Card payments collected by DeltaQuest Media Limited, company no. This smart lamp brings elements of nature to indoor spaces by mimicking natural light. I informed my credit card company and re-opened the dispute. It only takes one click! Under-the-desk bikes are very useful in increasing daily physical activity and offer an active sitting alternative. We believe in comfort and ease in every aspect of life. The seat is finally equipped with custom quick release hinges. It seems that if the BeYou Chair was a successful product of the Makerspace, they would have promoted the Kickstarter and continued to promote throughout these additional launches. Read more on our blog: you liked this, check these trending projects!Cliclap: Origami Bottle: 5 Gadgets: more on our blog: to our newsletter: Follow us on Social Media and never miss an update again:Facebook: Pinterest: Tik Tok: #Chair #Kickstarter that can take a beating in tough environments. Swopper stools do not have backs, which is clever, as it tends to force us into better posture when sitting on them. Address:5725 S Valley View Blvd Las Vegas NV 89118, Join over 10,000 subscribers who receive exclusive deals, back health support, newsletter and first look at our blog. If you're slouching in your boring, old office chair, have a look at our 15 non-traditional office chair alternatives to improve your posture and boost your productivity! At this point, let the buyer beware. Hurry, less than 24 hours left! Seat Product: Fit Together. Oak veneer coats the exterior parts of BeYou so that the chair not only conforms to your body but also your room and office, or wherever you choose to position your BeYou chair. It is for an address in Detroit, but they use the suburb name and don't include a Suite number - you can't actually mail anything to them without the suite number and it is not possible to confirm a link to that address and BeYou, Bravo Tribe, or the Lost Luggage ID Limited LLC (Hong Kong company). Get your BeYou transforming chair that lets you sit in any position that feel great to.. BeYou! Not a single human being has sat on one. With your BeYou transforming chair, you can do waaay more than just sit. Find out everything aboutHow It Works here. 1 curlyheadedfuck123 1 mo. Alles, was Sie sich erinnern mssen, ist, dass sich Ihre neue Adresse im selben Land befinden muss oder in einem der von uns gelieferten Lnder. As you work to meet your deadlines and get into that focused zone, your back slowly hunches forward until your eyes are inches away from your computers screen and your shoulders are touching your ear lobes. I can't confirm that the school is real, so again, do your own research and digging on that to see if it affects you. Move it backwards or forwards, up or down and even tilt it slightly. Don't be afraid to take breaks They make it very easy for us to get in more exercise and physical activity while performing our job duties at the exact same time. Shaped to fit the natural curves of your spine, the seats lumbar support induces perfect alignment of your spine. I have had back and hip pain for awhile, and its noticeably gone now. The price does not include shipping costs. Altogether, this is a fine choice for a task chair if you prefer something with a bit more rigidity and crave less brutalistic aesthetics behind your desk. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. We believe in the power of communities and their ability to come together and bring innovative ideas to life. 3 We're currently in the final optimisation stage, making BeYou the best chair it can be. You can even use the backrest as a seat and finally sit comfortably with your legs crossed in a chair made for you. Wir werden alle durch unsere monatlichen Updates verffentlichen. Best Desk Chairs: 5 Super-Fancy Seats to Upgrade Your Workday | WIRED Winter Sale: Get WIRED for just $29.99 $5 Get unlimited access to and exclusive subscriber-only content for. No more heating pad for me. Do your research. Wir versenden in 35 Lnder der Welt: Vereinigte Staaten, Kanada, Vereinigtes Knigreich, Australien, Israel, China, Singapur, Hongkong, Schweiz, Norwegen und die Europische Union (mit Ausnahme der Republik Zypern und Malta). which shifts its centre of gravity, giving it excellent stability. * The reviews below are the opinions of our beta-testers, crowdfunding backers and pre-order customers. The chair is finished with an oak veneer and premium fabric that is highly resistant to stains and wear. However apart from the connections I could find, no other connections seem to exist. BeYou's special cushion fabric is stain resistant and withstands wear & tear exceptionally well. Free Shipping to the 48 Contiguous States of America. Thats why BeYou, the endlessly transformative chair from Bravo Tribe, was designed. Watch world-renowned Dr. Travis Stork explain why he believes the all33 BackStrong chair is a must-have for anyone who sits throughout the day. Kinda. Who wants to rub up against something rigid when the seat is supposed to be soft all over? Youregisterfor the next pre-order event right now and secure your special discount. She works to design manufacturing spaces and processes to be as safe on the human body as possible while also maintaining the efficiency of the processes. BeYou Chair - The Transforming Chair With 10+ Ways You Can Sit You get to be among the very first people in the world to own a truly transforming BeYou chair! I last got an update from the company in September saying they plan to ship them early 2022. It fits under your desk and makes typing on your keyboard much easier. These are great because they can be adjusted throughout the day, depending on whether you want to sit in your office chair/other choice of seat or stand up. I love to sit cross legged and change position, this was the perfect solution! