Pinkerton can get like a long gourd. Generally, a Guatemalan avocado contains 7.5% to 18% monounsaturated fats. Based on what youve written Ive decided to get a Reed to compliment my Haas. But in the spring of 2017 the Lamb did not flower at all and yet the Reed still set a heavy crop. Just planted my Reed in Murrieta CA. It is the favorite variety of many California commercial avocado farmers today. We have a Reed tree about 30 feet tall here on the island of Kauai. The term avocado refers to a tree as well as its fruit. Finally, are there better summer varieties than Reed? At least not once the summer sun and high temperatures kicked in. Join the Avocado Buddy mailing list to receive the latest guides, inspiration and product recommendations from Avocado Buddy! Add mulch. Also the additional shade cloth I put over the top is a great help. Its normal for small fruit to drop. Cats are not interested. And thanks to you, I think theres hope. (Whew!) It just depends on what kind of tree you want to grow. What Im wondering is whether the tree has a root system that is healthy and big enough to bring the tree back at all. Thank you for reading ^_^. There are 322 calories in 1 Avocado. That's a lot of avocado for your toast! And a Reed half is a ready-made bowl for its own guacamole. So, I think its a water issue. At this time, the green-skinned Fuerte variety was still popular and it was thought that avocados with green skin had commercial potential. It produces a medium-sized fruit, weighing 200-300 g. The skin turns a dark, purplish-black when ripe, while the skin of "green" cultivars remains green. Reeds can grow to be an average of one to two pounds, with delicate, light green to yellow flesh and a shell-like skin that makes peeling them somewhat of a challenge. Ive always heard Perth has a similar climate. Continuing to add wood chips is great though because they are so coarse and airy. Thanks for creating such a wonderful resource for beginners like myself! And I prune back far enough so that whatever fruit sets in spring is in a part of the tree that I will not have to cut out the following winter (so I wont have to cut out immature fruit then). Dont add or mix compost into the soil as it decays and the mound will shrink. I look forward to seeing more of them. Because of The Hass is now looking revived and showing new leaf growth. Avocado is basically a berry - a large one with a single seed inside it. With high-density plantings, a farmer grows avocado trees very close together and prunes them frequently to keep size in check. More on Reed: Two downsides of Reeds thick skin, however, are that it is challenging at first to discern when the fruit is ripe. In May and June the air is warmer, which is more conducive to pollen tube growth during the pollination process of avocado flowers. Thanks for all the info. The first summer when I dug into the mulch there were lots of perfect little white feeder root into the wood chip mulch. Plus the pot is 5 feet in diameter and 3 feet deep. West Indian (Persea americana variety americana) On the other hand, the West Indian horticultural race is native to the lowlands of Central and South America. Mature leafs are just folded up. The flesh of the Reed avocado is creamy and has a nutty flavor that is well-suited to a variety of dishes, including guacamole, dips, sandwiches, and salads. BACK IN STOCK APRIL 2023. Thats probably right. Last spring we bought and planted a 5 gallon Reed per your reccomendation on your blog. Stress from having to sell the property that had the mother tree in Carlsbad Ca. One serving of about 1/3 of the fresh fruit contains 50 grams. Reed could work, but would not be the ideal choice, if the allotted space were wider but not so tall. I took most to church to give away. They have good ones in 15 gallon of all 4. Ive been trying to grow a avocado tree for the last 17 years (on & off-not continuously) and theyve all died. Thanks for your reply. 3-4 avocados 5lbs = Approx. What makes you think it is Hass? I think theres hope. Ive got one tree that gets terrible leaf burn on it no matter how much I water it and no matter the scion variety (Ive grafted multiple varieties onto it). I prune in late winter, generally. They painted the trunk with a 1 part water and 1 part White Latex Paint, they also Sprayed the leaves with a further diluted mixture of latex paint, 3 parts water 1 part Paint to help with sunburn. It is the largest of all known avocado varieties. No need to try to dig out all the roots. I live in San Diego. Thanks! If an avocado doesnt turn black as it ripens, it has no chance in the commercial avocado climate of today because it will show black spots on its green skin that have been caused by mishandling of the fruit on its way from the farm to the eater. It only handles cold about as well as Hass that is to say, Reed gets some leaf damage when the temperature drops a bit below freezing, and it gets twig damage at around 26 degrees. A large avocado tree, reaching heights of 40 feet or greater. 