The deer closed within range, and Jared took the 27-yard, quartering-away shot. That's based on photos from 2010, when he clearly wasn't over 3 1/2. Again, Moreland tried to call his buddy with the tracking dog again, but couldnt reach him. He charged in out of nowhere. In the end, Josh walked right up on the buck. Purdue clinched the Big Ten regular-season title outright earlier in the day when Illinois beat Bobby Cleveland has covered sports in Mississippi for over 40 years. All three deer were within 20 yards, and thats when he heard a fourth deer, then a fifth, coming from the same direction. Every deer I harvest means something. Bowhunting is the primary management tool in this region. The region is unique to Arkansas in that it doesn't have a traditional rifle season. Mike Clerkin heads to Buffalo County, Wisconsin to bowhunt whitetails. After the 60-day drying period, he again taped the rack. The 5-Heaviest Whitetail Deer Ever Killed - On record A hunter in St. Louis County, Missouri, found the B&C world record in 1981. One young buck the family called Lefty frequented the area. My dads spirits never once faltered.. Stacy Fowler -- 212 6/8 non-typical muzzleloader kill -- Scott County 2. Lee Dixon and his father have been hunting together for 28 years. "I've always loved deer hunting," the young sportsman says. My other younger brother was hunting the same property 200 yards away and I called him, he said. Hooper waited 15 minutes before starting the recovery. And on Thursday, Myers was found guilty of the . I knew he was a shooter, but I didnt really see all that he had. Chase Watson shot the biggest buck he's ever killed two weeks ago while hunting from a treestand on his family's farm in Arkansas. I do know it was not the deer I killed. "But he evaded me. Typical: 186 1/8 inches. These are world-class numbers, and there's no doubt the animal fell to a most deserving bowhunter. It was a special deer. In this edition of "From The Stand," Pat Hogan explains the importance of being aware of proper clearance when using your bow or crossbow out in the field. Subscribe to OL+ for our best feature stories and photography. I thought he was bigger than 190. He has trail . The buck took three steps and bounced back. All I had been doing for the last four years was hunt this deer, and there he was, lying dead. So I was pretty nervous when I started that walk across that field.. His late grandfather started JJ Ranch in 1961, but passed in 2009, and its been worked by the family ever since. Beka Garris Did I hit him in the leg? That errant shot allowed him to stay in the stand, wait another hour or so and shoot and kill a 183-inch 16-point non-typical with double drop tines. The first time, the buck was chasing does and didnt come close enough for a shot. In regions without great habitat, many deer seem to plateau out after age 4 1/2 and don't make the huge leaps in antler development. Jacob Latimer first learned of this buck during the 2020 deer season. The doe he was following came right beneath my platform.. I finally decided to take a chance and take off work. The Pope and Young Club's minimum score for world record non typical whitetail bucks is 155 inches, which would be a great deer, likely with a great camp story to match that would only get better with . The buck was running with another good deer, but a cold front on Oct. 16 split them up. The buck dropped close by, but as Watson climbed down the tree to make a follow-up shot, the strap on one of his climbing sticks broke and he fell roughly 17 feet to the ground. I was trying not to pass out. While in Mississippi, Hooper made many friends and became a serious deer hunter, joining a club in Scott County. . Cole Hartman, of Dundee, N.Y., arrowed this impressive, 10-point buck on Oct. 31 "on our new property located just in Schuyler County. "There was no way he could get any bigger. But I promise yall this, I feel my dad more now than I ever have. The buck was at 50 yards and closing. The next morning, he greeted sunrise from his tree stand. Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. Despite his pursuit to further his education, his desire to pursue the buck hadn't diminished. The farm seems different now. Blocker Outdoors Finisher gloves, headcovers and other accessories are available in Mossy Oak Bottomland and Mossy Oak Obsession NWTF camouflage patterns to match various turkey hunting terrain. He was hunting near a pond and a small field. It was bittersweet. Rather, there's a short muzzleloader/shotgun season. Fast forwarding to Sept. 7, 2021, the day brought hot temperatures. Yes, the two most giant bucks ever didn't fall to the bullet or arrow of a hunter. They didn't want me to leave. I called my dad and said, 'It's over. I saw a big-bodied deer with extremely wide antlers that day, too, but I thought it was just a 6-point. Likewise, the last 200-class buck to break into Boone and Crocket Club's list, which includes gun-hunted deer, was also killed in 2003, and 2000 before that. We purchased more cellular trail cameras. The action was fast and furious right from the get-go. I could see his left horn and it looked bloody, and I instantly thought he was still in velvet. I shot a giant, not only with the body size, but the headgear to boot. I shot the exact hair on the deer that I was aiming for, says Moreland. The big buck was right behind her. "I could feel myself starting to sway. Heres a detailed look at each step of the process. "I hunted every weekend in 2013," Ryan recalls. He stood behind a big pecan tree