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Given the low priceat $649, it's about half that of all the other chairs reviewed hereReGeneration really cant compete on the feature front, and its missing a few important adjustment options. instead of telling you how to sit, beyou transforms itself so you can sit comfortably in a position that feels great for you. If you use these links to buy something, we may earn a commission. The convertible chair is cushioned with soft and durable fabric that wraps itself over a double layer of foam for a bouncy and form-fitting seat rest. images and videos courtesy of bravo tribe. This Chair Helps You Effortlessly Change Position Anytime You Want With over $7m of Pre-Orders Worldwide, This Revolutionary Chair Helps You Enjoy The Benefits Of Movement Even While Sitting By Jennifer Williams - December 18 , 2021 beyou is built by a team with decades of experience in sitting. You can see some pictures of the Natural and Black BeYou choices in the gallery, on our Product page.As some of our community members expressed their enthusiasm in having more colours for the chair, our team will compile all the feedback received and see what options we can consider for the future development of the BeYou project. Add $349 for every additional BeYou chair you want or choose the 2x reward below. Also, Indigogo has even less info about the founders. European Union, Canada and Australia, Shipping Will Be Charged At A Later Date. Features include oak veneer panels, metal for the frame, a wide base to support your weirdest . Proceed with caution - BeYou Chair has some questionable details. Best Transformable chair and its review - YouTube As it stands, the $1,150 chair provides a workable seat, but again, its the headrest that really elevates it. Make sure you also check out our Frequently asked questions section. No wispy rubber netting here. When BeYou Chair claims that it offers 10+ ways to sit, it isn't exaggerating. compromise, even when using the backrest as a seat in the highest positions. Its super easy to assemble in under 20 minutes with minimal tools (included in the package). Had a long day and still want to stream something? Each wing can be set in 5 positions. Absolutely! ago Damn dude. We hold a few pre-order events per year, only for a limited time. BeYou can transform into more than ten different positions and can manage an overall weight of up to 400lb so that you wont ever feel like you have sacrifice your physical comfort for workday focus. Es ist super einfach, in weniger als 20 Minuten mit minimalen Werkzeugen (im Paket enthalten) zu montieren. So excited for it, congrats on an amazing product! Nod Makerspace makes no mention of the BeYou Chair on their website or instagram. This Is BeYou Chair And It Offers Over 10 Ways To Sit - Shouts This means the wooden parts of BeYou are beautifully finished, very strong and extremely durable. The X-Tra Camera Battery scam and this is super similar. We make your BeYou to order, so because youre a bit patient, we can offer you great deals. You are helping to preserve the planet- we will plant 1 tree for every chair ordered. You become part of the movement revolution- we like to call ourselves the trendsitters. This seems unethical to me, but is also a red flag for scams. Alle unsere erstaunlichen Kunden vorbestellt Kunden erhalten ihre Bestellung in diesem Herbst 2021. Yeah, for real. The biggest favourites will be available for pre-order! You can also opt-out of the wheels for some fixed casters that keep BeYou grounded and stuck in place. Let us know in the comments! Try to sit in a few different ways throughout the day, so you don't get stiff. With your BeYou transforming chair, you can do waaay more than just sit. Agreed completely. Use it as a laptop stand or a table thats perfect for your lunch. Other than the same repeated advertisement everywhere, none of the people from the big group of friends is giving interviews or talking publicly about the chair. The spirit of this chair and what makes it so special is that it isnt fixed by any means, it was designed to be ever-changing to meet your growing needs. Black Church, St. Marys Place, Dublin 7, Ireland. But unless you're an Aeron nerd, you probably wont notice the difference. marc newson also tops the public toilets exterior with a copper 'minoko' roof, a reference to traditional japanese architecture. When reclined, the chair automatically adjusts the tension, tightening up the further back you push. The