Luke:Oh,no! (continues laughing). Ravi, help! Mrs.Harris:I am. Emma:We just got text reminders! Jessie:Thought so. So! Do it! Luke:Jessie,I'm scared! (pushes Ravi). Emma,I hope you and Blake enjoy the carnival! (Cab driver pulls over to The Fairfield, and Jessie slams into the partition), (Jessie is kicked out of the cab and grunts, while Zuri and Tony watch). This is like the Astrodome! I just combed my arms! It's adorable. Jessie:So even though I set out to shoot a movie about romance, (Luke throws football to Zuri while Jessie holds her,Zuri catches,Jessie,Luke,Emma,and Bertram applaud and cheer). 825 Topics 825 Posts Last post 05x24 - Jailbreak. (While walking over to Ravi's door, and knocking. ), (Scene changes to in the hallway with the children's and Jessie's bedrooms. We decided to change the site's name to AnimationScreencaps in 2018 to better reflect that we do cap many non-Disney movies too. Emma:Michael's pros are he's super-sweet,smart,and easy to talk to. Emma:Well,according to the Applause-O-Meter, our new mascot is Luke! Take the A-Train. TV Show Transcripts - OurBoard (sighs)Sorry,Jessie,Chantal,whoever you are. Jessie:Well,your plan will never work! N-n-n-n-n-n-no, no, what I meant-. Ravi:Oh,heavens,he is headless! Am I getting warm? Michelle:(chuckles)Well,there was the time I was giving her family a tour in the White House and Zuri sneaked into the Oval Office(points to Zuri),to ask the President to institute bedtime reform. Zuri:I also collected some caterpillars for next week's project! I'll come up with something. My right eye refuses to open! (walks to the elevator), Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year. (Jessie looks to a poker-faced Mr. The Talented Mr. Kipling 3. Bertram:It's not the movie,I just wasted 20 bucks on an "At Least You Tried" card! (Luke,Emma,Ravi and Zuri come back to penthouse with the bags in the elevator), (Bertram and Jessie wake up,and scream and stand up). Jessie:Why didn't they tell you that sooner? Run around,flail your arms,and try not to fall down. Which I find to be kinda counter-intuitive. s01e11 - Take the A-Train. It's basically detention with snow cones! Jessie: That was rude! We need to shoot the scene where Chantal meets Toby. (Everyone claps for her). Luke:Me neither! Jessie:So,having my face chiseled in Mount Rushmore is out of the question? Free shipping for many products! Aladdin and the King of Thieves/Transcript. Jessie:So did I. Look,if I'm going to get this film ready for the contest,I have to get this scene where Tony and I kiss in the teacup! I will pop this off in a jiffy! Kipling.). Jessie (Series) - TV Tropes Jessie:(turns back to Emma)Hmm? New York, New Nanny 2. On the bright side,at least your outfit matches the teacup! Tony: Too bad you can't fly a helicopter Jessie: Yeah! (takes cheese and walks away), Ravi:Better hurry,Jessie! Romancing the Crone 13. Jessie:(crying)No. They have these giant leaf holders there called trees! Bertram:You mean actually go out and gather food myself? Jessie:(chuckles)That depends. You just made the first cut! Jessie:Oh,well,someone was bound to do it. Emma:Whoa! Walgreens won't sell abortion pills in 20 Republican-led states - even They are good. (Scene ends,advertisement break for TV viewers). I think I have an idea. He's definitely not going to be on a baby-food jar! (laughs,walks away). She's mean, but she's not an idiot! 06/07/22 - Southeastern names 3,797 to spring 2022 honors list . (To Christina) That extra broke my tentacle. Where his dimples are at 3:00 and 9:00. Besides,I don't have anything to wear! Jessie:Emma,just pick one! Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new posts by email. Tony: Nah, I never really pay attention to who comes in and out of here. You should've started this a week ago. Including now,myself. (rubs skin). Michelle:Oh yeah,I did.And there is no treasure map on the back of the Declaration of Independence. Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year/Transcript Luke: But I instructed Bertram to make us boeuf bourguignon!with extra boeuf! Zuri:And speaking of great armssurprise! Oh- That force is gravity! (Grabs Zuri and Ravi, and Luke follows them. Jessie:You'll get through this. (sighs) I need to get up there fast, so I can talk to them! Jessie:Oh,they just emailed me my theme! Jessie:I meant any complaints that don't make me sad? Ravi:Because watching me whip Luke's thorax would be thrilling? Jessie:OK,guys,I don't know if you've noticed,but my acting career hasn't exactly gone the way I thought it would. Emma:Yeah,who do you think zips him into his costume? Where Are They Now? The Cast of "Jessie" - Obsev There's nothing I can wear that goes with both those looks! Just in case you run into Ben Affleck at a state dinner. (rubs legs) Back in a minute! That's what love is like! Christina, it's me, Jessie! Zuri:Tourists? (wipes face). Something is flushing those toilets. Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year. (Dusts a picture frame). Jessie:(yells)I did not! Jessie:(serves plate)OK,kids,chew as quickly as you can,without biting your tongues off. What this movie needs is some real action,and a new leading man. I don't even want a birthday! I got your doorman right here! 12. Jessie:But sometimes you find love in placed that you least expect it. ), (The door opens with Jessie in a costume. Emma:But I'm adorable! It's our thing. (The film begins in outer space. . Bertram:So it's going to be a horror movie? Zuri:It is. Emma:(gasps,giggles) Whoa! (Screams, Jessie slides down a tube and slams into a basket. (throws rope,crashes) Sorry,Zeus! And I thought I had an online shopping problem! Jessie:I'm not going to yell! Taylor:Thanks! Alice in Wonderland (1951)/Transcript. (walks up the stars), Jessie:Stay calm,stay calm. Emma:Soyou're not going to be able to make the science fair? LOTM: Dark Crisis P29/Transcript | Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki Coach Penny:Oh,great. The judges discuss this. Im Tony. (grunts) 1,2,3! Morgan: Even if I never work for that studio again. Ravi: Stupid videogame! Make me brownies. Jessie:Just hold your boeuf! (continues laughing). Bertram: (sarcastically)do you poop on the floor? Jessie:Oh,thanks,Emma,but I want to wear the exact outfit I had on when I went on my first date with Tony. Jessie: (Sarcastically) Oh! That's why my arms look so good in my prom picture. Tony:You are amazing. Emma:Or feel free to sit there slack-jawed. They have these giant leaf holders there called trees! Jessie:What? Michelle:Sorry Jessie,but I just can't hang your headshots in the White House. (shows mask), (Luke looks at the mirror,creepy music plays), Luke:(screams loudly)(realizes that he has no eyebrows)(runs to the balcony to drop his mask). Bakugan. I'm on it! Jessie: (gasps) I loved the original Galactapus! 11. Zuri:Yeah,we know you'll make it if you just keep trying. (pushes Ravi away)Where's Zuri? I have a friend and we're throwing her a birthday party,and we need a special guest. Zuri:Look,I know you're slammed at the office,but I have a big favor to ask. (scene ends,advertisement break for TV viewers). (She flips a switch on the proje'ct and it glows and turns.) You're all eating my homework! Jessie:You don't know Reveille? Jessie | Disney Wiki | Fandom And by the way,my birthday is next month. Zuri:OK,guess I won't be needing this then! I remember those performers made me feel like I could do anything. (in shock), (scene changes to the kitchen,bus leaves in 25:00). Jessie:(yells)That's it! (Jessie and Tony kneel down at the same time). Bertram:I thought you were helping make dinner. I never thought I'd say this to a kid,butwould you like to stay for dinner? This is a full transcript of New York, New Nanny,made by MessrSkoonyfootseven. Jessie, I think we both know that's not true. It's due today? I am sure no one noticed! It stretches over any distance. Your kids chase them away because they wanna get your attention! At the same time, they both say "you're fired" to Jessie) What! (yawns and stretches). You see,both the President and I know how much you and all of out military children do for our country. I've been watching New Year's Eve in Time's Square since I was a kid. Ravi is the only one who showed up. Jessie: Alright, someone needs some alone time (Cab driver takes a violent turn and Jessie is jerked around in the backseat). Why does everything happen to me? disney jessie transcripts Jessie:Wow. Used Karma 4. The pharmacy chain assured 20 GOP attorneys it will hold off on dispensing pills It's no trouble! Ravi:OK,but if I get confused I will just wind it. But this is about Taylor. Whoopsie! "Jessie" aired on Disney Channel from 2011 to 2015. This was a designer dress! Since when do I bring fake giant animals into the pet house? June 29, 2022 Posted in&nbspkawasaki monster energy jersey. Mrs.Harris:Oh,well,Taylor just misses her mother more than usual lately,what with her tenth birthday coming up. The series stars Debby Ryan as the title character Jessie Prescott, an 18-year old woman who moves from Fort Hood, Texas to New York City, eager to forge a life of her own against the wishes of her father. They all scream something along the lines of 'ow') Sorry kidscould of been worse, that tuna could've been canned! (hugs Jessie and howls). Sonic spin dashes ahead, leaps into the air and slams into several parademons in the sky, then grabs