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The old crop skin will also be more of an army green compared to the lighter, yellower green of new crop. Lots of flowers and now fruits coming. Reed Avocado trees are similar in growth and appearance to other avocado varieties. Lots of crispy salt and sun burned tips. But he said they produce so many avocados they accept the loss of some of them to the critters. Developed from a chance seedling found in 1948 by James S. Reed in California, t he tree grows tall to about 15 feet but does not sread out to wide it gets 8 . It is not a Reed. Reeds. There is more to that story though, and you can read about it in my post, Should you buy a big or small avocado tree?: However, after another heat spike the few fruitlets I had dried up and dropped. I live in Mission Viejo and August-Sept in past years are really toasty. 8 /14. Id say youre pretty safe with that combination in Escondido as Fuerte usually produces well there as far as Ive seen. If you thought avocados were limited to the ones in your grocery stores produce section, youre about to have your horizons expanded! If watered moderately well, its leaves will appear healthy and green all year long in Southern California this despite the leaf burn that many other varieties often show in the fall and winter, in part because of the constituents in our water. If you really want to taste the fruit, then let it carry one or two at the most. Avocados: Calories and nutrition. So do you think July would be a good time to pick my first one? Potential Health Benefits 1. So what I focus on now is just making sure that I get the trees sufficient water during summer and fall, no matter which kind of water, and then accepting a certain amount of leaf burn on some of them. Because of that, I think you could keep the trees happy for many years. Here are characteristics of the Reed avocado fruit, its history, the trees shape and growing habit, and a few remarkable strengths and weaknesses all in order to help you decide whether a Reed avocado tree deserves a place in your yard. It has worked for over five years. Thats just the reality for most of us in Southern California. Hi Rosey, Do you think this would be productive? I wish it didnt take so long, too. In general, you can combine avocado with pretty much anything and improve the dish. You can let all three grow or remove one or two. I trust your advice. When you plant a couple trees in one hole you have to do a little more work and be more careful not to let one tree dominate and shade the other. Reed avocados, like all varieties, are scientifically referred to Persea Americana, and are botanically classified as a berry. To determine whether or not your avocado is ready to eat, gently apply pressure with your thumb and feel for a slight give. LOVE! All commercial growers that I know of prune their Lambs and Reeds immediately after harvest and once the potential damage from strong summer sun is reduced. Thanks for all the great info you provide; so helpful. This one's for all the avocado toast-loving folks on Instagram. I think I finally figured out what type of avocado tree is growing in our yard. Irrigation information. This time of year it becomes hard to distinguish between old and new crop on Reeds. Cousin to the Hass. The biscatechin was shown in vitro to have antimicrobial . I live in coastal Long Beach, a little less than a mile from the ocean. My brother and sister-in-law make those custom engraved tree signs. I live in Escondido and there are a fair amount of avocado trees around, including in my neighborhood. You can smash and dash them up into avocado, or you can slice and dice them and use them as toppings. The flesh itself has a mild taste and is quite watery. About the fruit: Avocado is a berry, with one single large seed surrounded by creamy pulp. No problem with critters. Thanks for the great article and information! In terms of its chemical composition, the fat in avocado is about 71 percent monounsaturated fatty acids, 13 percent polyunsaturated fatty acids and 16 percent saturated fatty acids. The bark seems to be getting thick and chuncks are falling off? For your Reed, its likely that it will recover if you can protect any exposed branches from sunburn (see my post about this here). It has produced loads of delicious avocados for many years. Just the other day I found a couple of avocados on the ground under my Reed tree. old and still producing. If thats a possibility with 5 gal containers, the goal would be to use Hass, Reed and another. It can be hard to tell if buds are vegetative or floral much earlier than the stage shown in those photos, but in general the floral buds are fatter and less pointy on top. If the skin literally comes off on its own, you can bet you got a Reed. 586 Ratings. If youre feeling ambitious and curious, try some of these avocado pairings. Should I have him put another layer on top? If you ever have the opportunity to get your hands on a Reed avocado, dont let the chance pass you by. How long will it take to grow and harvest the fruit? Its even a little hotter than my location, and I often put some shade over new trees for their first summer. Thanks for this article!! Reed also sets a good crop pretty much every year whereas Lamb has a tendency to alternate bear more even though when it does bloom it sets a lot of fruit. (The exception is with small trees that Ive watered sufficiently with rainwater all year, which didnt have any leaf burn.). I also purchased a mystery avocado that didnt have a tag at home depot but it grew vigorously the first year and now 6 ft tall in its second year was wondering can you tell the cultivar/variety by examining the leaf only? The Haas is a 15 gallon I planted a year and a half ago that has been struggling for a multitude of