armrests work as extendable wings and can also be positioned in 3 different ways. This includes your office area, living room, kitchen and even the bathroom if you just cannot let go of your work for even a few minutes! Lean back (which requires pushing quite hard) and the chair feels like its thrusting your waist forward, almost like its going to eject you from the seat altogether. Es ist ein Win-Win! This reduces turning and twisting for both our necks and our backs and helps to reduce any strain or pressure we may be feeling from these motions. beyou boasts three main elements: its made from quality materials, it comes with unparalleled versatility and, most importantly, it empowers you to enjoy the benefits of movement even when sitting for many hours in a row. On the website the Terms of Service indicate it is BeYouChair that holds trademarks etc. Also, Indigogo has even less info about the founders. VTC-blog - BeYou Chair Two un-named collaborators were replying to comments on that site. Free shipping.Free shipping to the 48 Contiguous States of America. Difficulty in getting in and out of the chair, Potential for injury if the user loses balance, Potential to slip off the back of the chair, Can easily be stored in smaller office/desk areas, Potential for injury, as with any exercise equipment, Some desk heights may inhibit leg movement with bike, The choice to sit or stand throughout the day, Increased pressure on lower extremities when standing, Potential to fall off due to no back rest, Ability to work from anywhere in your home or office, Potential for items to fall off the workstation when it is being moved around, Increase in muscle use from movement of the stool, Can potentially cause tiredness from moving all day, Office attire versus exercise attire must be considered, Potential for joint damage from constant standing, Increases muscle movement throughout workday, May not work for all flooring types such as carpet, Potential to fall asleep if leaning back to work, The sizes of some desks may not accommodate space for a foot hammock, Possibility of feet getting stuck and causing an injury. I can't confirm that the school is real, so feel free to add to that research if you are able. Work stress can negatively affect us both at work and at home so its incredibly beneficial to find ways to combat stress however you can. I'm so sad because I want it to be real! Senden Sie uns eine kurze E-Mail an und wir melden uns so schnell wie mglich bei Ihnen. Sitting still is bad for you. BeYou's special cushion fabric is stain resistant and withstands wear & tear exceptionally well. In der Zwischenzeit halten wir Sie mit monatlichen Updates auf dem Laufenden, in denen wir Bilder und Videos aus der Produktionslinie enthalten, damit Sie sehen knnen, wie Ihr BeYou-Stuhl erstellt wird. You probably spend more time in your desk chair than in your bed. Still, those may be acceptable tradeoffs given the money youll save, particularly if youre outfitting an entire office with them. Better breathing, better blood flow, and relief from pain. You can see some pictures of the Natural and Black BeYou choices in the gallery, on our Product page.As some of our community members expressed their enthusiasm in having more colours for the chair, our team will compile all the feedback received and see what options we can consider for the future development of the BeYou project. Wir glauben an die Macht der Gemeinden und ihre Fhigkeit, zusammenzukommen und innovative Ideen zum Leben zu bringen. A quick caveat: Like clothing and shoes, task chairs can fit different body types quite differently. The ability to kick back leads to both an increase in comfort and physical health benefits. Sobald die Massenproduktionsoptimierung abgeschlossen ist, starten wir die Herstellung und Lieferung aller Vorbestellungen. 1 year limited warranty. Per an IG comment this week, they are still in PRE-production. they raised $1M (of their 30k goal) on kickstarter, and over 3M on indiegogo shouldn't they be busy producing, instead of running massive facebook ad campaigns for yet more preorder? This is the chair you are truly proud to own. Suffice it to say its the only chair in this roundup I could take a catnap in. Induces perfect posture by aligning all 33 vertebrae, Revolutionary tech that keeps you in motion, Chiropractor designed and doctor recommended, Boosts energy through increased circulation and movement, Enhances performance and focus, ideal for long hours of work, Named Best Ergonomic Chair for Back Pain by Popular Science, This is the best chair on the market. BeYou fits under your desk no matter how you like to sit: lounge, cross legged and even backwards. If you added the Priority Processing service to your pre-order, it will be included in our first batch, so the current estimated shipping for your BeYou chair is the second half of February 2023. The BeYou wheel base is up to 40% wider than traditional chairs. Use it as a laptop stand or a table thats perfect for your lunch. The guy has not photos or social media linked to his "amazing" chair. They have been getting crowndfunding money since September 2020 (through Kickstarter, then