more tugs. 'How can we be given a chance to defend ourselves if you're not giving weapons? the Poles keep shtum about their involvement, unlike the Balts who declare it openly. Using missiles at that close a range in very crowded waters would be crazy. The Kremlin also deployed servicemen to Belarus this week, ostensibly for major military operations with the country, sparking fears in neighbouring Lithuania. There is also a chance of that senario, Trouble is it is Trumps policies towards NATO ( even threatening to leave it) and distaste for Europe that has given the impetus to Putin to try this on. A fleet of Russian warships and fighter jets, including the flagship aircraft carrier the Admiral Kuznetsov, has reached the North Sea and is headed for the English Channel, the UK's Ministry of . The assessment, seen by CNN, described the situation as 'difficult' and warned Russian President Vladimir Putin was 'trying to split and weaken the European Union and NATO' while also 'limiting the capabilities of the United States to ensure security on the European continent'. George Allison This is why US UKRead more . The target selection technology provides NSM with a capacity for independent detection, recognition, and discrimination of targets at sea or on the coast. Russia is allied with Iran, need I say more. and Coast Guard releases video of Russian ships in Hawaii waters The only time there is a difference, is when a SM is deep, sprinting to a new position. Yep 100%. Thu Feb 3 2022 - 19:50. Russia is flexing its muscles in Britains back yard after ten warships arrived off the UK coast, the Chief of the Defence Staff has warned. good job that idiot trump doesnt have access to the red button or the west would be rubble. Yes he did, totally out of the blue and unqualified for the job Hunter turned up as a direcyor of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company, on a juicy contract. The US Coast Guard in Alaska came across Russian and Chinese vessels on an ordinary patrol earlier this month, the agency has said. Several European nations have now moved to bolster Natos military deployment in eastern Europe. It said Russia had deployed 36 Iskander launchers, weapons capable of hitting targets up to 700km away, near Ukraine and said the medium-range missiles that could be used to 'destroy vital objects'. In such a febrile atmosphere, the risk of a misunderstanding or unplanned escalation is greater, and Russia could use such an incident as a casus belli. Try it too often, find work elsewhere. Mind you cant complain about my pension, thank God for SERPS.  With the clown we have as PM? We are now at a stage where Russia could at any point launch an attack on Ukraine.'. Dissapointed in Macron, but cant say im surprised. All it takes is for 1 to get through! Europe? the russian method of fitting a gun,torpedo cruise missile wherever it can fit gives them more powerful vessel than it was designed to be. Six Russian landing ships have sailed past Britain sparking speculation they are bound for an impending 'full-scale invasion' of Ukraine - as Kiev warns President Putin has 'nearly completed' the build-up of troops along the border. He wasnt kissing his backside so much when he scrapped the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty! We live and learn. Did he deserve any sympathy? A 4 ship of F35s could put 36 missiles into the target area from over 100km away with the advantage of stealth. Home of the Daily and Sunday Express. Reuters, the news and media division of Thomson Reuters, is the worlds largest multimedia news provider, reaching billions of people worldwide every day. Russia has accused Kyiv of harbouring plans to retake the region by force, something Ukraine denies. He wants to get some skin in the game like the West has had the past 20 years. "If you don't change the course, I'll fire," a heavily accented Russian voice said in English to the British ship. Russia's warns Britain over navy confrontation, Raab: Russia being 'predictably inaccurate', Britain says it will always defend seafaring rights, Russia says London is sowing barefaced lies. Lets be honest, in hostilities, they wouldnt be sailing unescorted or going through the channel! I think it is sad that Biden never got a shot at the Presidency a decade ago. " Russian warship, go fuck yourself " [a] was the last communication made on 24 February 2022 during the Russian attack on Snake Island in Ukraine's territorial waters by border guard Roman Hrybov to the Russian missile cruiser Moskva. HMS Lancaster joined Severn tracking Steregushchiy-class corvette Boikiy in the Channel and using its Wildcat helicopter to gather intelligence. I wouldnt imagine it would be allowed under international law. When we need European Allies like France and Germany, where are they. Whats the Latin 50% because decimate is only 1 in 10 (10%). Morning Spy. Unless of course you are a Putin oligarch;0). @RoyalNavy ships @hms_tyne and @HMSDragon have escorted three Russian warships through the North Sea and English Channel as part of a unified response with allies. We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you've consented to and to improve our understanding of you. That was 4 years ago after the initial push against ISIS was over. Russian troops could also move into Belarus, opening a northern front for Ukraine that would put Russian forces closer to Kyiv, Giles said. 