The cruise line assesses a daily fee and divides the money among the tipped crew. Posted March 5, 2007. Why taking a weekend cruise is a great escape, 11 of the most beautiful beaches in the Caribbean, How to get to Royal Caribbean's cruise terminals and how much parking will cost, Top 16 things on a Royal Caribbean cruise everyone needs to do at least once. A As of September 7 th, 2022, the automatic service gratuity of $16.00 USD per person, per day for guests in non-suites staterooms, or $18.50 USD per person, per day for guests in Suites, will be applied to each guest's SeaPass account on a daily basis. While planning a, The weekend is the perfect time to take a short break, so why not go on a cruise too? Royal Caribbean's drink packages include: Deluxe Beverage Package Refreshment Package (No alcohol) Classic Soda Package The items and service are provided free of charge (except midnight - 5am when there is a nominal delivery fee). There aren't any hard-and-fast guidelines for this type of tip since it's contingent on your experience, but $25 to $40 on behalf of a couple roughly works out to an extra $2 to $3 per person,. Having the articles in a printable format is a really interesting idea. You may also like: A Cruise Glossary: Cruise Terms You Should Know. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'shouldbecruising_com-leader-3','ezslot_16',605,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-leader-3-0');For other cruise lines, youll be able to adjust your autogratuities at the Passenger Services desk. Cruise lines pay these workers very low wages for the long hours that they work each day, and expect that passengers will tip to increase the crew members earnings to a reasonable rate. The Sky Suite on Celebrity was a perfect size for two, at around 320 square feet. I go into more detail about this topic in this post:Can You Refuse to Pay Gratuities on a Cruise? Because plasma accounts for approximately 90% of total fluid volume, drinking plenty of water after receiving a transplant is beneficial to your body. Royal Caribbean states the current pricing for 2022 sailings is between $12.99 and $15.00 per day of the cruise. In the wake of the increase, a family of four in a . I purchased the package pre-cruise for $76, this equates to just over $25 per day. I think it's more like when you go to a restaurant and they added the automatic service charge to the bill, but there is still a line for additional tipping. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'shouldbecruising_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_21',676,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');Tip: Want to avoid paying hefty ATM fees on the cruise ship to get cash for tips? Also, if free gratuities are an amenity, youre not expected to go beyond it unless someone goes way beyond whats normally expected. There is a lot of included dining location so how do you know which ones to che. Royal Caribbean says it is raising its suggested crew gratuities by nearly $2 per passenger, per day. Happy cruising :). You can read more about me and about Should Be Cruising here. ROYAL CARIBBEAN BIGGEST SHIP. On a cruise, most guests bring between $100-$120 in cash per day to be spent on transportation, tips, gifts, food, and shopping. When we tip them individually, do they get to keep the entire amount for themselvesor do they have to share that too? If you could use cruise packing lists, to-do checklists, shore excursion forms and more, youll love the Life Well Cruised Ultimate Cruise Planner. You wont require cash for 99% of purchases on a cruise, whether specialty restaurants, cocktails, or souvenirs. Most of the biggest cruise lines automatically add some type of service or gratuity fee onto passenger bills. You can, of course, increase that amount based on your experience on the excursion. I agree with Kelli. What do you think about the custom of tipping on a cruise ship? They pay their crew (usually recruited from countries with limited economic opportunities) per contract, not by the hour. In their case "tipping" doesn't mean "extra" - it means "salary". There may be cases where you'd like to tip your cabin steward more than what he or she will receive after your automated gratuity is pooled and shared out. If you want to avoid any ATM charges, though, you can theoretically take money out via the casino. Its customary to tip the waiters generously at specialty restaurants. Today is day 10 of a 12 day cruise on grandeur. Since most cruise passengers follow the tipping guidelines, that amounts to an increase $13.30 . I just arrived on board for our 6th cruise, after my 5th cruise just 2 months ago. The premium cruise line's fleet of 15 ships sail around the