NOW! The Scrappy from the cartoons was also tough-acting and overconfident, though not as obnoxious and to a much lesser extent, and was also more analytical and intelligent, sometimes proving to be an even better sleuth than most of the gang, with the possible exception of Velma. Scrappy's Empathetic Month by SilverZeo -- Fur Affinity [dot] net | help. Interestingly, Scooby-Dum is generally well-liked, and even received his own FunkoPop vinyl figure in 2017. He then managed to capture Scooby after Shaggy's girlfriend Mary Jane, possessed by a demon, brings him over. The 80s as a whole arent exactly the most beloved era of Scooby-Doo, or animated network television as a whole for that matter, and a padded, meandering film like Scooby-Doo Meets the Boo Brothers isnt going to win any Emmys. Those few references made to him on the various shows of recent years are derogatory. Scrappy then lands on a clock hand, causing Shaggy and Scooby to worry about his safety (Scrappy is having a jolly good time and oblivious to their concern for him) they manage to get him back into Big Ben, where Scrappy sees the night ghoul on one of the clock's gears and spins the gear, capturing the night ghoul and allowing the others to wrap Velma had a catchphrase and a running gag with her glasses, but Fred and Daphne had virtually no distinguishing character traits. having 5 Children Scoooby was always my best friend, It was my time to getthings done when scooby went on, the kids were busy and i could do the things I needed to. Fred: Scrappy, I told you no urinating on Daphne!Scrappy: It was an accident!Fred: You were marking your territory!Scrappy: You don't have the scope for this job, pally! Boxing News: Paul-Fury, Makabu-Jack Final Presser February 28, 2023 He is the nephew of Hanna-Barbera cartoon star Scooby-Doo. In 1979, Scrappy-Doo was brought on to revitalize theScooby-Doofranchise. Which of the above-mentioned Scooby-Doo quotes do you like the most? This young man is 22 years of age and a woman did an interview with him. Scooby-Dum never enjoyed the central role that Scrappy achieved, but he embodies the creators' attempts to reach outside the immediate Scooby Gang for material. His insistence that ghosts were real, coupled with his obnoxious and detestable behavior, annoyed Mystery, Inc. to no end, culminating with Scrappy arrogantly demanding that they appoint him their "unquestioned" leader or else he would leave, foolishly believing that they valued his company when in reality, they would gladly take the chance to get rid of him (even his own uncle). Cat Creatures | KNEEL TO MY PUPPY POWER!Scrappy chasing Shaggy and Scooby. This was untenable to Hanna-Barbera, and they decided that what Scooby-Doo needed was a new star character. TL;DR it was a mix of people genuinely disliking Scrappy, and a smear campaign instigated by Cartoon Network and bolstered by the 2002 live-action movie inspiring people who hated the character to vent all of their frustrations online and in media, resulting in the character being hated and disliked. Scooby-Doo's Original Ending Explained & Why Scrappy Became The Villain, Scooby Doo's R-Rated Cut: 8 Details & Deleted Scenes Revealed, Scooby Doo's Deleted Drug Scene Explains Its Best Hidden Adult Joke. In his Emile Mondavarious disguise, he was portrayed by the legendary Rowan Atkinson, who also played the real Emile Mondavarious in the film as well as every form of Edmund Blackadder in Blackadder. When Scrappy realizes this, he gasps in shock and Fred immediately stops the Mystery Machine, sending Scrappy flying into the windscreen. However, in recent years, there has been a resurgence (mostly due to Tumblr and Twitter) of Scrappy fans, people like myself who grew up with the character and were either oblivious to the hate or loving the character in spite of it, and he has a modestly sized fanbase. In 1988, he vanished from the scene completely, and when he returned in the late '90s, the cartoon industry had soured on his persona. He was also briefly the star of his own seven minute shorts the Scrappy & Yabba Doo segments of Scooby-Doo and Scrappy-Doo. Scrappy-Doo was largely absent from the spotlight from 1988-1999, at which point the powers that be made a concerted effort to run his name through the