'This is extremely dangerous. Under international law of the sea, innocent passage permits a vessel to pass through another state's territorial waters so long as this does not affect its security. I tell you what happened ; the worst thing that people in this Country did, come out of Europe. I think so. Moscow has announced the 'successful' completion of tests on its Kinzhal - or Dagger - hypersonic missiles, which can carry nuclear or conventional weapons with a range of 1,250 miles, in the Arctic, though the weapons had been deployed with Russian forces ahead of the trials. Mr Prystaiko also slammed Berlin for pushing ahead with the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline that will circumvent Ukraine. With what? "The Sun", "Sun", "Sun Online" are registered trademarks or trade names of News Group Newspapers Limited. But the Ukrainian ambassador to the UK, Vadym Prystaiko, called on extra help from Western powers. The conclusion was that Tiger stood the better chance due to her 6 turret being mostly electrically powered rather than hydraulic, like Blakes, so the presumption was shed be more reliable. The same Russian warship has since conducted military drills in the Norwegian Sea, the Russian defence ministry announced. He told officials the UK stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the Baltic state a Nato ally. Without ASuW the RN is badly exposed, and its criminal negligence sending sailors into a warzone without ability to take offensive action. Test capabilities. Russian warships seen acting unusually off Irish coast Wallace should put his bloody foot down, overule objections and get an off the shelf system fitted PDQ. Helicopters for the littoral, Nuclear boats for larger vessels. Er, as infantry, I had all of 9 seconds according to the briefing table on the Majors desk reading down the list and RMP were given 36 hours; and the rest is history. Morning Sean. Broker a deal to have Russian military bases in their country. The Ropucha-class landing ship can transport 10 main battle tanks and 340 troops or 12 BTRs and 340 troops or 3 main battle tanks, 3 2S9 Nona-S, 5 MT-LBs, 4 army trucks and 313 troops or 500 tons of cargo. Clever move, and itll be Trumps fault the Russians invade on Bidens watch. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said the intelligence was 'very credible.'. Two weeks ago nearly a dozen warships and combat aircraft from Russias Northern, Baltic and Black Sea fleets gave a show of force in the waters off the British and Irish coasts General Sir Nick Carter has said. Dont forget its got a great habit of hitting other random stuff like holiday homes or your best mates frigate. French President Emmanuel Macron has offered to send troops to Romania., The US defence budget is $777bn more than the rest of the world combined. Almost all forms of sanctions being discussed have a greater blowback potential on both Europe and the US than their damage on Russia. I know Sean but she would certainly Grind Vlad Putin down, Thats true enough, she grinds me down and I accept the science behind climate change!! Those deliveries are ongoing, and there are more scheduled in the coming weeks.. As for unvaccinated drivers not being allowed to cross, well who wouldnt want to keep the chronically stupid out of their country? But Russia? US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will meet Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday before holding talks with his Russian counterpart Sergey Lavrov in Geneva on Friday in the latest attempt to defuse the crisis. But at various times four navy frigates were deployed. Romania, in particular, has sounded the alarm over Russian activities in the waterway, and has gone on a $10 billion spending spree since 2014, buying U.S. F-16s, rocket artillery and advanced. "Escorting the Russian task group alongside forces from our NATO allies has demonstrated the UKs commitment to the alliance and to maintaining maritime security. The military ship activated its AIS tracker on Wednesday at 10am, making it visible on real-time marine traffic tracker. Coast Guard captain describes encounter with Chinese, Russian warships This is possible by the combination of an imaging infrared (IIR) seeker and an onboard target database. If Biden had the balls he could put a small contingent of US troops in Ukraine and dare Putin to attack. Oh, that would be Slovakia and Poland for example who have NATO aircraft from America not to mention eFP fighters in Lithuania, Estonia