As a teenage artist, you could either create your own original artwork to be sold at art fairs and craft fairs, or take requests from friends and family members to create artwork made just for them! Jeff is a featured contributor delivering advice on job search, job interviews and career advancement, having published more than 50 pieces of unique content on the site, with his work being featured in top publications such as INC, ZDnet, MSN and more. Psst: you'll also want to check out these 25 online jobs for teenagers that pay. You may help with cleaning the house of a busy mom or help an elderly couple reorganize their basement. Check local rates at stores in your area to see what they charge, then aim slightly below that, particularly if youre building your reputation. 19 Summer Jobs for Kids (Aged 13 and Younger) - Money Prodigy This is an excellent way to make money if you live in an area that gets a lot of snow. Gear up for the #FutureOfWork with these best #OnlineJobs for 13-year-olds. As a teenage seed salesman, you can sell as many types of seeds as you want. 50 Easy Jobs For 13 Year-Olds That Pay Well [Mar 2023] - Dreamshala This is especially true if the teen previously attended as a camper, as theyre familiar with the environment and activities. Its a great job for a 13-year-old because it doesnt take a lot of hard work, but it does require you to be responsible and follow directions. You could work for someone else to write website content or interesting blog posts for them, or you could be self-employed and write your own things to be published. What a great service your child could work on! There are several ways that you can make money as a teenage seller on Amazon or eBay, but the main things that you will be doing are listing items for sale, answering questions, and then shipping items once they are sold. Most organizers charge by the project. Summer is the perfect time for kids to make some extra cash I know I always used my summers to do this. 7 High-Paying Summer Jobs For Teens - Forbes In most cases, people charge by the job for gardening services. (Learn More), As long as you have a good camera and internet access, you can be a teenage photographer! But, if youre a great baker, then this is a great way to make money because people need big orders of cupcakes and other baked goods for their events so theyll hire you. A 13-year-old can find plenty of work online where they might help with big projects like TV shows or audio books, or smaller projects like commercials or online ads. Do Door-to-Door Sales with a Parent. 1. House cleaning is a great option, particularly for those looking for summer jobs for 13-year-olds. As a teenage yard sale assistant, youll need to help before, during, and after the yard sale. Soooois your child just looking to make some extra cash (and not really have a formal job)? Though there are many jobs listed above, which of these are going to pay an 13 year old the most money?In most cases, what you're going to find is that most of the entrepreneurial types of jobs and freelance jobs listed in the "Online Jobs" area are the highest paying. You can help them to put each set away (either in the original container they came in, or in new bins labeled with the toy set type so that its easier to keep up with moving forward). While opportunities arent as plentiful as they are for older teens and young adults, there are some options out there. Companies need teens for advertisements in a number of product categories, including clothing, accessories, toys, electronics, and more. Many elderly adults can benefit from having company on a regular basis. Another one of the classic 13-year-old jobs is babysitter. Find out what are the most sought after summer jobs for teenagers. . Pet Sitter One of the quintessential jobs for 13-year-olds, pet sitters care for another person's pets while they're away from home. In these cases, a 13-year-old may be able to work as an elderly helper, providing support to a member of their community on a regular basis, all while earning around $14.31 per hour. Also, I cant tell you how many lessons I learned about business, making money, and confidence while doing this. Because you're simply too young and need to continue to focus on your schooling andchild labor laws As a teenage house sitter, you could be responsible for taking care of plants and animals, bringing in the mail, and generally making sure everything is fine. And guess what? Once youve made a ton of money in the game, you can convert it into real money by using one of several websites through which you can sell in-game currency, items, and even accounts to other players. Here are 22 of the best jobs for 13-year-olds. Help your child to work out a schedule to go through each week for the households that sign up, and communicate to those neighbors what happens on a rainy day/week (for example: well wait two days after a rainy day to do any watering, or something like that). But not all stickers are very good quality and having a good quality, weather-resistant sticker will set you apart from the competition. I do a pretty good job of thisbut I would love to pay a child a small amount to spend the time to put each set back together (to the best that they can, meaning, some parts might never be found again!). Since thats the case, they might start hunting for jobs for 13-year-olds to see what options are available. Then, list them on one of the many textbook selling websites and youll be on your way to be a teenage textbook seller. You can unsubscribe from these emails at any time. As a 13-year-old, its likely better to focus on the lower end of the spectrum until you build a reputation and gain experience. 