It's among the most diverse places in Missouri, a cultural hub that represents the best of the American midwest. But Robinson said there's not a lot of room in the general fund to allocate more money to the department most of the general fund is taken up by the Kansas City Police Department budget. Kelly on no-bid contracts: do as I say, not as I do, NCTQ: Teacher training in Kansas lacks math commitment, Gov. With over 2,800 different amenities, Olathe is one of the better-stocked suburbs that you can pick on the Kansas side of Kansas City. Head to Strawberry Hill for some of the coolest hangouts. Minimize using earbuds when in unfamiliar surroundings. Outside of the celebrations, 1094 per 100,000 violent crimes and 4128 per 100,000 property crimes were reported last year, up from the previous year. Florida Agricultural And Mechanical University, Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis, Massachusetts Institute Of Technology (Mit), Missouri University Of Science And Technology, State University Of New York Health Science Center At Brooklyn, Suny College Of Environmental Science And Forestry, The University Of North Carolina At Charlotte, The University Of Texas Health Science Center At Houston, The University Of Texas Health Science Center At San Antonio, The University Of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, The University Of Texas Medical Branch At Galveston, The University Of Texas Rio Grande Valley, Uniformed Services University Of The Health Sciences, University At Buffalo Suny School Of Engineering And Applied Sciences, University Of California, Los Angeles (Ucla), University Of Illinois At Urbana Champaign, University Of Maryland Baltimore County (Umbc), University Of Massachusetts Medical School Worcester, University Of Tennessee Health Science Center, University Of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Kansas City Washington Weatley. This is a larger city-suburb that has a slightly higher home price than the normaround $238,100. We ranked every neighborhood in Kansas City by median income from highest to lowest. The city derives its personality from many small communities and neighborhoods like these bringing a unique blend of local hospitality, diverse . The numbers have dropped significantly over the last few years. 4 in the U.S. News & World Report's "Most Dangerous Places in the U.S." Kansas City, Missouri ranked No. He has written for 39 publications across the country and ran the media relations department at Movoto, a real estate portal based in San Francisco. Population: 2,603. . if(window.innerWidth<700){ezoicSiteSpeed(jQuery(document),String(/documentReady/).substring(1).slice(0,-1),String(/jQuery-document-dot-ready/).substring(1).slice(0,-1),function($){$("#skip_expand").html("(Expand+)");$("#toc ul").css("display","none");$("#skip_expand").on("click",function(){$("#toc ul").toggle()});$("#toc h3").on("click",function(){$("#toc ul").toggle()});});}. Don't freak out we updated this article for 2022. Editor's Note: This article is an opinion based on facts and is meant as infotainment. Be Aware of Your Surroundings. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Kansas City has the 8th-highest crime rate in the United States, and in 2020 Kansas ranked as the fifth most dangerous state! We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. We used this set of criteria for each neighborhood in Kansas City: Then, we ranked each neighborhood in Kansas City, Missouri for each of these criteria from worst to best. Kansass reported property crimes also rank at number 17 in the United States, at 61,029 per 100,000. Of course, in the bigger cities, you can find city life, if thats what you so crave, but we dont blame you if you dont, either. Kansas City has the 9th highest murder rate in the nation. Try out these important home security tips to bring your family peace of mind. Where to go in the Canaries? Which island to choose, when to go to the Canaries? In Salina, your odds of being a victim of property crime are 1 in 27, which is definitely not ideal. Independence Independence ranks as one of the most dangerous cities and one of the worst places to live in Kansas. For example, taking a five-minute drive southeast of Armour Fields will bring you to Tower Homes, where homes are less than half the price. If dining, shopping and entertainment is more your style head West. Today,there are 1294, and the number continues to decline. Coffeyville has the fifth-highest crime rates in Kansas, and it is also the fifth-worst location for violent crimes. Read on below to learn more about these terrible places around Kansas City to live. While having a storied history, present-day issues for the town involve skyrocketing overall crime rates for such a small city. Most Dangerous Neighborhoods In Kansas City, MO. Your browser is not supported for this experience.We recommend using Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. Cambodia in 3 days - Siem Reap Tonle Angkor Lake. Your odds of being a victim of violent crime in Merriam are 1 in 258, which isn't terrible. We aim to deliver bite-sized pieces of infotainment about where you live. Also, let someone, friends, family, or co-workers, know where you are and where you are traveling. According to this article on, Kansas ranked as the fifth most dangerous state in the country. If we compare the crime indexes, Kansas City is more dangerous than Jacksonville, Las Vegas ou Cincinnati. There is so much to do and see here. This content is password protected. Will you be surprised to see some of the most dangerous cities in Kansas named? What's the richest neighborhood to live in Kansas City for 2022? We threw the following criteria into this analysis in order to get the best, most complete results possible. Here are a few other Kansas City neighborhoods to look at, depending on whats most important to you. Houses could be nicer, but thats KCK. 15 days in Ecuador - What type of tour to choose? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. In fact, for many cities in America and Europe, violence and crime have been on the increase in recent years. Located in the southwest portion of the state, reported violent crimes data of 527 per 100,000 translates into a risk of 1 in 193 of being victimized. Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Kansas City. What Is The Number 1 Attraction In Kansas? And by no one, we really mean you because there's always someone richer than you. What are some of the most dangerous places in Kansas? Kellys budget plan creates $1.5 billion deficit in 2022. All rights reserved. Cloudflare Ray ID: 7a2b73d5ebc2f7f0 You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website. Kansas City, Missouri, is a twin city on the other side of the state line from Kansas City, Kansas. That would be Key Coalition. To figure out how bad a place is to live in, we only needed to know what kinds of things people like and then decide what places have the least amount of those things. Try installing floodlights, eliminating blind spots, and planting prickly bushes under windows for a start. Even if youre in one of the safest places to live in Kansas City, its still important to take precautions. Loire Valley - 5 Best Cheap Chateau Hotels, Visit Orlans on foot: My circuit with an itinerary map, Visit the Gorges du Verdon and its surroundings, Safari Tanzania Organization of my trip Tanzania Zanzibar. This Kansas City is in Missouri. Wichitahns have a 1 in 87 chance to be a victim of a violent crime, which isn't a percentage that we prefer. But, the vast majority of reported crimes, and the likely reason for the surprising jump in overall crime rates for the town, are property related. You can also check out the worst suburbs of Kansas City. Residents still have a 1 in 327 chance of being victimized. Simply be safe, be smart, and do the right thing youd be amazed at how far a little awareness tends to go. We encourage readers to share story ideas by visiting the Get Involved page and hope you will consider supporting our work by visiting the Donate page. They all offer crime rates below 1.5% which is significantly below both the national average and the average for the state of Missouri. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Deep Sentinel is the only security technology that delivers the experience of a personal guard on every customers home and business. Well there you have it -- the worst of the neighborhoods in Kansas City with South Blue Valley landing at the bottom of the pack. The cities (and states) are split by . For Kansas, that means out of 41 cities, most of our crime is in these ten. Its likely that safety isnt your only consideration. To view . The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. In addition, it is located right next to Union Station (400 meters away) and close to the tram and bus lines: Home2 Suites Kansas City Downtown. On its own, Kansas City had the . Where to go in Corsica - North or South Corsica? 2. If you're measuring the neighborhoods in Kansas City where crime is low and everyone wants to live, this is an accurate list. Population: 2,422Rank Last Year: 1 (No Change)Median Home Value: $240,700 (15th best)Median Income: $103,120 (Eighth best)More on Armour Hills: Homes For Sale|Data, Population: 2,107Rank Last Year: -Median Home Value: $424,200 (Fifth best)Median Income: $138,553 (Fifth best)More on Arnour Fields: Homes For Sale|Data, Population: 750Rank Last Year: -Median Home Value: $306,900 (Tenth best)Median Income: $129,773 (Sixth best)More on Wornall Homestead: Homes For Sale|Data, Population: 3,722Rank Last Year: 2 (Down 2)Median Home Value: $189,450 (27th best)Median Income: $81,157 (18th best)More on Ward Parkway: Homes For Sale|Data, Population: 706Rank Last Year: -Median Home Value: $329,900 (Eighth