He has kept her alive, He can keep her alive for many more years to come. This Bible verse is also an amazing birthday prayer AND a birthday blessing! Help her learn to seek you, and make you part of her life. My beloved daughter, on your birthday, I pray that the Heavens bless you with the most important . These happy birthday prayers for baby girls birthday will not only have far-reaching effects in your baby girls life but will serve as good wishes for her 1st year. As youre a year older, may the universe always be kind to you. And may your needs continually be met. Happy first year birthday! When the time is right for compliance, help her to bend. May only wonderful gifts and good news fill your life, for the rest of your days. Happy birthday, sweetheart. Cheers! Best Birthday Prayers for a Daughter (and Blessings) by Category, I always want to include amazing NICU grads! Amen. Dear Heavenly Father, On this special day, I thank You for the gift of life You have given to my firstborn son. Bless us too, Holy Father, And this food with which we celebrate. May you always be blessed with what you deserve. Love you, baby. Keep being you! . Especially around the time of my kids birthdays, it is a good reminder that it is so crucial to lift my children up in prayer. The grandfather in this poem is open to new ideas and technology and is learning both from his granddaughter. Blessing Prayer. Happy 1st birthday, baby. 1st Birthday Wishes for Daughter - Happy Birthday Wisher Heavenly Father, I am so thankful for your unwavering protection, guidance, and provision for my first child. Amen. Dear Lord, on this special day we thank you for the gift of our first born. Happy 6th Birthday, my lovely daughter! Continue with Recommended Cookies, by As he enters a new year I ask that you would fill him with favor. Because following God entails happiness, may you grow up to know and love God. May God bless this day, along with all the other days that this new year brings. Today may be ordinary to other people. Idols of my mother's house, looking for first born to arrest, I bind you from my life, I belong to Jesus. You make me so proud, and so content. Happy first birthday, beautiful.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'limitlesso_com-portrait-2','ezslot_33',125,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-limitlesso_com-portrait-2-0'); I totally enjoyed writing these birthday prayers for baby girl for their 1st birthday, and I really hope you enjoyed reading and using them too. 19. I pray to God to bless you with peace and happiness. Already, you make me and your daddy so proud! Prayer for My Daughter on Her Birthday. 36. Sending love and prayers to you on your birthday in heaven, Mom. Happy birthday! 29. 45. You are tremendously blessed in Jesus name. Birthday Prayer For My Granddaughter - megawishing.com Amongst the whole drama surrounding the goings and doings of this world, On his birthday, Lord I oray for my firsborn son that you will have a strong and personal relationship with God, and that he will seek to follow Gods will for his life. Happy birthday, daughter. Haooy birtdhay my first born niece! Lord Jesus, Thank you for my lovely daughter. Amen. Dear daughter-in-law, you have no idea how much you have blessed this family for the better. Powerful birthday prayers for a daughter from mom and dad "The day you were born was one of the greatest feelings and moments of my life. Youre such a happy and lively baby girl! It is fascinating having a baby girl and then getting to watch her grow. Happy Birthday Prayer for First Born Nephew, A Time for Gratitude: Thank You God for Another New Year of Life and Birthday, Powerful Birthday Prayer and Wishes for My First Son From Mother and Father. Please show her the unconditional love you have shown me in life, and let her know how loved she is. 22. The Lord had a different plan in mind. I pray that You guide her as she continues to grow and discover the path You have laid out for her. Amen. Comments Off on Birthday Prayers for 1 Year Old Baby Girl (2023). 1st Birthday Prayer for Baby Girl (2023) - Sweet Love Messages 10. Happy birthday to our prince. In a special way, We thank You for (name). Happy birthday, son! And I pray for a full and healthy life for you. And may it be just the beginning of a year filled with all of the good things that you hope and pray for. Happy birthday, sweet. Happy first birthday, my lovely boy. In Jesus name; amen. I pray that You would bless her with a humble heart, contentment in all circumstances, and a spirit of gratefulness for all that You provide. May evil be far away from your dwelling place. Happy birthday in heaven.". You have no idea how amazing you are and how much youve changed my life for the better. Heavenly Father, thank you for the precious gift of our first born child. Thank You for giving her to me and blessing my life with her precious soul. Allow her to live by Your promises and provide courage for others. Happy birthday my cute first child! I destroy the power of any Herod assigned to trouble my first born destiny, in the name. We have so much love for you, baby girl! 100. May Gods presence be with you for the rest of your days. AMEN! Lord Jesus Christ, we call upon Your blessed name, Lord and offer up our precious daughter (s) and granddaughter (s). May you also grow up strong and healthy. But just know, little one, that each year we celebrate I will be praising God for everything that he has blessed us with. 20. Gracious God, unto my nephews future on this soecial day I ask for your blessings, and oray for the opportunities and experiences that will help him to reach his full potential. Guide her, lead her, keep her safe, and love her. 60. May Gods blessings that give only joy and adds no sorrow be your portion as you grow older. As he journeys through life, grant him the strength to navigate all of the challenges that come his way. Its your day baby, and I oray that as you grow uo into a woman of honor, May you never worry, but always look forward with anticipation. May happiness and favour fill your lifes journey. (on the other hand, you can copy it, and send to your first born alongside a firstborn child birthday gift. In Jesus name, I pray. I hope it is a beautiful day when the divine light of God shows his presence. We are definitely having a party today! May you have nothing but open doors. Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings. 3. Gracious Father, today we celebrate the life of our firstborn. Youre created with purpose, and you will fulfil purpose. May your life, today and in the coming years, be filled with joy and only joy. May the first Baby Son Birthday Prayer For 1 Year Old Happy Birthday Prayer for a one-year-old baby boy turns one, we've put up occasion for you is the ideal Prayer For 1 small stuff! Here are 10 powerful prayers for that special person to help you pray for her on her birthday. I pray that You will grant her a life full of purpose. Adam England. 15. I love to come up with birthday prayers for my daughter, especially being a female myself. Happy Birthday Prayer for My 6 Year Old Daughter - 2023 I pray that her friendships would be the joy of her life, andthere would be no comparison among them. Bless and guide me today. 71. I hope you have a fantastic birthday celebration, both with your friends and with us. Here are 10 powerful prayers for that special person to help you pray for her on her birthday. 9. Amen. May each milestone bring you happiness and joy. In Jesus name; amen. 1. Oh baby girl, as you stare at the world with wonder, you have no idea just how loved you are. This birthday more than anything reminds me just how thankful we are that you are alive today. Knowing that you are my flesh and blood gives me indescribable joy. May that hope become your own, and may you continue to . "Many congratulations and best wishes to my stylish and beautiful first-born daughter, whose birthday is today. Amen. In Jesus name, I pray. I am so thankful that I have a daughter as beautiful, intelligent, and honest as you. I pray that her friends would be people who bring out the best in her, and she would do the same for them. with, and who to avoid. God never gave up on you and on us. I am so grateful for you and cant imagine life without you. To my firstborn son who ic celebrating his birthday today, I just want to thank God for the gift of life and for the blessing of a healthy and happy first-born son. She is the founder of Pray With Confidence, which has helped over 5000 women focus on prayer through the real and vulnerable advice she gives to those on her email list when they sign up for the free guide. I pray that the lord from this day onward will always surround you with friends who will lift you up and guide you in difficult times. Thank You for hiding them in the shadow of Your wings and protecting them from harm. AMEN! You are definitely our good and perfect gift from God. Amen. Lord, You have blessed me with a daughter whose smile has stolen my heart, and a loving soul that has captured my love forever. May she be a blessing to this family and may she be blessed. May Your love, grace, and protection be upon him/her now and always. 85. I am honored that He chose me to be your parent. May each wonderful birthday you have remind you of how much we all love you. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Lord, on her birthday, help us reflect on how far she has come. May you grow up to have a good and happy life. You make our world all right. 33. Gracious God, As I join to celebrate the birthday of my first born son today, I Ask for strength and patience as a parent to endure for his shortcomings, and for a close and loving bond between me and my firstborn daugther. Happy birthday, my dear.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'limitlesso_com-leader-1','ezslot_6',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-limitlesso_com-leader-1-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'limitlesso_com-leader-1','ezslot_7',112,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-limitlesso_com-leader-1-0_1');.leader-1-multi-112{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. You were the greatest treasure to me. As you begin another phase, may good health and happiness never be far from you. May you know only blessings for as long as you live. May God cause only the sweetest things to come to you in this new year. In Jesus almighty name, I pray. 54. As a parent, watching your child grow up and reach milestones is an incredibly special and emotional experience. 120 Happy Birthday Daughter Wishes & Quotes for 2023 - Find the Perfect May He continue to keep you in good and perfect health. )Wonderful Happy Birthday Prayer for First Born Son, Daughters, and Relatives. I believe that it is more important than ever to be praying for our children. 78. The world is in trying times. and spent 92 days in the NICU. May you continue to be a source of joy, strength, hope, and fulfilment to your parents. Youve literally been our sunshine. Happy 1st birthday, my girl. I have such a deep appreciation for her spirited personality that touches everyone she meets. "Learning From Granddaughter" by Asit Kumar Sanyal. Lord, thank You for my daughter on her special day. HBD firstborn nephew! May you, Lord, fill him with immense delight as he embarks on another year of life. Im so sure theres no one as happy as me in the entire world. (LOL). happy first birthday. Bless the first year of your baby girl or that of your loved ones with these birthday prayers for 1 year old baby girl. Happy one year birthday, honey. My angel, may the years ahead bring you clarity and strength. 12. Happy birthday, blessed child. Dear God, as we celebrate our childs first birthday, we thank you for the incredible journey of parenthood. Help me hold onto each moment, and not take a single moment for granted. I could stare at you all day and not get tired. Im so proud to be your father, so proud to do this life with you. To give such a gift to me is unbelievable, and I thank You with my whole . I pray that you would bless her with a lifetime of success, and May she always have courage and strength to face every challenge that life brings her way. 47. Dear Lord, I am so thankful that you made all the right things happen at the right time for my son to be with her. I pray that you will keep her safe in your loving arms, and bless her with a very happy birthday. Let me never take her for granted. We have decades to go! 51. Allow me to pour love into her, and provide her a safe place to vent and seek guidance when needed. When I was pregnant with my third, we went in for an ultrasound to confirm that our next boy was on the way. These first birthday prayers for baby girl from parent will definitely make the day more special.