Indigogo, and now on their own website) and have produced ZERO chairs but have $7 million and just "launched" another round of of the pre-order crowdfunding campaign. Wir werden im Herbst 2021 mit dem Versand aller Vorbestellungen beginnen. We send our entire community regular updates until then. the chair features an adjustable backrest that doubles as an elevated seat and table or work surface, armrests that double as extendable wings, and custom built quick-release hinges. They are extremely comfortable to work in and allow for you to remain comfortable for the duration of your work period. They claim to be called two different names in the Kickstarter campaign BEYou Chair or Bravo Tribe and indicate headquarters are in Los Angeles (not Detroit). The quick-release hinges that switch the chairs positions and presentation are user-friendly in that they operate through simple, intuitive mechanical movements. Sie kommen zu den ersten Menschen auf der Welt, um einen wirklich verwandelten Beyou-Stuhl zu besitzen. This transforming chair with 10+ seating styles means there is finally BeYou is also perfectly tailored for your home office. Or what might be the worlds comfiest elbow pad. Really struggling working from home at the moment and this is exactly what I need. Wobble stools allow for us to turn 360 degrees in them as needed, allowing us a full range of motion. For the time being, while the standard fabric colour for the cushions is black, our pre-order community can choose between these 2 colour options for the wooden parts: Natural or Black. The hinges are made out of powder coated steel. That way, you can rely on the base and backrest to support you without If I could turn back time, I'd likely not order, but I do hope I still receive the product. The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. With, Designed as a 54-part puzzle that can easily be assembled on-site, the My Football Kit by Nendo aims at creating a long-lasting football for low-income, Despite its bare-bones aesthetic, Delight is actually quite clever! The hinges work to reveal over ten different positions into which BeYou can transform. 2 Fulfilment is estimated to start in December. Horizontal desk chairs have you leaning back in them, much like a recliner. BBB File Opened: 11/5/2021. According to their website (9.13.2021) they have raised over $7 million dollars on pre-orders. The name on the Kickstarter profile is Christopher David Pope. 1. On the other hand, the flexible back moves well along with the user, and the armrests offer a high level of flexibility with three different adjustments available here alonealthough, like the Aeron, these too are easily shifted out of place. Swopper stools essentially lead to constant movement while seated on one. * The reviews below are the opinions of our beta-testers, crowdfunding backers and pre-order customers. BeYou - The Transformative Chair That Allows You To Be You BeYou - This Highly Transformable Chair is Made of Wood It only takes one click and nd you can do it all while sitting down. Youll receive regular updates about BeYou. 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The founder name on the Kickstarter brings up nothing. Recline tension is binary; you can either sit up straight or kick back all the way. BeYou Transforming Chair - Cool Things Wir schtzen, dass die Versandgebhr pro Stuhl je nach Zielland etwa 50 bis 100 US-Dollar betragen wird. You get the best possible price- our pre-order customers enjoy discounts of up to 42% off compared to retail pricing. They just launched another round of preorders after getting over $7 million from people. We pay duties and taxes for the United States, United Kingdom, European Union, Canada and Australia. Or youll have to wait months and months until the next one. There are so many cool desks out there, including treadmill desks. $49.00. When horizontal, it unlocks a whole new list of ways you can sit, relax or work on your BeYou. The benefits of sitting-to-standing workstations have been widely studied and include burning calories, strain relief on certain body parts such as the back and hips and an increase in muscle use from standing. Our chairs allow your pelvis to move the way it does while you walk so all33 vertebrae align into perfect posture. Whatever works for you. Whatever you do, you can now do it in the BEYOU chair. We are also doing our best to cover duties and taxes for all countries we ship to, however there might still be some regions where this is not possible. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Each adjustable part of BeYou reshapes in ways weve come to expect in office chairs: simple, quick-release hinge mechanisms, sliding levers and turning knobs that click into place. Your body will naturally tell you when its time to switch positions.Then, all you have to do is listen to it.,, The city on Indigogo is New Castle (which is in Delaware). If you live outside of our current shipping areas, please fill in this form and well let you know once we start delivering to your country: Or what might be the world's comfiest elbow pad. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.