[55] Other similar glass dated 1500 BC was found at Tell al-Rimah. ISBN 0-521-563585. pp. They are recorded as weavers and other textile workers, but are underrepresented in most of the other handicrafts (Sassmannshausen, 2001, p. xv). World History Publishing is a non-profit company registered in the United Kingdom. 6969, Albrecht Goetze, "The Kassites and Near Eastern Chronology,", This page was last edited on 5 February 2023, at 22:04. Where is Ancient Babylon Located Today? - Answers Isaac was 100 years later in 2048bce, or 2048 from Adam. Timeline of Events in Ancient Babylonia - ThoughtCo According to the accounts in Genesis, and the dates that follow throughout the entirety of the era of Kings and Judges, the Exodus occurred in 1312bce, which is 2448 years from the creation of Adam. "The Archaeology of Elam: Formation and Transformation of an Ancient Iranian State." The Kassite rulers encouraged the collection, codification, and canonization of Babylonian religious-literary texts. The Kassites were a warlike people that invaded Babylon during the 16th century B.C. of Pientka, Sptaltbabylonische Zeit, OLZ 95, 2000, pp. Please note that some of these recommendations are listed under our old name, Ancient History Encyclopedia. 1750-1650 BC), and next an empire centered on Hattusa in north-central Anatolia around 1650 BC. 42-122, 2022, Buchanan, Briggs. The detestable worship of Baals and sun/moon gods is documented even within the circumstantial Amarna Letters. What Are The Names of the Thieves Crucified With Christ. This garden was cited as one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World by the historian Herodotus. The Kassite kings were called, by themselves and their colleagues in other Near Eastern states, kings of the land of Kar(an)dunia, the latter being a term for Babylonia that may have been Kassite in origin (del Monte and Tischler, 1978, pp. There is good reason for thinking that the Kassites were once neighbors of Indo-Europeans, in view of some affinities between their pantheon and the Indo-Aryan one (see Bloomfield, 1904; Balkan, 1986, p. 8; Eilers, 1957-58, p. 136 ad srya-). M. Heinz, Migration und Assimilation im 2. 47, 100, 102 ff., 115 ff., 122). 209-23. https://www.worldhistory.org/kassite/. The few sources consist of personal names, a few documents, and some technical terms related to horses and chariotry. the Kassites, take over this region, and you can see them . Around 1500 BC. Under the later Kassite kings political authority was weakened as peripheral provinces detached themselves from effective state control (see Brinkman, 1963, pp. 5. The Rise And Fall Of Babylon | Bible.org A. Isin in the Kassite Period". The only Kassite deities who had temples in Kassite Babylonia were the patron deities of the royal family, uqamuna and umaliya. J.A. 2, line 18; 10, 11.31.34). Bearded men, religious symbols, horned quadrupeds, and fauna are often shown in these images. (paternal name) seem to be the only ones which resemble names with relevance to Kassites (cf. Ancient Babylon was an influential city that served as a center of Mesopotamian civilization for nearly two millennia, from roughly 2000 B.C. 3, 1982, pp. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Diakonoff, Warminster, 1982, pp. The Interpreter's Commentary on the Bible p. 5. This should come at no surprise given the nature of god/goddess worship within the land. 925, Yaln, Serdar. 4.1: The Bronze Age States - Humanities LibreTexts Cushan-Rishathaim is mentioned in Judges 3:8 and God had used this ruler to punish his people for eight years before he releases them from his rule. Large Map of the Roman Empire in the Early First Century - Click around on the Places. The Kassites abandoned their own culture after a couple of generations of dominance, allowing themselves to be absorbed into Babylonian civilization. This governor seems to have enjoyed a special, apparently privileged, status among the other provincial governors (Sassmannshausen tends to compare his role to that of a chief minister of the state: Kanzler). Almamori, Haider Oraibi and Bartelmus, Alexa. Moses birth was 80 years before the Exodus in 1392bce or 2528 from Adam. Required fields are marked *. She was the pharaohs daughter that pulled Moses from the water. Idem, Prelude to Empire: Babylonian Society and Politics, 747-626 B.C., Occasional Publications of the Babylonian Fund 7, Philadelphia, 1984. They introduced war chariots, The Kassites were defeated by the Elamites in 1157 B.C. Dr-Kurigalzu: Insights from Unpublished Iraqi Excavation Reports". 