5. If you are creative and a good writer, you could be a teenage creative writer. (Learn More), Even though being a teenage snow shoveler is hard work, it also pays really well! Many younger teenagers arent interested in having a job yet, even if they wish they have spending cash. As a teenage landscaper, you will be responsible for keeping the plant and outside decorative areas of someone home or business looking beautiful. Catch them all in this new #CareerKarma article. LOCATION. If you love making jewelry, artwork, or anything with your hands, you could be a teenage seller on Etsy. Textbooks cost a lot of money, which is why you can make a lot of money as a teenage textbook seller. Once that happens, youll be able to make money as a teenage blogger with advertisements and sponsorship's from different companies! Businesses and other people who need pictures for projects use websites like Shutterstock to buy high quality photos. The best way to get started as a teenage seller on Etsy is to come up with a few things that you can do really well. Let me show you some great options the kind that will help out both the family and your child. Before I turned 13, I had: Nowadays? Now, modeling is a competitive field, so it isnt guaranteed to work out. If youre handling parts and labor, you might charge $20 for a simple, low-cost fix or several hundred for more complex tune-ups. As a teenage car washer, youll need to make sure that peoples cars are spotless inside and out. Your child can simply switch their internet search engine from google to them, and then earn a little extra money as they go about their internet dealings. I am 15 years of age seeking a summer job but i have work experience since i was 14 years old i'm good at giving advice to customers on products. This is a great winter job for 13-year-olds because it doesnt require any difficult physical work, and since youll most likely be selling at winter events, its also a lot of fun. Newer artists and record companies need to have real people listen to and review music before they release it to the public, so they pay people to do just that. My favorite apps (I use them both with each receipt): Have you ever heard of the search engine Swagbucks? This post may contain affiliate links. Youll definitely have to be creative for this job, and should also be able to draw or use a computer program to create logos. Additionally, there can be laws about start and end times, as well as how many hours they can work in a day. Once that happens, youll be able to make money as a teenage blogger with advertisements and sponsorship's from different companies! Boydton - Va, UNITED STATES. They could dig through all of the toy bins and toy areas and make piles of each separate set. Many people struggle with organization. A 13-year-old with artistic talent may be able to leverage their skills to earn some cash. Lets touch on those labor laws so that you know what your child can and cannot do in terms of work. It's a great option for teenagers who enjoy being outdoors and that have some leadership or teaching skills. Online Survey takers come from all different backgrounds consisting of sales, retail, managers, administration, customer support, grocery, restaurant food cooks, servers, cashiers, admin as well as many more! For active 13-year-olds that know a thing or two about maintaining a bike or skateboard, offering their services as a mechanic could be a fun gig. 2023 Copyright - Money Prodigy Terms & Conditions & Disclaimer & Privacy Policy. And do you pay them for chores (or pay their allowance partly based on them doing their chores)? In fact, the summer job market has become tighter than ever. If youre creative and artistic, you could make tons of money as a teenage t-shirt designer. Like produce picker, 13-year-olds might be able to work as farmhands if the position follows the rules regarding equipment and animals. The rules vary by state, so its critical to review local requirements to determine what young teens are allowed to do work-wise. This is your opportunity to start a lifelong profession with endless opportunity. As for pay, something near $13.84 per hour isnt out of the question. A 13-year-old can find plenty of work online where they might help with big projects like TV shows or audio books, or smaller projects like commercials or online ads. Theyll also need to learn how to price a project out, of various sizes. I used to do this for my parents, as our car would get totally disgusting (and theyd much rather pay me $10 to do it than do it themselves). Make sure when youre creating your designs as a teenage t-shirt designer that theyre original, unique, and something that anybody would want to wear. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Apply online instantly. Test Products. Good sized yard for playing. Online surveys can pay up to $50 per completed survey. Discover the flexibility you've been searching for by taking a moment to complete our . If you spend a lot of time on social media sites like Facebook and Twitter already, then why not make money doing it as a teenage. If someone is too busy to set up their own decorations or cant for some other reason, they might hire you to set it up for them. (Learn More). Core hours are M-F from 9-3 but may flex as we work from home and anticipate at . This is an especially good job for a 13-year-old who lives in an area where a lot of people like to grow gardens. Your main jobs as a teenage pool cleaner will be using a net to get big things out of the water and a special vacuum to clean the sides and floor of the pool, but you may also be responsible for cleaning the pools filtration system and monitoring the chemical levels. If you want to cash in on this big industry, youll need to find cheap textbooks at yard sales, second-hand stores, or from older relatives in college. The most important part of being a teenage gift basket creator is that you have to be creative with knowing what types of things people like. By creating this job alert, you agree to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Privacy Policy. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. If you are passionate about fashion, then this could be the perfect way for you to make money. However, something in the $10 to $20 per hour range is likely appropriate in most cases. You keep an eye on kids, ensuring theyre safe and cared for while the parents are away. A teenage blogger can get paid to write blog posts about things theyre passionate about, whether its video games, food, crafts, or something completely different. Well, whether competition is a factor depends on the types of jobs a 13-year-old goes after. That creates opportunities for 13-year-olds with strong skills in that area. So, if the answer to Can you get a job at 13? is yes, what about competition for jobs? If you dont mind working hard and getting a little dusty, then you could be a teenage garage cleaner. This job is as easy as making things, taking pictures of them, listing them on Etsy, waiting for them to be sold, and then shipping them out! kids can become refs between 12 and 14 years old. Take Pictures with Your Phone. As a teenage gift basket creator, you will make gift baskets for people to give as gifts. Many people dont like cleaning their garage, which is why they will pay you to do it. for the weeks that I have my 13 and 11-year-old girls. Posted on Last updated: February 23, 2023, Greenlight vs. gohenry (Which is the Best Debit Card for Kids? However, these jobs are also the ones that take the longest to make a lot of money in. A teenage fashion blogger is someone that writes about fashion. Apply for a Sittercity Bi-Weekly, Full-Time Summer Nanny for 13 and 11 year olds job in Minneapolis, MN. Most 13-year-olds would love to have their own spending money. If you are a 13-year-old that loves to draw or paint, you could be a teenage artist! According to the Child Care and Protection Act, no child below the age of 13 years should be engaged in work for any economic gain. This is a great summer job for 13-year-olds because many people have gardens but may not be able to keep up with them on their own. As you get more work as a teenage window washer, you may need to add a ladder to your supply list to get to second-story windows, too. 5. Earn $2,200 in Richmond when you give 200 rides in 30 days. For 13-year-olds who are great at a particular school subject, working as an academic tutor might be a great fit. Cons: There might not be job openings in your area. Once youve made a ton of money in the game, you can convert it into real money by using one of several websites through which you can sell in-game currency, items, and even accounts to other players. As long as there are products that need to be sold, there will be a need for teenage models, so you will always be able to find work in this industry. You must realize that in order to make a lot of money at any job or with any business, there is a lot of hard work required. As a teenage garage cleaner, you may find yourself cleaning cobwebs and sweeping the floors, or you might get hired to help someone re-organize their whole garage. Lots of families and some groups go to amusement parks and water parks over the summertime. Why? Age-Appropriate Summer Jobs for 13-Year-Olds - LiveAbout (Learn More), If you are creative and a good writer, you could be a teenage creative writer. As a teenage video game tester, youll need to make sure that the game works the way its supposed to, then give a detailed report to the game company so they can fix any problems. If your child is at least 13 years old, then you can use together to find local pet-sitting jobs. Online Jobs For Teens; Summer Jobs For Teens; Winter Jobs For Teens; Resume Writing; Interviewing; Search. We have a 7-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son who get along very well. List of Summer Jobs for Kids Aged 13 - Career Trend I cant be the only one who periodically pulls out a (very) expired ingredient from my pantry, right? by doing things like: Have you ever been totally frustrated with keeping all of the various toys and book sets together in your home? One thing you can try is to find a reliable sticker manufacturer for production, list those stickers on Etsy, and wait for them to sell. Sign in to create your job alert for Part Time jobs in Jamaica. If you're a 13 year old looking for a job, we have good and bad news for you. How much YouTubers make varies dramatically. Child Labor Laws In Alabama. To be a teenage landscaper, youll need to be willing to work hard and not be afraid to get dirty. One thing you can try is to find a reliable sticker manufacturer for production, list those stickers on Etsy, and wait for them to sell. This means they still bring their children to the park and stay there with them, but they get to sit on