If you feel you are in a city that would need a bulletproof vehicle you can learn more about the security solutions by contacting us here. Johannesburg is one of the deadliest cities in the world. Transformative Travel: I look at how travel can change lives. Each country only has one city listed, except the United States, which has two. Mobile has been consistently ranked as one of the most dangerous cities in the country. But, when I'm researching that, I found there are more than the top 100 most dangerous cities in the world. Rates of 134.36 and 115.98 per 100,000 earned it No. So, I decided to make a list of at least the top 25 most dangerous cities. Even some of the places on the list are well worth a visit as long as youre careful. As a result, Cape Town is one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Displaying wealth in this city can lead you to kidnap. This violence is happening due to turf wars between the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel and the Jalisco Cartel New Generation. It is so close to the U.S.-Mexican border that it and its northern counterpart El Paso form a single metropolitan area. Despite having beautiful beaches and colorful skyscrapers, Salvador is the most dangerous city in the world. Unfortunately, the city can be quite dangerous due to its high crime rate and poor socio-economic conditions. It leads the way with the most murders, coming in at 2,911 homicides. Kingston has a murder rate of 59.7 per 100K people. Simultaneously, Tijuana is a manufacturing hub specializing in medical devices and other valuable products. Fortaleza is another most dangerous city in the world with 69 murders per 100,000 residents. The homicide rate dropped from 83.5 murders to 69 murders per 100,000 inhabitants in 2020, which was still an alarming figure. It is one of Venezuelas most important ports because it is the hub by which Bolivar state ships its manufactured goods. You can travel whenever you want during the day or night, alone or with your family. Being aware of the factsrather than simply the reputations of different citiesis paramount before a big move or vacationing.. St. Best Serial Killer . Violence is happening due to poverty and poor law and order. Acapulco, Mexico 54.13 Homicides Per 100,000 People, 17. Littered with stunning scenery, charming little towns,, Read More The 20 Best Places to Live in the Pacific NorthwestContinue, Los Angles might have more than its fair share of celebrities, but not everyone can afford armored cars and bodyguards. The company looked at 263 cities with populations greater than 100,000. Buenaventura has a long and horrific history of drug trafficking, violence, and murders due to the existence of rival cartels. It has a homicide rate of 59.33 per 100,000 inhabitants. This is due to widespread poverty, drug abuse, gang activity, and a lack of resources being afforded to law enforcement. A new poll of experts looks at female safest in 19 megacities. It is the worst city for women in Mexico. Its hillside neighborhoods are the stronghold of gangs like 221 or Los Locos include kidnappers, assassins, extortionists, car thieves, and killers. Poverty and violence between gangs and prisoners are the main reasons behind the high crime rate. Among them, Celaya was hit the hardest, thus explaining its number one position on this list. Why Ukraine is Europe's most dangerous border IAI TV As reported by CNN, the situation is so bad that higher authorities detained and disarmed Acapulcos police force in 2018 because of concerns of criminal infiltration. This is thanks to sandy beaches, luxurious hotels, and unending entertainment. Viewers outside the UK can watch the full film on YouTube. Those are below: Murder rate: 54.46 per 100,000 inhabitants. Most of the Mexican cities on the list exist within the Narcozone, areas of the country that are controlled by different cartels and where cartel-related violence can be rampant. 25. So you and your family will be at risk anytime and anywhere. Instead, St. Louis has held it since the mid-2010s. There was a time when people might have been most familiar with it because of its vehicle manufacturing industry. Or maybe youre now more curious about these areas and want to learn more. having bodyguards with you all the time and using armored vehicles. It has a per capita homicide rate of 53.79 per 100,000 inhabitants. Despite those unpromising beginnings, the city persevered to become a regional center of commerce, education, and domestic tourism. Armored vehicles give you the highest level of protection. 