144 ff.). Its end is dated to 1150 BCE. The first place to start when trying to locate the Garden of Eden is in the Bible. Babylonia under the Kassites 2, edited by Alexa Bartelmus and Katja Sternitzke, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2017, pp. Israel is laid waste and his seed is not; Israel is also mentioned in the base of a statue from Egypt. An Elamite, Kutir-Nahhunte, captures the last Kassite king, Enlil-nadin-ahi (1157 - 1155 B.C. The fall of Babylon is a historical event that occurred in 539 BC. Abraham was born in 1912bce, or 1948 from Adam, when Noah was 58 years old His son Shem was Malchitzedek, and Shems daughter was Tamar who became the mother Judahs twin sons (Peretz and Zarach). Mid-12th Century. "Ethiopian" was a Greek term for black-skinned peoples generally, often applied to Kush (which was well known to the Hebrews and often mentioned in the Hebrew Bible). Edzard, Jasubigallja, in RlA V, 1976-80, p. 271a. "New Light on Dilbat: Kassite Building Activities on the Ura Temple E-Ibbi-Anum at Tell al-Deylam" Zeitschrift fr Assyriologie und vorderasiatische Archologie, vol. 163-69). Copyright 2023 Wisdom-Advices | All rights reserved. Important sources for reconstructing the Kassite Dynasty are kudurrus. 231-246, Brinkman, J. Like the Sumeriancs, no one knows for sure where they came from. Iraq Museum, Limestone relief of a male figure from Tell al-Rimah, Iraq. (Bible Quiz), Journal of Ancient EgyptianInterconnections, Israel Mentioned in Egyptian Inscriptions, 15 Christian Leaders That Make More Money Getting Out Of Bed Than Youll Make All Year, Where Archaeology Meets The Bible: Neo Babylonian Period [626 - 529 BCE] | Dust Off The Bible, Where Archaeology Meets The Bible: Middle Babylonian Period [1000 625 BCE] | Dust Off The Bible. Our publication has been reviewed for educational use by Common Sense Education, Internet Scout (University of Wisconsin), Merlot (California State University), OER Commons and the School Library Journal. The letters M-S in ancient Egyptian mean to come from. [44][45], Note that the relative order of Kadashman-Turgu and Kadashman-Enlil II have been questioned. Kassite, member of an ancient people known primarily for establishing the second, or middle, Babylonian dynasty; they were believed (perhaps wrongly) to have originated in the Zagros Mountains of Iran. They gained control of Babylonia after the Hittite sack of Babylon in 1531 BC, and established a dynasty generally assumed to have been based first in that city, after a hiatus. J. Eidem, The Shemshra Tablets 2: The Administrative Texts, the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters, Historisk-filosofiske Skrifter 15, Copenhagen, 1982. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "2. According to other ancient texts found concerning the Habiru, they were found to live all along the fertile crescent in the 2nd millennium BCE. Your email address will not be published. Ramose was her father. A 300-year Middle Eastern Dark lasted from 1157 to 883 B.C. J. Oelsner, Landvergabe im kassitischen Babylonien, in M. A. Dandamayev, I. Gershevitch, H. Klengel, G. Komorczy, M. T. Larsen, and J. N. Postgate, eds., Societies and Languages in the Ancient Near East: Studies in Honour of I.M. W. Eilers, rev. Kings with Kassite names appeared on the middle Euphrates during the 17th century BCE. Other ceramic goods, such as traps for small animals and vessels commonly thought to be fruit stands were found also. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Moses' two brothers, Korah and Aaron, were Horite . Cuneiform Texts in The Otago Museum: A preliminary report. 229-244, Brinkman, J. Dr-Kurigalzu: New Perspectives". 