the sidelines and read, work, or do whatever else theyd like while your child plays with the kids. Then, list them on one of the many textbook selling websites and youll be on your way to be a teenage textbook seller. Were going to go over kid job opportunities: But before we dive in? That includes most retail positions that teens often use as stepping stones into the labor force. You just need some smart tools and resources thats where I come in. When it comes to summer jobs for 13-year-olds, yard sale helper is often an overlooked option. Offer your neighbors a plant watering service. During big events like races and fairs, you can make a lot of money as a teenage water salesman. Generally, the work involves recording lines provided by a company based on its requirements. Since 13-year-olds usually cant find traditional jobs, gig work can be an ideal alternative. Being a teenage video game currency seller is fun and easy. Student Job Opportunities @ Amazon (Learn More), A teenage shoe shiner helps people keep their shoes looking like theyre brand new. Logo use permission: 2017-2023 and TM, NerdWallet, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Being a teenage mascot is the perfect job for a 13-year-old whos good at getting people excited and not afraid to look a little foolish. And your kids can use the extra cash earned as vacation money! Seeking Summer Nanny For 7 And 4 Year Old - As a teenage winter clothes creator, youll need to make those things and then sell them to people to make money. These fun summer jobs for 13 year olds are a great choice for your a young teen. A teenage video game tester is a very important job for game companies because they need to make sure their game is completely playable and glitch-free before they can release it to the public. Finally, 13-year-olds might need an age certification. Off the top of my head (feel free to suggest some of these to your local farmer its usually helpful to point out to others where you can fit in to help): Here are the child labor rules for agricultural jobs for kids. In most cases, junior camp counselors earn around $13.66 per hour. Usually, this works best for teens in residential neighborhoods where they know their neighbors well. That said, once you've put in a lot of hard work and things are going well, you'll notice that these types of jobs have the highest earning power. Youll need to work hard to get as many followers as possible, and then companies will pay you to post links for them, usually for their website, product, or services that they need help promoting. Once you find the perfect type of video to create, start uploading and youll soon find yourself with a lot of subscribers. Soooodoesnt seem like theres much left, right? Yes, a 13-year-old can legally work in the USA and UK. Teen Job Jobs, Employment in Jamaica, IA | However, that isnt guaranteed. This job helps build soft skills like time management and hard skills like caring for a pet or caring for houseplants. Learn more about The Interview Guys on our About Us page. Whatever you find yourself doing as a teenage household assistant, if you work hard at it then youll always have work. While top streamers may earn tens of thousands of dollars monthly, something closer to $0.01 to $1 per viewer per hour is likely a more reasonable expectation in the beginning. As a teenage music reviewer, youll need to listen to the song a couple times and give your honest feedback about it. Click Here To Get The Job Interview Questions & Answers Cheat Sheet, Top 20 Best High Paying Jobs For 16 Year Olds, Top 15 Jobs For 17 Year Olds That Pay Well. While traditional jobs that hire at 13 are few and far between, that doesnt mean there arent some solid opportunities. Academics arent the only thing that a 13-year-old can teach someone. In many cases, younger teens need to think outside of the box a bit if they want to work. Being a teenage model is both fun and rewarding work. If youre a 13-year-old that knows how to knit, crochet, or sew, then you can make money as a teenage winter clothes creator. And as a 17-year-old, you'll likely have an edge over younger teens vying for the same jobs. The good news is that there are options for you to make extra money, but the bad news is that you aren't able to work typical jobs like everyone else. Companies need information and opinions from real people, which is why they hire people to set up online surveys for them. (Learn More), If you have a great speaking voice, then you could be a teenage voiceover specialist. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. Usually, youll need to provide your own cleaning supplies. For example, Adsense has a minimum age of 18. Just make sure to review local laws before seeking out jobs for 13-year-olds. Money Prodigy is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to As a teenage artist, you could either create your own original artwork to be sold at art fairs and craft fairs, or take requests from friends and family members to create artwork made just for them! $13.20 - $14.37 556 13 Year Olds Summer Jobs in The United States found. That said, once you've put in a lot of hard work and things are going well, you'll notice that these types of jobs have the highest earning power.We recommend the following jobs if you're looking to make a lot of money over time: Copyright, all rights reserved. Amanda L. Grossman is a writer and Certified Financial Education Instructor, a 2017 Plutus Foundation Grant Recipient, and founder of Money Prodigy.