and Bulgaria. One can hope that cooler heads will prevail, and we start sorting ourselves out! Blocking the straits is a far cry than just a few drone attacks. Later versions have much better electronics and sensors developed with Israel. We must stand with our Ukrainian allies., Biden has also authorized $200 million in additional support to meet Ukraines emergency defense needs, according to a U.S. State Department spokesperson. Well on your point about coming to Ukraines aid in any meaningful way, I would disagree to an extent. Russian warship with 'unstoppable' 7,000mph hypersonic missiles 'sails Like pieces on a chess board, I suppose not all of the movements need to make sense. Russian warship, go fuck yourself - Wikipedia Last night a senior defence source said: 'We strongly believe [Putin's] preference is for a full invasion rather than a limited offensive. US truckers are heavily non vaccinated. We are in a potentially high risk scenario all it takes is a trigger point. Billboard in Dnipro, Ukraine with the statement written in Russian. History shows the wisdom of that comment, it was expressed by Montgomery slightly differently. The explosion inside an oxygen factory in the town of Bandar-e Mahshahr, south of Tehran. You are just gaslighting everyone Douglas and sowing division because you cant admit you are wrong:, Thanks Douglas. No, but it would be interesting to know what Circumstances would trigger that. It is a show of force and plans for a possible invasion. Yes, have to agree, Gallipoli wasnt one of our finest ever ventures. it wont need much of a spark to set it all off. Russian warship spotted miles from UK coast with hypersonic cruise Historical connections with Lvov/Lviv arguably Polish for some. And in the Western Military District, a missile regiment armed with S-400 Triumf mobile, surface-to-air missile system conducted electronic launches at a range in Leningrad region. Britain said Russia was giving an inaccurate account of the incident. The Iranians are being bombed at will. A multi-front assault might also involve a move into northeastern Ukraine, encircling but perhaps not entering cities where forces could get bogged down in urban fighting. We have got troops there, albeit only a small number in a training and advisory role still complicates the plot for Putin. Earlier this year, Vladimir Putin said the 135-meter-long frigate would sail for the Atlantic, the Indian Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea with the latest generation hypersonic cruise missiles on board. Regime change? Therefore in theory at least for the narrowest Dover-Calais area we could do that. Russia has brought in new forces to Crimea, which it annexed from Ukraine in 2014. But the latest intelligence now has Ministry of Defence chiefs worried about a much larger incursion, raising fears of warfare engulfing cities and high civilian death tolls. That is the role of EFP troops in Poland and the Baltics show of support plus being a tripwire. UK to unveil new law to stop Channel migrants on Tuesday - paper, Holy oil for King Charles' coronation consecrated in Jerusalem, Reporting by Guy Faulconbridge; Editing by Kate Holton, Arsenal seal thrilling comeback win, Man City maintain chase, Nelson keeps Arsenal on course in title race with late winner, Chelsea overcome Leeds 1-0 to ease pressure on Potter, Turkey's earthquake death toll rose to 45,968 -interior minister, Egypt non-oil activity contracts for 27th month as prices surge, Ecuador assembly backs report calling for Lasso impeachment process, Cameroonian businessman charged with complicity in torture after journalist's murder, Indonesia to relocate residents or move fuel facility after fire, Exclusive news, data and analytics for financial market professionals. Munich - Officially, Vladimir Putin's goal in the Ukraine war is still to denazify the neighboring country. Although hailing the recent 24.1 billion uplift in Defence spending as reversing a long period of decline, General Carter did not say how much of the new money will fill the existing black hole of around 10 billion in the MoDs 10-year equipment budget. NATO should have gripped the Balts, told them the purchasing would be led by Poland and created a unified equipped group of countries enjoying scale of purchasing. Comms on a dived Astute very limited. 'Should Russia invade, we will provide additional defensive equipment to Ukrainians.'