reasons. I am getting ready to plant 2 avocados in my yard, and went ahead and purchased a Haas. In general, avocado trees need plenty of sunlight, water, and annual pruning. Thanks for taking the time to share this. Honestly, I would choose another variety to add based on other characteristics such as the varietys harvest season, fruit quality, and productivity rather than whether its flowering season overlaps well with Reed because Reed seems to need cross-pollination the least of any avocado variety that I know, plus the fact that any variety will contribute somewhat to Reeds yield. As long as its white inside youre fine. My uncle James Sterling Reed. On a side note, can you please tell me where you had those engraved wooden tree/garden markers made? I really hope for some fruit next year! There are thousands of foods and recipes in the FatSecret database to choose from, with detailed nutritional information including calories, fat and protein for each serving size. I want to plant at least two avocado trees in the front yard. I dont have any other avocado trees. Information about Reed Avocado including applications, nutritional value, taste, seasons, availability, storage, restaurants, cooking, geography and history. Reed is a late bloomer. Avocado eaters tend to be healthier. It doesnt seem to have sustained real damage. A serving of avocado contains 6 grams of unsaturated fat. Basically Hi Greg, I would love to get some. Just keep the pit in the saved portion, cover in plastic wrap, and refrigerate. Avocados dont add a ton of flavor, so as long as you like the texture and health benefits, avocados are the perfect fruit to experiment with. Did you visit the orchard that had the reeds planted 5ft apart? Reed avocado trees reliably set fruit without another avocado tree around. I know this is an old post but wanted to know how your Reeds are today April 2020. Hi Greg, I have a young Reed I planted in Nov 2020 from a 5 gallon container. My goal is to help others grow food at home, with a focus on vegetables and fruits -- especially avocados -- in Southern California. The stem connecting new crop fruit will also be lighter green compared to darker green old crop stems. We had about 50 fruit growing and ended with 6 growing full term. The fruit grows to about 10cm and is ripened after it is picked. Reed named the avocado after himself, patented it, and started selling it starting in 1960. 1 Reed, 2 Mexicola, 1 Pinkerton, 3 large Fuertes and Rest a mix of Hass and Lamb Hass. Your feed back has be great right on target in the past.My reed is 9 tall, its carrying my first crop of 18 grape fruit size avocados. They appear to be right at the graft but not on the root stock. This is the case with my own Reed tree as well as all Reed trees Ive observed in other locations. I am interested. While Reed avocados are large and delicious, they arent often sold in most grocery stores. Thanks so much for all this info. Thanks for your comments. Theyre rich in nutrients, antioxidants and promote bone growth and strength. Hey Greg, If it doesnt prune itself naturally, Id plan on letting it carry 2 fruit, just to see what happens. Its still alive and has leaves. Avocado trees also bounce back from severe pruning, which is essentially what has happened to your tree, as long as theyre protected from sunburn. Product Description. If you ever have the chance to get your hands on an individual avocado or a Reed seed, youll want to take full advantage of the opportunity to enjoy the delicious fruit and even try growing your very own avocado tree! I happen to have planted a Reed and a Lamb 7.5 feet apart, and a Hass and Sir-Prize 7.5 feet apart, and these plantings have worked pretty well in terms of spacing. Its taste is described as being smooth and delicate, with nutty tones. Hello to you in Australia, Lou. As for fertilizing avocados generally, please see this post: Our location seems to be good for avocados. I know I dont have enough to get me thru our summer. Three to four years is a long time though. I can sometimes identify an avocado variety by its leaves, but more often I can just eliminate the possibility of other varieties and narrow the options. hi greg Thanks for the info i decided to replant the reed out of the fabric pot and into the ground in a mound as I was not able to find info on the internet about growing avocado trees to maturity in large fabric pots. So while I had a hugh fruit set all but 5 are left. In the early 70s, other San Diego growers started experimenting with the Reed. Hi Bruce, Reed avocados are great when eaten by themselves, but theyre even better when properly paired with other foods. The reason for this is because Reeds dont turn dark as they ripen. When I write I try to anticipate the questions that I might have as a reader, but that can be hard. This can vary by variety, however, so firmness rather than skin color . Individual avocados of each can be the same size although on average the old crop fruit will certainly be larger. I wanted to find a Reed as you suggest to pair with it, but none of the nurseries around San Diego seem to have any. Give a deep watering once a week in preference to shallow watering every other day. But the main reason is that Reeds are the wrong color. They have thin skin which makes them easy to peel. Both are round and green varieties. At that point, make sure your drainage is good and plant a new tree (on a mound if