32, no. Leiden: BRILL. What do we know about the Ammonites? - CompellingTruth.org 1400 BCE, the accession of the Kassite king Kara-inda (comparing El Amarna letter 10). Tukulti-Ninurta of Assyria conquered Babylon in 1225 B.C., but the Kassites survived Assyrian pressure until twelfth-century wars with Elam finally resulted in the end of their suzerainty. Babylonia was divided into two kingdoms, that of the Kassites in the north and the Sealand in the south, including Uruk, Ur, and Larsa. Amazing Bible Timeline with World History, http://www.thenagain.info/WebChron/MiddleEast/Kassites.html, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kassites#Kassite_Dynasty_of_Babylo, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Kassite_Babylonia_EN.svg. 137 f.), namely, that Kassite is related to Elamite, is unlikely. K. De Graef, Les trangers dans les textes palobabyloniens tardifs de Sippar (Abi-eu-Samsuditana): 1ire partie: Sur les inconnus connus: Cassites, Elamites, Sutens, Suens, Gutens et Subarens, Akkadica 111, 1998, pp. 535-545, Taha Baqir, "Iraq Government Excavations at 'Aqar Qf. ("Year in which Samsu-iluna the king (defeated) the totality of the strength of the army / the troops of the Kassites"). The Kassite and post-Kassite kings granted land to temples, members of the royal family, and functionaries. India's God Krishna Was the King of Jerusalem! - Viewzone They date the fall of Babylon to ca. 91-113. Kassites and Assyrians. Kish in the Kassite Period (c. 1650-1150 B.C. Most of the Kassite kings ruled on an average of 17 to 20 years. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Just Genesis : Who Were the Kushites? - Blogger Les Kassites, un peuple antique qui n'tait ni indo-europen, ni smite, tait originaire du Lorestan. Raphael Kutscher memorial volume, Journal of the Institute of Archaeology of Tel Aviv University, Occasional Publications 1, Tel Aviv, 1993, pp. The rulers of the successive three post-Kassite dynasties (ca. I. M. Diakonoff and S. M. Kashkai, Geographical Names According to Urartian Texts, Rpertoire Gographique des Textes Cuniformes 9, Wiesbaden, 1979. 2005. v. 88 f.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Who were the kassites in the Bible? Attractive design ideal for your home, office, church . 04 Mar 2023. Babylonia and the Bible, Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, Vol 3. 131 f.). Please support World History Encyclopedia. World History Encyclopedia, 03 Aug 2011. After these role models are gone, Israel has 15 Judges in this historical account. 2. 470 f.; Sassmannshausen, 1999, pp. When and how did the Twelve Apostles die? The Babylonian Empire. The administration was directed from the palaces of various cities. It's . "The Bronze Age Shipwreck at Ulu Burun: 1986 Campaign." Before entering Mesopotamia they were illiterate mountain people speaking a language that is not known today. Chr. Several individuals with Kassite names are recorded in the prism of Tunip-Teup from Tikunani (ca. Babylonia under the Sealand and Kassite Dynasties, edited by Susanne Paulus and Tim Clayden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, pp. The Assyrians were great warriors. This was followed by Dynasty II of Isin (1169-1039 b.c. 4 Where did the Hittites live in ancient Anatolia? This negative find, compared with the hypothetical appearance of Kassite names in the documents from Old Babylonian Susa, may strengthen the case for an eastern origin of the Kassites. bukaum), who received envoys of the king of Halaba (very probably Aleppo) in his encampment, was perhaps a contemporary of Samsiluna (see Podany, 2002, p. 49). 850-98. The Karun river runs a course of over 500 miles. The Kassites produced a substantial amount of pottery. What Is The Eye Of The Needle (Matthew 19:23-24 / Mark 10:25)? [10][11] A few inscribed building materials of Kurigalzu I were found at Kish. 437-478, Malko, Helen. 