best)Median Income: $102,917 (Ninth best)More on Romanelli West: Homes For Sale|Data, Population: 1,618Rank Last Year: 4 (Down 2)Median Home Value: $255,250 (12th best)Median Income: $103,750 (Seventh best)More on Morningside: Homes For Sale|Data, Population: 907Rank Last Year: 5 (Down 2)Median Home Value: $248,700 (14th best)Median Income: $91,319 (11th best)More on Westwood: Homes For Sale|Data, Population: 5,882Rank Last Year: 3 (Down 5)Median Home Value: $167,440 (40th best)Median Income: $69,114 (25th best)More on Tower Homes: Homes For Sale|Data, Population: 4,523Rank Last Year: 6 (Down 3)Median Home Value: $187,420 (29th best)Median Income: $50,188 (46th best)More on Volker: Homes For Sale|Data, Population: 3,939Rank Last Year: 8 (Down 2)Median Home Value: $196,200 (24th best)Median Income: $60,529 (32nd best)More on West Plaza: Homes For Sale|Data. What travel route on Route 66 by motorcycle? If youre moving to Kansas City, here are five safe, affordable neighborhoods to consider! But where exactly in Kansas City do the richest of the rich people live? 1. We use data, analytics, and a sense of humor to determine quality of life for places across the nation. This means that French tourists can visit Kansas City without problems as long as they remain vigilant. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Barbecue. Just like any other city there will be good and bad. by Katie Krueger | Dec 14, 2022 | Home Security. Top Urbo honors went to City Center in Newburgh, New York, followed by Washington Highlands in Washington, D.C., Barack Obamas old stomping grounds in Chicagos Altgeld Gardens Neighborhood, and South 4th Street in Memphis. Love Kansas? And on the Numbeo 2022 ranking of the most criminal cities of the USA, Kansas City is also at the top of the most dangerous cities. Visible cameras deter criminals, and footage can be invaluable in the event of a crime. So, it is wise to find out in advance about dangerous areas and neighborhoods to avoid in Kansas City. We Kansans certainly seem to value our peace and quiet; the majority of the state is small, rural towns, where everyone is happy to learn your name, and days are mostly uneventful. Kansas City, Kan. is a city of neighborhoods comprised of five unofficial regions generally defined by specific and implied boundaries - West, Midtown, Northeast, Downtown, and South. Though all of Wichita isn't the same, we definitely don't like these numbers. We used science and data to determine which Kansas City neighborhoods have the richest people. Olathe, KS. We ranked the neighborhoods from worst to best in the chart below. Summing up the median income of those 10 neighborhoods adds up to $1,481,724. However, your odds of being involved in a violent crime are still pretty low (much like a lot of Kansas), at 1 in 219. Keep in mind that this list is using only towns with more than 5,000 residents. And finally, we crowned the neighborhood with the lowest best neighborhood index the "Best City Neighborhood In Kansas City." Realistically, you can't expect all the neighborhoods to be amazing, although Armour Hills ranks way above the rest. Wichita. Junction City sits west of Topeka at the meeting of the Smoky Hill and Republican Rivers. With a crime index of 57.91, this city would be more dangerous than Jacksonville, Las Vegas ou Cincinnati. (More on that below.). And while the city consistently ranks as one of the best places to live in the country thanks in part to a strong economy and tons of entertainment, it's not all rainbows and sunshine in Kansas City. In August 2021, the Kansas City Star reported the death of a man found with a bullet wound to his upper chest. So why look at neighborhoods and not cities? The area has a total crime rate of 13,597 crimes per 100,000 people. Independence was #2 last year as well; nothing much has changed. According to its methodology, Safe Wise said Kansas City is. In 2023, its crime index remains very high. Ferguson, of course, refers to the August 2014 shooting of unarmed teen Michael Brown by Officer Darren Wilsonin Ferguson, Missouri. Population 1,508. And rape and assault are four times that of the state average. Here in Ark City, you've got a 1 in 180 chance of being a victim of violent crime but a higher chance of property crime, at 1 in 27. (Courtesy of Lykins Neighborhood) Topeka rose from #5 to #4 this year, with less violent crimes each year but increasing property crime. And remember, don't blame the messenger. Whichever direction travel takes you in Kansas City, Kan., be assured youll get from Point A to Point B in minutes. A new list, based on police reports, says that one Chicago neighborhood - around West Lake Street -- is the most dangerous in America, but also notes that Atlanta is home to four of the 25 worst neighborhoods. A hornet's venom is more painful than any other wasp and could be fatal if there are allergic reactions as it could lead to