for about five minutes. They didnt have any encounters with the deer until after the rut. The big buck walked in front of Lees father while he was hunting, but unfortunately, the deer broke off its entire right side. Berryville buck surprises archer - Arkansas Online Heres how to avoid the poseurs and choose the right one. Top 10 States for Monster Whitetails - An Official Journal Of The NRA Knowing the buck was too far away for a shot, Murdaugh carefully stalked down the fence line toward where hed last seen the deer. He had cameras at the private hunting lease he hunts with his brother, Josh. Hunter convicted of poaching largest black bear ever seen in Pa. county I settled the crosshairs where I needed to place the bullet and steadied the rifle. The following year, he put on significant main beam length. Eventually, a doe walked right between the two challengers. He went to the mock scrape I set up earlier in the fall and started pawing the ground, Martinson said. Non-Typical: 312 inches. Jurassic-era insect found near Arkansas Walmart . This deer had a track that was undeniable. Over the next couple weeks, Watson followed him, moving from spot to spot, but he only caught glimpses on trail cameras. It was taken on a morning hunt during the modern gun Christmas season. My dad started taking me when I was three years old. Two weeks ago, Arkansas hunter Chase Watson took the biggest buck hes ever killed however it came with a price. It ran about 50 yards and expired in the middle of the open field.While the buck scored 166 inches, it was the character that impressed her and others so much. He logged many days on stand from dark to dark until mid-November. Typical whitetail record set in state - Arkansas Democrat-Gazette When they found the arrow, coated with chunks of meat and hair and little blood, they knew the buck was not dead, and backed out. The brother came to join Luke for the search, and the two found the buck dead in that last treetop. The buck spun and took off into thick cover. She milled around the stand within 20 yards while the buck stood at 40 yards, antsy. Where Lefty was bedding this day was almost impenetrable, so I opted to take a turkey seat and hunt off the ground.. "I keep cameras up nine months of year on the 300-acre block of woods I'm now in charge of managing," he says. Then, the buck disappeared again for more than a week.. Bucks this big dont get that way by being stupid. . I followed it up with a few grunts and grabbed my rifle. In hindsight, Ryan is glad no one killed the big buck in 2011. And 11 years later, he is still shooting a trad bow. County Sex Count; Arkansas: Antlered: 1699: Arkansas: Button Buck: 156: Arkansas: Doe: 1410: Ashley: Antlered: 1495: Ashley: Button Buck: 301: Ashley: Doe: 2418 . After a quick congratulatory text, Ryan looked up to see a trotting doe. Ive been hunting all my life, Murdaugh said. Arkansas Hunter Falls From Tree Stand After Arrowing the Biggest Buck of His Life. In retrospect, Watson believes the buck probably died after the first shot. Jason Lucas didnt have any history with this buck from prior seasons, but he knew this was a surefire target when he first saw it in 2021. The stage now was set for him to truly blossom into a world-class trophy. Bowhunting gives the deer a chance to grow. My mom, dad and buddy, Trevor, came to the farm to experience the recovery with me, he said. The state archery record is a 188 5/8 buck from Pawnee County which was killed by Gunner Womack of Morrison two years ago. With a whopping 40 inches of non-typical growth, he has a gross Boone & Crockett score of 215 3/8. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission I was just speechless. Jake Murdaugh is a rancher who spends much of his time living the agricultural lifestyle. The moment Moreland got photos of a buck with wide, heavy antlers and what looked like 15 scoreable points, he made the decision to target only that deer. Discover the Most Dangerous (Deadliest) Animals in Arkansas Konschak was hunting deer in nearby property and said he killed what he thought were . With an unofficial Boone and Crockett score of 194 1/8 inches, the . In this edition of "Big Buck Profile," Gordon Whittington talks with young whitetail hunter Reid Crawford about his trophy buck taken in 2017. He grabbed his bow, drew back, settled the pin, and took the 22-yard, broadside shot. Check out more stories, videos and educational how-to's on deer hunting. Hall just couldnt seem to be there at the same time as the buck. It was a 5 X 7 main-frame 12, with one one-inch drop tine and several sticker points off the brow tines and other tines.. What is the world record for the biggest deer shot? Again, the deer skirted his stand near the middle of the 300-acre block in the same place as the year before. Being in the open, Wilson decided to sit still and let the buck continue to walk in the direction he was traveling, hoping it would cross in front and provide a right-handed shot. Its where I untangle my mind., Jason Lucas Illinois WhitetailScore: 168 inchesDate of Kill: Dec. 8, 2021Location: Central IllinoisWeapon: Mathews Triax compound bow. My dad gave me news that he had terminal liver and pancreatic cancer. And theres only one of their treestands thats beside water. Despite having broken off a 9-inch tine on his left side when he crashed, there was no ground shrinkage. Realtree is committed to providing an inclusive and accessible experience to everyone, including those with disabilities.2023 Jordan Outdoor Enterprises, Ltd. All rights reserved.