111 homicides per 100k people is a result of this violence. Porto Alegre, Brazil, had 34.73 homicides per 100,000 residents. Best Spa After spending my 20s and 30s as a Marketing Director who made use of every vacation day travelling the world I am now a nearly full time travel blogger who focuses on unique adventures in interesting places which end with a high thread count on the sheets and a decent glass of wine! The biggest surprise in the report? Presented and series produced by Ben Zand . Regardless, Los Cabos is a clear example of a city where you should definitely avoid straying away from tourist centers and into the suburbs. This city is famous for poverty and violent crime like rape, homicides, and kidnapping, etc. The world's 50 most dangerous cities are located in 11 countries: Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Puerto Rico, South Africa, the United States, and Venezuela. Food and Wine Its also home to several billion-dollar corporations, but its still one of the most dangerous cities in the United States and the world, especially outside the tourist zones. A number of factors can lead to any city being safe or dangerous, and while we didnt look into the exact hows or whys of each citys situation, Honolulu may be uniquely positioned due to its isolation from other major cities, and is among states with the strictest gun laws in the nation., Another thing going for Honolulu that it happens to share with the other safest cities: a high cost of living and a high standard of living. Memphis has an image of a beautiful city set along the Mississippi River and full of splendor. Caracas, Venezuela 52.82 Homicides Per 100,000 People, 18. This is the second-highest-ever homicide rate recorded by the MCPSCJ since it started recording data in 2008. First, Obregon was a surprisingly good general even though he was an untrained soldier. The per capita GDP is, Read More The 20 Richest Countries in the WorldContinue, South Carolina is a place of tropical beaches, gorgeous weather, and vibrant cities. For instance, the academic research MoneyGeek relied upon uses a cost of crime of about $9 million for murder while larceny is estimated to be around $3,500. 43. Unfortunately, it is one of the many cities with high economic inequality on this list. However, as is the case with cities all over the world, it is best not to stray away from main tourist areas. The economic impact also paints a clearer picture of the dangers in a certain place than just looking at crime rates, which suffer from a grouping problemsince the overall crime rate treats property and violent crime the same. Obviously, no city is perfect, and like most big metropolises, its got its share of seedy,, Read More The 10 Richest Neighborhoods in San DiegoContinue, What do Idaho, Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia all have in common? In 2020, Maryland Matters mentioned that the city continues to have a higher than average poverty rate for the United States at 21.8 percent of the population. Durban is the third largest and busiest city in South Africa but poverty is still at its peak. Once upon a time, Irapuato was safe. Tourists are unlikely to experience problems provided they take care. Schedule a time to come visit us. Home > News > Most Dangerous Cities in the World (2022) Deadliest & Most Violent, If you are traveling and need a bulletproof vehicle please see examples here: armormax.com/armored-cars. The citys also a playground for gangs, with turf wars a common thing. Most such incidents happen in Capetowns poorer townships. Visitors to the city are particularly prone to assault, muggings, pickpocketing, and scams. Im Amanda, an Australian who has been living in London for over 16 years. 42. These crimes are due to social unrest and poverty. Besides this, the city has an extra-bad reputation for violent crimes targeting women. Unfortunately, Vitoria da Conquista has a reputation for violence earned over time. TUCKER CARLSON: One thing we have learned after many years in the news business is that every once in a while you've got to eat some crow and admit that despite your best intentions, you were . For the average LA resident, security and safety are real concerns which makes choosing the, Read More The 10 Safest Places to Live in Los AngelesContinue, There are various ways to determine how wealthy a particular country is. The cost of crime per capita is not only a data point about how much crime happens in a given population, but it also demonstrates the severity of the crimes happening, says Milnes. Los Cabos is a city that has been developed relatively recently for tourism, thanks largely to its ideal location. Cities that have higher costs and standards of living tend to also have lower levels of violent crime, says Milnes. However, its tourism has been vanished due to high rates of crime. Unfortunately, these are overshadowed by the citys high levels of crime. I have visited over 70 countries and love finding hidden gems, boutique hotels and great food and wine. Tucker Carlson: Lori Lightfoot Inadvertently Exposed Democrat Party's Aside from homicide, youd have to keep your eyes open for petty theft like pickpocketing, robberies, and the like as small-time criminals mostly target tourists. It also happens due to shootouts between rival drug cartels and violence in prisons as well. But behind this image lies a long history of violence and crime aided by an insufficient education system and few economic opportunities. The Top 25 Most Dangerous Cities in the World at a Glance. The 50 most dangerous cities in the world - USA Today 30 Most Dangerous Cities in the U.S. - Yahoo Sports It is not a good idea for foreigners to visit either Caracas or the rest of Venezuela right now. Let's Look at the Data", "Most Dangerous Cities in the World (2022) Deadliest & Most Violent", "Number of homicides in selected cities in Venezuela 2020", "These Cities Reported the Highest Homicide Rates in 2021", "D.C. saw 227 homicides in 2021, as murders increased