Anaphylaxis. Although other Kansas City neighborhoods might question Urbos selection as most dangerous locally, the neighborhood chosen to represent Kansas City is the area around the intersection of Independence and Prospect Avenue. Incredibly, the crime rate in Independence is 129% above the national average. World-famous for its steaks and barbecue, it is sometimes called the Barbecue Capital. The citys legacy in jazz history can be explored in the Historic Jazz District, which was once filled with the sounds of jazz icons like Charlie Bird Parker and Big Joe Turner. Truly a gem in the KC metro, the neighborhood sits atop a hill south of the Kansas River and is known for its blufftop views, Croatian heritage and unique dive bars. Of course, in the bigger cities, you can find city life, if thats what you so crave, but we dont blame you if you dont, either. A small and vibrant village, Merriam contributed to the areas rapid growth, including the first library in 1856. The ranking was. Kansas City's neighborhoods conjure up too many stereotypes to count. Kansas City has a higher crime rate than most U.S. cities. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Merriam is part of the Kansas City metroplex, and its a popular place for singles and starting families. As you might expect, most of these neighborhoods are clustered near the citys downtown area. With #1 being the best, Kansas is ranked #30 for property crime out of 50 states + Washington, D.C. You have a 2.31% chance of being a property crime victim in Kansas in the next 12 months. Kansas City Crime Rate: Most Dangerous Neighborhoods in Kansas City. My selection of the best hotels in Manhattan. The Sentinelis a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that holds government and media accountable for providing complete, accurate and unbiased information so that citizens can make their own informed decisions. The city derives its personality from many small communities and neighborhoods like these bringing a unique blend of local hospitality, diverse cultures, fun times and tons of things to do. It's home to some of the city's hippest residents and urban professionals. Crime can happen day or night. It should be noted that this list is not ranked and includes the most dangerous neighborhoods in Kansas City according to various web sources online at the beginning of 2023. In 2013, the last fullyear before Ferguson, there were 1427 sworn officers on duty with the KCPD. Kansas City Neighborhood Makes America's "5 Most Dangerous" List Author: Jack Cashill -June 2, 2017 Share Now: Evans traces the crime surge to the "Ferguson Effect," the recognition by police officers that they can do their job bravely and well and still be fired, sued, slandered, and even imprisoned. Brookside is Kansas city's first suburban shopping area. By staying in Downtown, your children can enjoy the Legoland Discovery Center, the College Basketball Experience, the Sealife Aquarium or the Kaleidoscope. According to Kansas and FBI crime data, Garden City has the 3rd most non-national fires in the state. Initially, an army post built during the Civil War, Fort Scott sits in the east-central part of Kansas, due east of Wichita, near the Missouri border. Oakland's crime rate is nearly 4 times greater than the national average. From retail favorites at Legends Outlets Kansas City to wine tastings at Rowe Ridge Winery, this region offers a plethora of options you wont find anywhere else in the area. We still think you should explore amazing towns in Kansas, no matter what numbers might say about their crime rates. Read on to see how we determined the places around Kansas City that need a pick-me-up. Kansas City boasts more fountains than Rome, so it's not hard to see how it got the nickname the City of Fountains. It also has the second-highest homicide per capita rate, topped only by St. Louis, Missouri. All rights reserved. Violent crime rates in their picturesque town have dropped over the past few years. Born and raised Kansan, Clarisa has lived in both tiny towns and cities during their time here in the Sunflower State. Avoid alleyways and shortcuts. If you have any questions or suggestions that would allow me to improve this blog, do not hesitate to leave me comments! According to AreaVibes, the city's most dangerous neighborhood is Peabody-Darst-Webbe, . How do you quantify richer than you? North Town Fork Creek. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Kansans are less likely than the average American to believe that crime is increasing compared to last year. At the heart of Kansas City's $10 billion renaissance is this thriving Downtown playground, where memories are made during late-night revelry inside KC Live! The neighborhood with the highest median income, Sunset Hill West, was named the richest neighborhood in Kansas City. These are the wealthiest neighborhoods that Kansas City has to offer.