world, from the Galapagos to the Caribbean. If you dont have a drink package, theyll add the price of each drink plus the service fee to your onboard tab. We had the my time diningsame waiter and assistant every night. However, there are a few common practices and guidelines. Our goal has been to provide our readers with expansive coverage of all aspects of the Royal Caribbean experience. Ive got you covered! We sail Celebrity and opt to prepay gratuities. flipped into Ren de Lambert. The cruise industry has worked this way for a long time, although the automatic gratuities are only the last few years. For more info, please read myDisclosure Policy. Something to note is that although daily gratuities arent charged, there may be a service fee or tip added to certain services onboard. Normally, we tip between $5 to $7 additionally per day for the two of us at the end of the cruise. Gratuities or a service charge are added onto some onboard services. You can just hand over folded cash, or use the tip envelopes youll find in your stateroom or at Passenger Services. Get expert advice, insider tips and more. So why dont cruise lines just increase the price of fares, and pay their crew a living wage with a decent hourly rate? You will get great service either way. If theres a crew member who goes above and beyond for you, there are some other ways to show your appreciation. Many passengers rave long after their hoilday is over about the service of stewards who go above and beyond. They did a really good job and I would like to tip them. Im a little over a month out before my next cruise, and while its a little early to start packing (is it though? If youre new to cruising, or its been a while since your last cruise, its important to know about cruise tipping guidelines before you sail. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Beyond leaving a cash tip for your cabin steward, or favorite server or bartender, some other small gestures will go a long way. Though cruise lines usually state up front that tipping is still at the discretion of the passenger, keep in mind: As with most employees in the service industry (at least in the U.S.), most of the wages cruise employees make come from these tips. Then (if your problem continues to bother you) contact the hotel manager. 2% would be a shoddy tip, but it's fine for the "extra tip" line if that 2% was to bring the 18% service charge up to 20%. Crew members work really hard and make the difference between an ok and a memorable cruise vacation. I like knowing that my bill is all set before I sail! Outdoor Activities If outdoor fun is your thing, the Carnival Dream offers a near endless array of ways to fill both day and night with fun. You can post now and register later. Given that most , all ? A tip of 15%-20% is common, so check the bottom of your bill before adding an additional amount. These kind, helpful, generous, employees work extremely hard to make sure guests like myself have a fabulous time, and since I do, the very least I can do is show my appreciation in a way that benefits them the most! Sometimes a shoddy tip was more insulting than no tip at all. But the sticker price of their fares tends to scare off many budget-minded travelers. Some cruisers swear by tipping at the beginning of the cruise to ensure excellent service. How Much Water Should I Drink Before Donating Plasma. This fee ranges anywhere from $12.50 to upward of $20 per person, per day, depending on the cruise line -- usually on the higher end if you're staying in a suite. It May be Time for Some Royal Caribbean Elites to Reconsider Paying for Drink Packages. I was even more surprised that it was a Disney cruise, where they are used to kids, and generally have a good reputation for service. Tips are either covered by the autogratuities or theres a service fee tacked on, so you dont need to tip again. Iwas a waitress for yearslong ago and far away. | Royal Caribbean Blog royal caribbean cruise cruises deals 2021. Lets just say from the expression on the drivers face that he was not happy with that amount. Whether you cruise multiple times per year or you're new to cruising, the goal of Royal Caribbean Blog is for it to bea useful resource for keeping up to date with what's new and exciting with Royal Caribbean. Follow me on Facebook at Life Well Cruised, Follow me onYouTube at Life Well Cruised (Vlogs and cruise tips), Follow me on Pinterest at Life Well Cruised, Follow me on Instagram at Life Well Cruised. In addition to this, an 18% gratuity is automatically added to all drinks, spa and salon services. balyasny aum TRAVEL PROTECTION PROGRAM. However ,usually you can have at least 2 cabin stewards. December 8, 2010. A The automatic service gratuity is $16.00 USD per person, per day for guests in Junior Suites and below, or $18.50 USD per person, per day for guests in Grand Suites and above, applied to each guest's SeaPass account on a daily basis. Had same two waiters 4 of those nights. As for tipping above and beyond prepaid gratuities, I agree completely that there is no expectation. Something you will need cash for on a Royal Caribbean cruise are any extra tips you give to crew members. What currency should you use to tip on a cruise? Please share on Facebook or PIN to your favorite Pinterest board (share buttons at the top). In North America, most cruise terminal porters are longshoremen. In a survey of 850 cruisers, 71% stated that they took over $100 per person per day when cruising. So glad this was helpful. While you pay daily gratuities before your cruise ($16 per person, per day in most staterooms), many cruisers like to give something extra. Thanks! The balcony is a good size with two chairs. This includes drinks at the bar or cafe, spa services and salon visits. Our Stateroom Attendant on cruise #5 was fabulous, and I showed my appreciation by leaving him (thanks Mahbob!) There is a lot to know before you even step foot on a Royal Caribbean Cruise. However, you might end up paying a similar total price on a mainstream line when you factor in gratuities, drink packages, shore excursions, and the like. Hi All, I just wanted to share something with new cruisers (and old if they do not know this). If you transfer money to the slot machine and immediately cash out, you can take your cashout slip to the casino cage and receive the listed amount in cash. On Costa Cruises, service charges of $12.50 per person, per day are charged for cruises departing from the US. The auto gratuity goes not only to your cabin steward but is also shared among the entire crew that works to make your cruise successful: the dining room, buffet and specialty restaurant wait staff, cooks, laundry staff and the general housekeeping staff that cleans the ship's common areas, for example. I almost alwaysgive my dining staff a bit extra, my kids generally have some special requests that take extra time and effort for the wait staff. Each person you tip gets their own envelope. Please check Costas website for details. The staff learns real quick who tips extra, and who does not. a $200 gratuity on top of my prepaid gratuities. The average daily gratuity on a cruise is $14-15 USD per person approximately $30 per day, per couple in a cabin. If your shore excursion includes lunch, you generally dont have to leave a tipthe tour company takes care of the lunch bill. Im so glad youre here! I would imagine wed see prices increase overall if they did this, but perhaps it amounts to this anyway. By Cruising in 2022: Why Onboard Tipping is More Important Than Ever, Cabin Stewardess on Princess Cruises (Photo: Princess Cruises), A Cash Tip Which is Common on Cruises (Photo: elwynn/Shutterstock). Many cruisers opt to give extra cash tips to crew members who made their vacation that much more enjoyable. How much are automatic gratuities on a cruise? Most US lines that base ships in the UK over the summer -- Royal Caribbean, Princess Cruises, Celebrity Cruises, for example -- offer automated gratuity options that charge a standard daily gratuity fee to the credit card you've placed on file for each day of your cruise. IMPORTANT: Since September 7, 2022, Royal Caribbean International (RCI) cruise ship passengers pay USD 16 pp per day in tips (service charge for staterooms Junior Suites and below). We like to keep a few dollars handy for this purpose as we board our cruise ship. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Iwas a waitress for yearslong ago and far away. Could you please go into tipping for the haven ncl staff , butlers and more. However, extra tipping and being a jerk do not go hand in hand. You might want to reward your cabin steward, favorite bartender or MDR server, or any other crew member you think did a great job. Some cruise lines point out that you may wish to tip the kids club staff. Both beautiful cruise options! The one excursion we had a fifty dollar bill and three ones at the end of the (short) trip. The average price of a 7 night Caribbean cruise, on a mainstream cruise line, in April is approximately $616 (493) per person, excluding taxes. Passengers sometimes plan in advance to bring small gifts to leave with their cabin stewards, either at the beginning or end of the cruise. Similarly, in the main dining room, we tip our waiter around $6 to $8 per day for the two of us, averaging around $50 for a 7-night cruise. Most cruise lines charge for children as well, although there are some exceptions for very young children on