88-124, Clayden, Tim. 31-45, 47-73, 106-33. The ancient Near East: historical sources in translation. Some Rights Reserved (2009-2023) under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license unless otherwise noted. The only named ruler of Bt-Hamban bore the Kassite anthroponym (originally title) Ianz. 17385, Schneider, Bernhard. At the Crossroads of Civilizations in the Syro-Mesopotamian Realm, Proceedings of the 42th RAI [1995], Leuven, 1999, pp. Agum the prince (? Saarbrcken: Saarlndische Druckerei und Verlag, Sternitzke, Katja. The first Kassite dynast who ruled Babylonia was Burnaburia I, the tenth king of the Babylonian King List (Brinkman, 1976-80, p. 467), but the possibility that his predecessor, Agum-kakrime (Agum II), already controlled Babylon cannot be excluded (see Podany, 2002, p. 59). [in:], Biggs, Robert D. A Letter from Kassite Nippur. Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol. [3], The origin and classification of the Kassite language, like the Sumerian language and Hurrian language, is uncertain, and, also like the two latter languages, has generated a wide array of speculation over the years, even to the point of linking it to Sanskrit. The Kassites, an ancient people who spoke neither an Indo-European nor a Semitic language, originated in Lorestn. The Midianites were a biblical people who occupied territory east of the Jordan River and the Dead Sea, and southward through the desert wilderness of the Arabah. 1499-1503. They include administrative and legal texts, letters, seal inscriptions, private votive inscriptions, and even a literary text (usually identified as a fragment of a historical epic). Kassite, member of an ancient people known primarily for establishing the second, or middle, Babylonian dynasty; they were believed (perhaps wrongly) to have The work at Isin was initated by Kurigalzu I and continued by Kadashman-Enlil I, and after a lapse, by Adad-shuma-usur and Meli-Shipak II. The city was built by Kurigalzu I (probably in the first quarter of the 15th century BCE). 210 f.). The event is recorded in Genesis 12. (2012). - C., Burna-Buriash Ier ensures its . It was written plain as day in the Egyptian language. K. Jaritz, Die kassitische Sprachreste, Anthropos 52, 1957, pp. Did Jesus or The New Testament Authors Quote from The Apocryphal Books? They acted along with palatial and temple ones (see Edens, 1994, pp. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Eight among the last kings of the Kassite dynasty have Akkadian names. During and after the Bronze Age Collapse Babylonia was invaded by their neighbors, the Elamites and the Assyrians. Midianites in The Bible - King James Bible Online Slavery was common, but not the dominant factor of the workforce. These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. Kassites: the Main Mesopotamian Power After the First Babylonian Empire (1998, pp. 221-223, Marcus, Michelle I. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Idem, Materials and Studies for Kassite History, 1: A Catalogue of Cuneiform Sources Pertaining to Specific Monarchs of the Kassite Dynasty, Chicago, 1986. Kassites stayed in Babylonia, but their main concentration was the central Zagros northeast of Babylonia, notably in Namri and Bt-Hamban. Kassite. West of Edin: Tell al-Deylam and the Babylonian City of Dilbat The Biblical Archaeologist , Vol. ISBN 978-9004430914. 44 f., 59). We contribute a share of our revenue to remove carbon from the atmosphere and we offset our team's carbon footprint. The documents reveal a centralized administration under the governor of Nippur and its province. 3 Where did the Kassite people originally come from? [37] According to the Assyrian Synchronistic Chronicle, which is not considered reliable, the last Kassite king, Enlil-nadin-ahi, was taken to Susa and imprisoned there in 1155 BC, where he also died. Several suspected Kassite names are recorded in Ur III economic documents from southern Babylonia, but it is not known whence these individuals originally came (Zadok, 1987, p. 16; 1993, pp. [5] The chief gods, titular gods of the kings, were Shuqamuna and Shumaliya. It was located near the Euphrates River . Updates? [17] This practice continued for several centuries after the end of the Kassite Dynasty. [54] A Kassite text found at Dur-Kurigalzu mentions glass given to artisans for palace decoration and similar glass was found there. Kassite, member of an ancient people known primarily for establishing the second, or middle, Babylonian dynasty; they were believed (perhaps wrongly) to have originated in the Zagros Mountains of Iran. The implication is that whatever pertains to the historical Jesus Christ belongs to the "New" and whatever pertains to the people among whom Jesus grew up belongs to the "Old". "6. It was in the area between this Havilah and Shur that Saul defeated the Amalekites and captured Agag, their king (I Sam. However, Huber (1999-2000, p. 289b) doubts the mere three-year interval. 