. Ill accept naval power but always is a bit sweeping. Its not as easy as it seems, accurately targeting the correct vessel in high shipping density waters. These Russian landing ships are probably headed into the Black Sea for possible amphibious ops against Ukraine. The diplomat hit out at Germany for failing to match Britain's offer of military aid, with Berlin preferring to focus on the threat of sanctions. "The Royal Navy will always uphold international law and will not accept unlawful interference with innocent passage," Wallace said. The Kremlin quickly denied it was preparing a provocation. I think one of Moscow's long-standing goals has been to try to sow divisions between and within our countries and quite simply, we cannot and will not let them do that. Food, the are a exporter of food. A longer-range version would also be welcome, Ive discussed the advantages short to medium term of NSM/JSM as well as Block V Tomahawk, particularly now that both Russia and China have joint interests in the North Atlantic. No Typhoons in Romania at present, but USAF F-15Es there. T31 is being procured to a strict budget, to get these vessels built and in service pretty quick, and we can upgrade once in service if the need requires it, they are large, and will be a very flexible design allowing more kit to be integrated over the years. Time to send some Astutes to the Med for target practice! Its perhaps worth considering that just supposing a few Russian armoured/infantry detachments had been deployed in and around Baghdad at important government and military sites as peacekeepers/observers or an actual hostile force, then would the 2003 invasion of Iraq have taken place? It builds up its arsenal in one location to make the world think thats the location they are going to attack. Hi Robert. Ok we fought for repression of all subjugated Countries including the German folk who were under the heel of the Nazi jackboot. Also the Blockade the Atlantic Iceland gap. Plus, RN experience has taught us we use helicopters in the littoral with Stingray, Martlet and Sea Venom, and hunter killer boats for larger warships. (A-591), was officially commissioned into service at Istanbul Shipyard in Tuzla, Istanbul, on 14 January, smail Demir, head of Turkeys Presidency of Defence Industries (SSB), has announced. Douglas you are as delusional as can be in your explanation (Bidens fault) for why this is happening. Ammunition depots. Unlike the Ukrainians who are, in the main, suffering out in the trench systems with a serious number of dont want to be here conscripts. Ooops! So we should of ordered NSM after all, as interim? Agree, that is the most likely route. You guys need more ships me thinks . Sadly its not nonsense, the number of ships laying off shore is rising. They hit targets of a 'simulated enemy' in 'large-scale' exercises involving 500 military personnel. Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev last week warned the United States that the hypersonic missiles would soon be close to NATO's shores. But do we have the money or willingness in the population to spend what money we have on defence rather than health or social services for example? See here for a complete list of exchanges and delays. Screen for heightened risk individual and entities globally to help uncover hidden risks in business relationships and human networks. The Ropucha-class landing ship can transport 10 main battle tanks and 340 troops or 12 BTRs and 340 troops or 3 main battle tanks, 3 2S9 Nona-S, 5 MT-LBs, 4 army trucks and 313 troops or 500 tons of cargo. US coast guard confirms Chinese and Russian warships off Alaska The rest of Ukraine is a sovereign state and fully independent of anyone. Do you regard all the military and NHS etc senior people joining companies after they retire that they may well have helped gain orders as corruption? Not many decent investigative journos around now. Ukraine has long accused Russia of having regular troops in the region, something Moscow denies. 'They discussed U.S. and international security and economic assistance to Ukraine, and the Secretary expressed appreciation for Ukraines continued calls for a diplomatic solution, stressing the need for Ukrainian unity in the face of the Russian threat,' Price said. But then we are talking about a Govt that is all style (and what style that is these days judging by the No.10 makeover) over remote substance and my do those Type 45s look smart and mean when they are out on the water especially when they have a dragon on the bow though Boris would probably add flock wallpaper as camaflage. The most comprehensive solution to manage all your complex and ever-expanding tax and compliance needs. Boris take a private plane back to London from a climate summit in order to get to a party thrown by a conservative party donor .. is that not more irritating than a child asking the adults toRead more , the swedes attitude to defence equipment and production is very good. If Russia did invade the Ukraine, could/would the UK and France deny Russia access through the channel? The German government even went so far as to brief journalists on Tuesday that cutting Russia off from international banking systems - the so-called 'nuclear option' of sanctions - was off the table, prompting angry denials from Washington. It was purely a theoretical consideration . In this second scenario NATO troops/aircraft dont even need to be in Ukraine thereby making it difficult for Putin to complain.