the drainage isnt so good). Thencheck out my avocado pagefor more growing tips, info guides, and great recipes! Unfortunately, there will likely be a gap between the last of the Reeds and the first of the new Hass crop every year, the gap usually running from around October through the end of the year. The flesh of Reed is among the creamiest and smoothest of any avocado I have eaten. Get Vegan Reed Avocado products you love delivered to you in as fast as 1 hour via Instacart or choose curbside or in-store pickup. Keto-Friendly. I purchased a 5 gallon reed tree and there are shoots coming out at the graft location. This variety is easily distinguishable by its size and shape. The property was subdivided after Dorothy passed. Avocados give you a good dose of vitamin E, which may help protect against Alzheimer's disease and slow decline in your memory and thinking skills. Your Reeds will also hold on the tree and still taste good through fall. Its just something to get used to. Very large and heavy. Perth, Western Australia. As long as you still find white roots deeper in the soil, then Id give the tree a shot at recovering in its current location. Like other summer varieties, Reeds drop immature fruit all the way until proper harvest time. 3 grams of protein. Could you please recommend a nursery in CA or anywhere in USA/Mexico etc that will sell Australia some Mexicola or avocado like Mexicola with the black skin? I would be careful about letting your Reed carry more than a couple avocados this year. A serving (about one-third of a medium-sized avocado) contains 80 calories 1. Also, during some parts of the year its harder to find many white roots because the roots havent been growing a lot lately. Good timing on this post. Skin colors: Green, black, purple or reddish/maroon Nutritional value: Lower in fat than the Hass, Florida avocados contain 3-15% oil and no cholesterol. I love your details about the avocado varieties. 16% . So sad for me. This creamy fleshed fruit has an excellent flavor that is rich, bold, and nutty. See two old Reed avocado trees displaying these growth habits in this video: Nonetheless, a Reed avocado tree can be one of the most attractive of all avocado varieties. For some contact info, see my post Where to buy an avocado tree.. I was hoping that someone may know the name of this variety, I usually start picking in may, also missed picking some and were on till November because of the coastal climate they get a brownie tinge from sun burn as I live in a subtropical climate, or is this just a freak of nature they are very tasty, I have sliced and frozen them even after 12 months in freezer still tasty. There are no more large avocados, just the fruitlets. Had many Fuerte last year. First, they planted the Reeds at ten feet apart, and then after a couple years they interplanted new Reed trees to make the five-foot spacing down the rows. Because avocados don't start to ripen until after they're picked, growers allow Reed avocados to get as large as 1 1/2 to 2 pounds. 'Reed': Developed from a chance seedling found in 1948 by James S. Reed in California, this cultivar has large, round, green fruit with a smooth texture and dark, thick, glossy skin. The skin is pebbly but comes off easily. I believe your questions are answered in these two posts: The problem with this late September pruning time, at least for me, is that youve now cut off outer foliage that could have protected the inner foliage and fruit from any nasty freeze that might hit in the upcoming winter. ago is doing great! He patented the variety in 1960, and by the early 2000s, Reed avocados were being cultivated on over 400 acres in California. We had a crop in 2017 but the heat wave caused all to drop when they were the size of walnuts. The very first Reed avocado seed was germinated in 1948 on the property of James Reed in Carlsbad, California. I have avocados on my Reed and admit Ive lost track of their progress this year. Avocados are an exceptional dietary resource of magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and also vitamin K. The following nourishment details are for fifty percent of an nutrition and also are provided by the USDA.2. Like all trees and plants, avocado trees are prone to a number of diseases. Old crop will not have shiny skin compared to new crop. The productive Reed avocado trees are slender and upright, and although their height can be controlled with pruning, they are able to grow up to 37 feet tall. Still, Fuerte and Lamb would be a great combination; theyre both delicious avocados, and youll probably get satisfactory crops from them in most years. Can you grow Reed avocados in south Louisiana. And dont pass up a Jan Boyce tree if you find one. The challenge is that seedling trees take longer to fruit than grafted trees so your tree will probably be pretty big before it fruits. My backyard is small and Im somewhat space limited. From your post, I was surprised how much ahead of schedule it seems to trees in San Diego. ! Too low to even prop them. Ideas? It has only lost about 25 % of its leaves, and the rest are droopy. I have a 2 yr old Reed, the leafs look like taco shells (folded up leafs) I seen your other post on avacado leafs, and some new growth looks like potential sun/wind burn. Hi Greg, I just stumbled upon your site today. It is looking good, too. I love that idea of adding the tuna salad to the Pinkerton half. any ideas?