mud. Despite that it was his own fault for being a bad friend and a jerk to all of them. This blog does not store any files on its server. Return of the Reluctant Werewolf - Chapter 9 - WildwindVampire - Scooby He needed a pure soul in order to complete his transformation and become unstoppable. Ghost Hunter Haunter | Mr. Smiley | Black Samurai | After fixing himself, Scrappy crosses his arms and irritably insists it was an accident, but Fred tells him he was marking his territory. However, an alternate ending would have seen Smithers unmasked as the movies villain. Carroll, Animated Movies Oh, get over it! Despite its poor critical reception, Scooby-Doo has gained a cult following among those who grew up with the adaptation. Scrappy left with the demons and they captured many people including Fred and Velma, however, Shaggy rescued them. Those Scooby fans who turn their nose up at Scrappy and blame him for bringing the franchise down should know that Scrappy's the only reason Scooby-Doo survived long enough to reach the age. Not only is he a character nobody asked for and . Kang the Conqueror (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Krampus (Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated). Finding the right voice was a torturous process requiring multiple recordings of the entire episode, and a money and personality dispute ended up costing Scrappy his first performer after just one season (Don Messick, Scooby's VA, ultimately got the part for most of Scrappy's run). A picture of Daphne is seen on a locker. Why was Scrappy-Doo a bad guy? I think his "Puppy power!" No, Tim Curry Didn't Refuse To Star In Scooby Doo To top it off, in 2000 Cartoon Network's website launchedan interactive game called Scrappy Stinks. Because of this, Scrappy became the villain of the live-action Scooby-Doo film, after about 15 years of absence from the franchise and never appearing again afterwards. Why Scooby's maligned nephew deserves some slack. Jonathan Jacobo | Referred toasScooby-Doo's cousin, he's a buck-toothed dimwit who's, in his own way, endearing. If Scrappy was pushed too aggressively when he first appeared and was a bit too much of a twerp he became a more tenable character with time, and a more interesting straight man than the alternative. If not for you meddling sons of--", only to be cut off by a police officer shutting the door as the puppy continues to rant and rave. Scrappy and his allies summoned an army of monstrous purple demons with a pyramid object called the Daemon Ritus. Biff Wellington | Why, Scrappy Doo inspired a whole generation of youngsters to face the bad guys with courage and honour. It takes time!!! Before long, the charismatic Great Dane had taken center stage, pushing Daphne, Velma, and Fred out of the spotlight. And I brought you here, puny, pathetic Mystery Inc. to witness my moment of triumph! The Facts on Scrappy - ERIC T B Ranger Knudsen | Scrappert "Scrappy" Cornelius Doo is a tritagonist in the Scooby-Doo original franchise. And his initial run of episodes was given out to a less than stellar animation house. Mark Evanier, the TV writer who created Scrappy, said theBroadcast Standardscommittee at ABC didn't think Scrappy was a great role model for children. He was also associated with a switch to a three . also the scooby doo movie in 2002 with the same bad name towards scrappy. Several years later, Scrappy disguised himself as Emile Mondavarious, the owner of Spooky Island, though the gang didn't know. Don Messick, who voiced Scooby, originally auditioned to be the voice of Scrappy as well. Sea Serpent Smugglers | Despite Scrappy-Rex being a villain, he is similar to the Hulk from the. But Scooby-Doo is a franchise for kids, and as a kid, I enjoyed Scrappy and the Red Shirt Shaggy era as much as I enjoyed any other Scooby series that is to say, well enough. The current generation is all about "getting the bag . More recent series and films have tried to graft personalities on to them, often at the expense of any meaningful role for Shaggy and Scooby in the various films and shows of the modern era. Mastermind | Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law enjoyed subjecting him to humiliating cameos, often as a corpse. Scooby Doo Winter Wonderdog (DVD, 