select cruise lines. Do you prefer to prepay your gratuitiesor to pay in cash? It is best to drink 9 to 13 cups of water before donating money in the 24 hours preceding the event. Tips are of course a personal decision. Technically your are not obliged to tip any more than the daily gratuities that have been charged to your room. How much to tip waiter and his assistant? While most people know it for being a cruise destination, shadowing the coastline to see the glaciers, there is so much Thats up to you! I put together a 47 page printable cruise travel planner that has everything you need as you plan and get ready for your cruise. Cruise Ship Engine Power, Propulsion, Fuel, Royal Caribbean Drinks Prices, Beverage Menus, Alcohol Policy, Carnival Cruise WiFi Internet Packages Prices. So our "big tip" on this subject is this - if you guys have a service staff problem, speak first with your cabin attendant. Below are just some of the people you may want to tip in this way, and some rough guidelines regarding how much - though know this is very subjective, and of course should be commensurate with the level of service that a given person provided. How much cash should you bring on a cruise? Princess Cruises will automatically charge a crew incentive of $14.50 per person, per day for guests in inside ocean view and balcony cabins. If you opt for a specialty restaurant, the tip isnt usually included. You might want to remove their tips as a punishment for poor service. ), it, So youre planning a family cruise with a $2000 budget is it possible? Royal Caribbean Cruise Holiday Deals 2020 & 2021 - Cruise Nation On luxury cruise lines, such as Azamara, Crystal, Seabourn, Silversea, Tauck World Discovery and Uniworld, gratuities are already included in the cost of the cruise, and additional tipping is not expected. If you wait to the end to tip, then the servers wont know and you possibly missed out of knowing how wonderful the cabin steward or others could be. If you havent notified your bank, they will usually send you a fraud alert or temporarily freeze your card. Automatic gratuities cover just about every tipped crew member on the ship. The COST Series: Cruise Ship TIPPING | Who to tip on a cruise and how much | Royal Caribbean Tipping The Weekend Cruiser 8.96K subscribers Subscribe 588 Share 10K views 8 months ago. Credit: Travelers in suites are. When you book your cruise, youll be charged your cruise fare, port fees and taxes. This practice can eat into the regular wages and livelihood of hardworking crew and is not advised. Here is a list of the daily gratuity charges by major cruise lines for 2021-22. Depending on your cruise ship, you may be able to use the Royal . Given the high level of service, passengers often wonder how much they should plan to tip their cabin steward, especially when they go above and beyond. You also have the option to prepay your gratuities before your cruise. Its unlikely to do any good by this point. But I also feel like people will think Im rude for not doing so in reality tho, they are already being tipped 18%. Or you can plan ahead and take enough cash in the correct currency to cover any tips you might want to pay. Then you can take your deposit out in cash at the casino cashier. Viking Cruises gratuities are $15.00 per person, per day for all staterooms. Often cruise lines provide additional envelopes to tuck a little extra cash at the end of the cruise just for this purpose. Here's how to get the most out of Royal Caribbean's Deluxe Beverage Package (or Prime Casino Royale free drinks in the casino). It has one large sink with two faucets and a large shower with a tub. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. On top of that, there's an 18% gratuity fee. I have a video on my YouTube channel about this and people have commented amounts they give so his could be helpful (just check YouTube and search cruise gratuities Life Well Cruised). Your email address will not be published. There aren't any hard-and-fast guidelines for this type of tip since it's contingent on your experience, but 25 to 40 on behalf of a couple roughly works out to an extra 2 to 3 per person, per day, for a seven-night cruise. Many ships also have an abundance of kids' activities including kids clubs that . Plus, for a limited time, its $10 off. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog and leave a comment! There will be an 18-20% tip automatically charged when ordering an individual drink, so no need to add more in most cases. Disclaimer: I may receive a small commission when you make a purchase from a link on this site, at no added charge to you. Royal Caribbean Royal Caribbean charges a $7.95 service fee and room service is available 24-hours a day. Ill explain everything you need to know about cruise gratuitiesfrom who you should tip, how much you should tip, and who you should never tip on a cruise ship. Come join my Facebook Cruise Community Thanks for reading and Happy Cruising!! If youre going on a cruise, you can expect daily gratuities to be charged automatically to your onboard account. Royal Caribbean International What's Included: Dining, stateroom, and other key crew members. Extra tipping doesnt give you the right to be a jerk, but if you are a jerk, you had better extra tip! Before Your Royal Caribbean Cruise . The new RCI tips per day are added to each guest's SeaPass card (shipboard account) automatically. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_8',602,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0');With the autograt system, many crew members who rarely received tips before now get a sharelike the laundry or kitchen staff on some cruise lines. However, your cruise vacation expenses wont end there. Can You Refuse to Pay Gratuities on a Cruise? How Much Does A Cruise Cost? If you enjoy tipping in cash, consider giving an extra cash tip to the crew members who gave you excellent service on your cruise. How much do people tip a Royal Genie? Tipping extra is not necessary, and theres no right or wrong amount to give a crew member. The finishings are top notch, and the bathroom, in particular, is well-designed with a separate water closet. Check out the latest web stories from Should Be Cruising! I generally tip extra, mostly because I come from a customer service back round and know how hard these people work, compared to their pay. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'shouldbecruising_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_6',199,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-medrectangle-4-0');Tipping is supposed to encourage excellent customer service from workers, because (in theory at least) customers will tip generously for friendly, prompt service. While each cruise line is different, many include alcoholic drinks, soda and specialty coffee, gratuities, specialty dining and some shore excursions. This is an excellent article, which really clearly explains all the issues around tipping. Sometimes a shoddy tip was more insulting than no tip at all. Holland America Line, whose ships Noordam and Maasdam are regular visitors to Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific, has the same tipping policy aboard all its ships. Viking Ocean: $15.00 per person, per day Virgin Voyages: includes gratuities in the fare. I prefer waiting to see how the service is before deciding on an extra tip, but thats just my preference. The drink package works at all onboard bars, restaurants, and even Royal Caribbean's private island CocoCay. I guess I was looking for some kind of scale like we have atrestaurants on land. The cruise director will also remind passengers about how much and whom the cruise . IMPORTANT: Since September 7, 2022, Royal Caribbean International (RCI) cruise ship passengers pay USD 16 pp per day in tips (service charge for staterooms Junior Suites and below). Other itineraries may differ. During your cruise vacation, youll probably receive services from other people who arent cruise line employeesbut you might not realize it! (Youll often see a survey pop up in your email inbox a few days after your cruise.). If you dont prepay your gratuities, they will be added to your onboard account. Cruise line employees are extremely hard working, I agree, and they go above and beyond so often. Is it the 15 day or the 7 day from Honolulu? Whether $2 to a bartender, $20 to your waiter, or $50 to your stateroom attendant, it's common to tip crew members extra for excellent service. What Is a Cabin Steward on a Cruise Ship? - That Guy. The time when youll need the most cash on a cruise vacation is when youre in port. Royal Caribbean's VOOM service has two different levels of service with two different prices. Look for a link at the bottom of this page or in our privacy policy where you can withdraw consent. Your previous content has been restored. Prior to your cruise, youll connect your onboard account with a credit or debit card, and all payments will be charged to that card at the end of the cruise. I ALWAYS tip extra to the outstanding employees on every cruise I have ever taken. cruise. However, youll want to make sure youve notified your bank that you will be out of the country. If you buy a $5 souvenir with a $20 bill in Mexico, for example, youll receive change in Mexican pesos. Don't be Held Back on Arrival Royal Caribbean requires you to do an online check-in, at least three days before your published sail date. Tipping is not