469 f.; Dosch and Deller, 1981), as well as in Middle Assyrian documents (see Brinkman, 1976-80, p. 470; cf. In letter #108, Rib-Hadda gives praises to Baal and also Samas in the sky. 2014. Several Kassite tribes and clans bore Akkadian and atypical names (Sassmannshausen, 2001, pp. 233-42. and ruled the area for 576 years. 1-26. And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the starsall the heavenly arraydo not be enticed into bowing down to them and worshiping things the LORD your God has apportioned to all the nations under heaven. 1/2, 1981, pp. B. Landsberger, Assyrische Knigsliste und dunkles Zeitalter, Journal of Cuneiform Studies 8, 1954, pp. Why Did The Samaritan Woman At The Well Have So Many Marriages? I cannot say that I am convinced by it but there are some real pieces of evidence to support it. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. 32731, Horowitz, W., Reeves, S., Stillman, L., White, M., & Zilberg, P. (2015). This document includes a graphic timeline (imagemap) and a hypertexted text timeline The anonymity of most of the Kassites in late Old Babylonian sources is not greatly remedied by the new occurrences from the unpublished texts evaluated by Richardson (2002, pp. Early on, refurbishments were conducted of the various religious and administrative buildings, the first of these datable to Kurigalzu I. Christ's first name, Jesus, was Yeshua. The fact that the river ordeal, which in the Old Babylonian period is mainly recorded in texts from Susa, has become more common in Babylonia during the Kassite than in the preceding (Old Babylonian) period may point to an origin of the Kassites east of Babylonia, but is not conclusive evidence. The Kassites - Bible History Possible traces of Kassites in Iranian nomenclature are negligible, for instance, Kagn, Kaakn < Kaaka@n, i.e., possibly "land of the Kassites" in Iran (see Eilers, 1957-58, p. 135). [22] After the Kassite dynasty was overthrown in 1155 BC, the system of provincial administration continued and the country remained united under the succeeding rule, the Second Dynasty of Isin.[23]. Christians have historically spoken of the Bible as being divided into the "Old" and the "New" testaments. Agriculture was in the hands of many dutiable landowners and their agricultural workers as well as tenants. Who were the Kassites in the Bible? - Wisdom-Advices Babylonia under the Sealand and Kassite Dynasties, edited by Susanne Paulus and Tim Clayden, Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020, pp. For the mineral, see, Brinkman, J. This article is available in print.Vol. The foreign inhabitants of the fortresses, who were mercenaries (rather than foreign invaders) forming a garrison system, gradually controlled the countryside of northern Babylonia. Most belong to the archives of the guenna (provincial governor) of the city of Nippur and seem to indicate a feudal system of government during the 14th and 13th centuries. Biblical Archaeology Review is the guide on that fascinating journey. Kassite deities were the pantheon of the Kassites ( Akkadian: Ka, from Kassite Galzu [1] ), a group inhabiting parts of modern Iraq (mostly historical Babylonia and the Nuzi area), as well as Iran and Syria, in the second and first millennia BCE. Web. Adding the years given by the King List to that date would place the beginning of the dynasty in the 18th century BCE, when rulers of the Hammurabi dynasty controlled Babylon. Submitted by Jan van der Crabben, published on 03 August 2011. 