2002), Free Shipping But so what? Laura | He was voiced by Scott Innes in his normal form and by J.P. Manoux (who also played Doppeldeaner in Community) in his monster form. and Scooby shrugs. Because he's like the Elmo of the Scooby universe. . The gang is in shock over Scrappy almost saying the bad word (also wondering where he heard it), but the subject is immediately changed with the news people talking to the gang again. How Scrappy went from cocky but heroic to obnoxious and demanding (then villainous and cruel) is unknown, though perhaps in the cartoons, he never became a villain and / or something terrible happened to him or was caused by him, inadvertently or otherwise that caused the gang to stop talking about him. Way to destroy a character that some people may like. In response, Scrappy says, "Is that all you got?" T-Rex | Can you navigate and watch the . His blind, delusional hero-worship of his uncle Scooby gave way to a more realistic (but still affectionate) opinion. The new, improved Scrappy! Muppet Central is hosted by KnownHost. In the cartoons, Scrappy is also egotistical, tough-acting, and overconfident, though not as obnoxious and to a much lesser extent, and is also more judicious, analytical, and intelligent, sometimes proving to be an even better sleuth than most of the gang, with the possible exception of Velma. Wiki-Tiki | He was funny for about half a season. P-P-P-Puppy Power! | Seeker of Truth Man those movies are bad. Scrappy-Doo - Wikipedia Culprit (s) SDD-1. Principal Deedle | Scrappy argues that ghosts do exist and when he finds them, he will give them a dose of "puppy power" and he then urinates on Daphne. While screaming in terror and horror, he loses all of his protoplasm and then morphs back into Scrappy-Doo. Scrappy is then unceremoniously thrown out of the van in the middle of the desert along with his suitcase, with no one giving a second thought (not even Scooby). Why was Scrappy Doo a bad guy? Shaggy and Scooby were always portrayed as scared and hungry; while the new take on their characters may have held potential, it ultimately just doesn't suit them. Accordingly, the filmmakers made Scrappy even more irritating than usual, with a flashback involving him attempting to take control of Mystery Inc. and urinating on Daphne (Sarah Michelle Gellar). There's even an extremely meta Scooby-Doofan theorythatattempts to shed light on why people dislike Scrappy-Doo. Daphne (and Flim Flam, a far more obnoxious sidekick than Scrappy ever was) were still along for the ride, but when The 13 Ghosts finished its very brief run, Scooby-Doo persisted as a series of TV movies with Scooby, Scrappy, and a palette-swapped Shaggy mixed up in various supernatural situations. In a Cartoon Network bumper, Scrappy rants about how other cartoons are getting more love and fame than he is. Gosnell thought the original monster was really unsatisfying, as it wasnt known to the gang and didnt really come from anywhere. Selena Drake | I would've gotten away with it too! Scrappy was characterized by extreme arrogance and egomania, believing he could overpower any opponents with his "puppy power". Or something like that. That one time when Scrappy Doo killed a guy : r/videos Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Scooby Doo Winter Wonderdog (DVD, 2002), Free Shipping at the best online prices at eBay! Site debuted on January 28, 1998. HAHA! This, plus Cartoon Network's smear campaign, is what caused the hatred for Scrappy Doo to pick up in earnest, with older fans flooding online message boards and forums with hatred for the character and picking apart his older appearances, making Scrappy one of the most hated cartoon characters of all time. He then managed to catch Scooby after Mary Jane hands him over. However many locations are taking the outlane posts out and setting the ball saves all the off completely. Max | Lena Dupree | Without warning,he was relieved of his duties,andMessick was brought in to takeover the role for the rest of the 1980s. | news I grew up watching Scooby Doo, but that theme is just not something I'm buying a pin for as an adult. It wasn't until the early 2000s with the various tv movies & mystery incorporated that they started to take the characters & plot more seriously.