for the fourth year in a row", "The 20 Most Dangerous Cities in Europe in 2019", "Homicide rate of cities in England 2022", "Over 280 people murdered in Istanbul this year", "Hungary: number of murders in Budapest 2020", Drug and precursor laws by country or territory, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_cities_by_homicide_rate&oldid=1130898090, Short description is different from Wikidata, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 January 2023, at 14:35. The Spanish conquered what would become Zacatecas because of its mineral riches. Celaya, Mexico - 109.39 homicides/100K A street in Celaya, Mexico. Certain areas in the city are best avoided. This includes the Sinaloa Cartel, the Jalisco New Generation Cartel, and the Arellano Felix Organisation. It has seen an uptick in femicide rates and is thus one of the worst cities for women. Whether you travel a lot or only go on vacation every once in a blue moon, it is always important to know about the area you are in. Murder rate: 37.56 per 100,000 inhabitants. By aggregating each crime into an easily readable stat based on population, we can make broad comparisons about which are the most dangerous cities in the country.. These choices have two important implications. According to the MCPSCJ, about 52.30 people die for every 100,000 inhabitants. For example, murders and high-level assaults have higher costs than larceny or simple theft. These Are The Most Popular Video Streaming Services In Every Country As a result, this has given rise to gang-related crime in a city that only first appeared on the list in 2014. Riot police officers detaining two men during a protest against the 2014 World Cup in Porto Alegre in 2014. Let me know in the comments below what you think about the most dangerous cities in the world. The Caribbean is one of the most peaceful and safest regions in the world, therefore making it a prime tourist destination. Then, organized crime found it worthwhile to start fighting for the areas illicit oil. Mobile and Birmingham both have higher than average crime rates and relatively lower standards of living., In its report, MoneyGeek also looked at mass shootings. Here's Where Washington, D.C. Ranks Among Most Dangerous Cities In U.S Those who dont have the proper resources then turn to crime for sustenance, making for a dangerous environment. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. 2 in 2013 and 2014 . Yet violent crimes totaled 344 in 2020, for a ratio of 2,908.8 per 100,000. Even so, it is bad enough to place on this list. The city has a long-standing reputation for being sketchy, and its one of the unsafest cities in the world. Hi! In this article, we will examine the top 10 most dangerous jobstop 10 most dangerous jobs Thanks to that, he exerted immense influence over education, land ownership, and even national identity. Cumana, Venezuela 62.42 Homicides Per 100,000 People, 10. Mossoro has one of the highest murder rates in Brazil. The murder rate is 69 per 100k residents that demolishes all its positive exposure. The large presence of organised crime is mostly responsible for the violence here. Survivability in the cities with the highest murder rates becomes a lot easier with state of the art armored protection. People visit Kingston for a wide range of reasons. Unfortunately, its also one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Any city can be one of the most violent cities in the world for you in which you become a victim. The most prominent crime, apart from murder, includes kidnappings, extortion, and mass shootings. A Venezuelan expat dislikes "the mistreatment of women, the poor working conditions and the general lack of common courtesy." The skyline of Nairobi, one of the most dangerous places to live.. With 138 homicides per 100,000 citizens reported, the resort city of Tijuana is the most dangerous place in the world. While a scenic city otherwise, Ciudad Obregon is a vital region in the world of crime. Indeed, it is the single most visited border city in the world. This list reproduces the lists in the two cited sources, and does not incorporate data from other sources. Now, this city has become a city to avoid with 86 murders per 100,000 residents. Theres not much in Vitoria da Conquista to attract visitors asides from a handful of historic buildings. The highest ranked city outside of Latin America is St. Louis in the United States, which is ranked fourteenth with. Learn about common requests others have. Here are what WorldAtlas considers to be the 20 most dangerous cities in the world based on the annual number of homicides per 100,000 people: Vitoria da Conquista isnt one of Brazils more notable cities. Even worse, the majority of murders go unpunished due to a lack of resources and corruption in law enforcement. Port Moresby: The world's most dangerous city to be a woman? The main reasons behind this violence are human trafficking and drug trades by different gangs. Mass shootings are a particular scourge on American life, says Gordon. Ciudad Guayana is the most populous city in Bolivar state in the countrys southeast. Uruapan predates the Spanish Conquest. Cumana has a long history. Their presence has since caused a wide range of other illegal operations to spring up, thus worsening the situation. Mexico has five cities, Brazil has three, and Venezuela has two. When it comes to travel, it's imperative that you are cautious in choosing a destination and that you make an effort to choose destinations that are safe for you and your family. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Another reason for the violence is a rivalry between the Sinaloa and Tijuana cartels. It doesnt help that the city has seen increased inequality between its prominent neighbourhoods and those that are struggling. Such proximity makes Ciudad Juarez a strategic point for organized crime. Baltimore is an amazing city with a lovely culture, stunning architecture, and electric nightlife. The capital of South Africa also falls on the list of most dangerous cities in the world with 66.36 per 100K residents. Its a helpful report to consider, whether youre traveling or just a concerned citizen. While you are free to travel at your own risk and visit whatever town suits your interests, we want to give you a heads up on some of the most dangerous cities in the world. Further, we will guide you on how to travel to these cities safely with your family. It is happening due to organized gangs and economic hardships. Petty theft is most common so be very careful. There are areas with limited and corrupt police services, high levels of poverty, gang activity that are the leading causes for this crime rate. Despite being named after one of the most peaceful leaders of the past 100 years, the Bay area named for Nelson Mandela is anything but peaceful. However, most people call it Acapulco for the sake of convenience. List of cities by homicide rate - Wikipedia The 10 Most Dangerous Cities in Europe in 2022 - Medium So why should people care about the cost of crime? 30 Most Dangerous Cities in the World | Far & Wide We'll leave the planning up to you but wanted to help out by providing you with a list of the 30 most dangerous cities in the world, based on murder rates. You probably wouldn't avoid visiting any city in the country but would simply exercise caution in specific areas. Confusingly, Zacatecas refers to both the state and the states capital. It can be dangerous for visitors to venture into the city without having a local guide them. With a population of just over 1.5 million people, Ciudad Juarez is the most populous city in the state of Chihuahua. Besides, cities themselves are microcosms where crime is unequally spread. 25 Most Dangerous Cities In The US - Yahoo Finance In 2021, this further dropped to 44.71 homicides per 100,000 people. 20. Precautions vary city by city, but there are some general things you can do to make sure you have a safe trip. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean that it's always a safe one. That could mean avoiding traveling alone, researching the best neighborhoods to stay in, not staying out late or booking with a local tour company. However, if you need to travel, have a security escort with you all the time or act upon the foreign offices advice. This city is famous for poverty and violent crime like rape, homicides, and kidnapping, etc. The 50 Most Dangerous Cities In The World - Elite Daily This Mexican city recorded 2,124 homicides for the year, the countrys highest. Nevertheless, most tourists are unlikely to experience problems provided they stay in the right area; anybody who strays off into the surrounding favelas could be putting their lives at risk. Murder rate: 87.83 per 100,000 inhabitants. While many jobs may come with certain risks, some professions pose significantly more danger than others. Cuernavaca is another of Mexicos most dangerous cities, and its found in the state of Morelos. San Juan is the largest city of Puerto Rico with 42.40 homicides per 100,000 residents. The report allows us to see what factors may connect safe and dangerous cities to each other. There are many factors to consider when contemplating what city in the world would be the best fit for you personally- will you like the weather, what amenities are provided, the outdoor facilities and parks, will you be able to enjoy a nice assortment of cuisines, and most importantly: will you survive? With 111.3 homicides in every 100K people, Los Cabos is the second most dangerous city in the world. You should travel in armored vehicles when visiting this city for your protection. As with Mexico, however, missing out on going to Brazil would be a pretty big mistake. One of those reasons is tourism despite the citys high crime rates. With a population of just over two million, Tijuana shares a border with the city of San Diego. On the travel side of things, while there are no 100% certain ways of avoiding danger, there are certainly areas that are safer than others. Sadly it is also one of the most dangerous cities in the world outside of tourist-heavy areas, and even those places arent entirely safe. Even so, the fighting is fierce. It still falls in the list of the top three most dangerous places in the world. Here are what WorldAtlas considers to be the 20 most dangerous cities in the world based on the annual number of homicides per 100,000 people: 20. Police are also ill-equipped to help locals, and visitors like yourself should you fall victim to crime. The World's Most Dangerous Cities Revealed - MSN