required, however, customarily some people do choose to tip anywhere from $1 - $5 per order. Just for comparison, by the old RCCL tipping guidelines, the Royal Caribbean suggested tips/gratuities were a total of USD 11,65 per day per passenger (respectively USD 13,90 for suite passengers) and also guests could pay onboard either in cash or via their shipboard account. One notable exception is Norwegian Cruise Line. Related: Cruise Line. The one excursion we had a fifty dollar bill and three ones at the end of the (short) trip. Your articles are so helpful at navigating the cruise world. Other people you should tip during your cruise, Nine Things You Need to Check Before Your Cruise, Eight Things That Will Surprise First Time Cruisers, How to Have the Best Embarkation Day on a Cruise, Giada De Laurentiis Named Godmother of Oceania Cruises New Ship Vista, Norwegian Cruise Line Announces 2023 Meet the Winemaker Series, P&O Arvia Naming Ceremony Will Feature Olly Murs, Carnival Now Offering Guy Fieri and Sammy Hagars Santo Tequila Fleetwide, Princess Cruises Introduces Welcome Home Program,, A Cruise Glossary: Cruise Terms You Should Know, 26 Hidden Cruise Fees You Should Know About. Typical extra tips may be $15-20 per passenger for a seven-day cruise paid to the cabin steward for exceptional work, or an extra $10-20 per passenger to a waiter who offered spectacular dining. If you forgot to bring cash on your cruise, there are a few ways to get it once onboard. That lets him / her know upfront that we tip, and there is more to come at the end of the cruise! If you want to adjust the amount, go to the reception desk. Up the tip to $20. A cruise only rate may be available on select cruises, which would not include gratuities. raahc and lovecruising!!! Have our travel agency partner get you a free quote for a Royal Caribbean cruise. Whether $2 to a bartender, $20 to your waiter, or $50 to your stateroom attendant, its common to tip crew members extra for excellent service. There is no charge for children under 3 years of age. Maybe your cabin attendant delivered when you made a special request, or you loved how your steward always sweetly arranged your children's stuffed animals before bed every night -- or maybe you just want to show a little extra appreciation in the universal language of money. ATMs usually charge a $5-6 fee per transaction. Our concern is that the cruise lines take advantage by paying lower wages and then guilting passengers into higher tips. i understand what you are saying.and I know we are paying roughly 15 dollars a day each as a tip already. Once you book your cruise, there are some things you'll need to do in advance to prepare. So they follow this model with many of their crew members who perform services for passengers. 1 1 Quote Cindi Members 12 Author Posted April 16, 2019 New York state residents who wish to purchase the product may visit to enroll directly with . You can also leave a small gift for your favorite crew member. Depending on your bank, the ATM transaction fee may be waived. If you feel you would like to give more that is fine and I am sure they will appreciate anything you decide to tip beyond the daily gratuity. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Heres what you should know about cash on a Royal Caribbean cruise. $10-20 at the end of the cruise is a nice gratuity for their service. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'shouldbecruising_com-leader-2','ezslot_15',606,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-shouldbecruising_com-leader-2-0');Since you cant remove the automatic tips for just that one crew member, removing or lowering your automatic gratuities hurts all the tipped employees. There are a couple of exceptions, though. We like to prepay gratuities when we make our final payment for our cruise, but this is optional. Grand Suite and above cabin categories pay USD 18,50 pp per day gratuities. Keep in mind, the venues are not always the same between Royal Caribbean ships, but each of my tips can. Thoughts? Some vendors may process your personal data on the basis of legitimate interest, which you can object to by managing your options below. Note that we are Australian, so therefore not inclined to tip unless the service warrants it. Most are experienced cruisers and, as a group, theyre very well-liked. As a cruise passenger, you want to be aware and set your budget expectations to include these amounts for the cruise ship staff. What Is The Average Amount of Cash to Bring on a Cruise? Heres a video which answers many questions that you may have about cruise gratuities and tipping on a cruise ship. Cunards daily gratuities are set at $11.50 per person, per day for guests in standard cabins.