one and throw it into another as he lands back on the ground. (Runs upstairs). Ravi:If she had been more supportive,I would have warned her about the bull in the kitchen. Enough, Mrs. Kipling, I am sick of your moody behavior! Jessie:Emma,what is taking (slowly) so muchglitter? Zuri:I had to stop hula-hooping. Free shipping for many products! We need to get going! Morning Rush/Transcript | Jessie Wiki | Fandom Jessie:I know,that's why Bertram's taking you to the park! Emma:Remember,you enthusiastic applause will determine the winner. Maybelle just texted me,and Justin asked her to the carnival,but his sister used to date the cousin of Blake's ex-girlfriend's dog-walker,so if Maybelle says yes to Justin,and I say yes to Blake,this could get complicated! The children + a disheveled Jessie get out of the elevator. Jessie:I know,and they're lovely,it's just that you have a slight flea problem. (shakes spatula). disney jessie transcripts. Tony:Aw,wolfman! Oh, yes, again! Isgho Votre ducation notre priorit . Or whatever you were before. Zuri: I'm the good child. Jessie:Taylor and I know that because we were both raised in the military! Jessie:Excuse him and his ridiculous conspiracy theories. (points to a blue planet on her science project.). (The children laugh.) Jessie:OK,you can be in it if you can tell me just one of your lines. I thought we were being punished! My Creative Memes. Check it out! Sgt.Harris:I can't believe you're 10! Emma:(runs with a sparkly item)Jessie,I have some choices for your clothes for the next scene! Michael said I was taking too long,so he asked out Maybelle! Jessie:OK,how about you make a pro and con list? Jessie: Oh, thank you sweetie(Laughs awkwardly) thats just my slingshot! Emma:If you keep asking me questions,I'm going to be late,and it'll be all your fault! Cab drives away. (Scene changes, to the Ross children and Jessie having dinner in the kitchen.). It tends to make you a little cranky! LADY 2- Zuri? I am on you like stripes on a tiger! Tony:Aw,man! (Luke puts his head back to the top of the costume). Ravi: I hope Jessie's audition went well. And the rest of you,too. Jessie:That's the most beautiful creature I've ever seen! Now get in,we need to start the scene! Ravi:Uh,yes,it feels wonderful,even though you are only rubbing foam. Jessie: (Screams) Help, help! You're hired! (Emma hits him with a pillow) To heck with the non-violence! Jessie:Hey,they gave out free drill bits and stud finders! Zuri: Look, Bertram! (Ravi starts filming while Luke holds the microphone), (Jessie runs while holding luggage and falls). My friend is always like, "Why are you asking me this? Your love story needs a twist. That always keeps them together. Ravi:You will not find a more committed mascot than me. Emma:Yeah,we never thought you could pull it off. Zuri:I saw a nice leafy plant on Mrs.Chesterfield's terrace,(grunting)so I lassoed it,and I'm bringing it up! You're so 1-dimensional! Austin & Jessie & Ally: All Star New Year, his flat top when I told him I was moving to New York, but he chilled when I told him I had a. Christina: And, we realized that being there for you is really more important than any job. It's not working! (pulls Luke) Why is it always so difficult to get you guys out the door on time? And more cardboard-y. Bertram: If she doesnt poop on the floor, its fine with me. Luke: (runs in, apparently was spying) Mom! Disney Animation The Little Mermaid (1989) The Rescuers Down Under (1990) Aladdin (1992) The Lion King (1994) Mulan (1998) Frozen (2013) Zootopia (2016) A Goofy Movie The Nightmare Before Christmas The Song of the South The Hunchback of Notre Dame Disney Studios (Live Action) Who Framed Roger Rabbit? Jessie:Oh,no! Ravi:Not to mention creating a big pile of cinematic swell. It's what my dad got me for my sweet sixteen! Bertram:That's what I thought when I read your script. Luke: No problem! Luke:Are we done here? Now,get into position and no more biting! See,by staying strong,helping out around the house and supporting your mom from here at home,both you and your grandmother are serving our country just as much as your mom is. Bye(Closes laptop, while her parents say they love her), Emma: Why wouldn't I be? Scene: Elevator to the Rosses apartment opens showing Jessie pulled along by Zuri. Ravi:But Tony has over 20 lines in this scene! (throws things)You can mix it in your mouth on the way down. Seriously,you have the memory of a goldfish! Just use the frag rifle. Jessie:(nods)Yes,a motion sensor. I can't even get one guy to call me back! Dousing people with water is my specialty! Practice is at my place. Jessie: (reading)we're running away because we hate you Bertram: I read between the lines.