17 f.). The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". Volume 2 Kardunia. Yanoam, is not known (maybe Yaknoam). A culture that rules babylonia from the 16th and 12th centuries BC. The Assyrians were one of the great powers of ancient Mesopotamia, rivals of the Babylonians. And I realized all my beliefs like what Edison believed came from the Bible. Christ was an incarnation of Yah-Veh. Their rule helped to shape many different aspects of the culture and religion was one major area where it was experienced the most. Kassites are recorded in Media during the first half of the first millennium BCE (see Zadok, 2002, pp. D.O. As semi-nomads the Kassites were organized in family and tribal units. 54, 1992, pp. The sixth letter is the last and most severe letter and the Abdi-zedek begs once again for military help by means of archers from Egypt. Where Archaeology Meets The Bible: Kassite Period [1600-1160 BCE] [52] Many small pottery kilns, generally no bigger than 2 meters in diameter with domed tops, were found in the Babylonian city of Dilbat. . Puzur-Sin Ashur-dugul Ashur-apla-idi Nasir-Sin Sin-namir Ipqi-Ishtar Adad-salulu Adasi 5 What kind of government did the Kassites have? Richardson (2002, p. 347) is of the opinion that the fortresses were forerunners of the later Kassite feudal communities. [15][16] Kudurrus, stone stele used to record land grants and related documents provide another source for Kassite history. Not only do we pay for our servers, but also for related services such as our content delivery network, Google Workspace, email, and much more. The first-millennium Babylonian King Lists assign the Kassite dynasty the longest rule of all the other dynasties who ruled Babylonia: 36 kings who ruled for 576 years and nine months. [28][29] A typical treaties include the EgyptianHittite peace treaty (c.1259 BC) and the treaty between the Kassite ruler Karaindash and the Assyrian ruler Ashur-bel-nisheshu (c. 1410 BC). [6] As was typical in the region, there was some cross pollination with other religions. "Ur in the Kassite Period". These monuments, which were once thought to be boundary stones erected in fields . In time, a new dynasty emerged. 58 f., 65 f.; cf. [20] Other important centers during the Kassite period were Larsa, Sippar and Susa. A. Idem, Studies in Babylonian Feudalism of the Kassite Period, tr. Many of them were integrated in the Babylonian social structure (De Smet, 1990, p. 10). A. Brinkman, Kassiten (Kass), RLA, vol. Dilmun (modern Bahrain) in the Persian Gulf was ruled by a Kassite governor. [46], The Kassite language has not been classified. 1, 1989, pp. How did the American colonies actually win the war and gain their Independence from Britain? Press, 1997, Kjaerum, F. SEALS OF DILMUN-TYPE FROM FAILAKA, KUWAIT. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, vol. Ashkelon has been overcome; 1-8. The Babylonian empire founded by Hammurabi was overthrown by the Kassites (whose origins are unknown) in 1595 BCE, the conquest following a Hittite invasion that sacked Babylon but did not stay to rule over it.Over the following centuries, the Kassites successfully . Armstrong, James A. This proves that the early Kassite state was able to assign large resources for huge projects. Ancient Orient Museum, Kudurru mentioning the name of the Kassite king Kurigalzu II, from Nippur, Iraq, Ancient Orient Museum, Babylonian cuneiform tablet with a map from Nippur, Kassite period, 1550-1450 BCE, Winged centaur hunting animals. 55, pp. The problem is that there are several places called Ur. 146-164, Brinkman, John Anthony. Selves Engraved on Stone: Seals and Identity in the Ancient Near East, ca. D. R. Frayne, Old Babylonian Period(2003-1595 BC), The Royal Inscriptions of Mesopotamia. But Babylonia remained a world power: the Hittite king Hattuili III contacted Kadaman-Enlil II (1258-50 BCE) when the latter became king, in order to continue their good relations. It is likely that the already troublesome environment of the land assisted the Israelites in their task of taking over the land. It is either anachronistic, or a poor translation. G. del Monte and J. Tischler, Die Orts- und Gewssernamen der hethitischen Texte, Rpertoire Gographique des Textes Cuniformes 6, Wiesbaden, 1978. There was an intensive connection between the ruling dynasty and the city of Nippur. The Babylonians were the first to form an empire that would encompass all of Mesopotamia.