in the days leading up and on June 13th seized the opportunity. He had taken the spring semester off of college to work and save money, and he was doing just that- working at a local Fazoli's fast food restaurant and was preparing to start a job at SITEL. Every time this case is shared on here there is always at least one local who comments and says the area isn't as safe as everyone thinks, so that's why I have always leaned towards foul play. The Disappearance of Jason Jolkowski Revisited SO THERES NO WAY OF KNOWING THATS DONNIE TO SAY SHE WAS 16 WINTER 19 YEAR OLD COUSIN DISAPPEADRE JUNE 13TH MARKS 20 YEARS SINCE STROKOWSKI WAS UNEXPECTEDLY CALLED INTO WORK AND AGREED TO MEET HIS COWORKER AT BENSON HIGH SCHOOL FOR A RIDE AND SO HE SWA LAST SCENE TAKING THE TSHRA CANS INTO HIS HOUSE AND A NEIGHBOR SAW HIM DO THAT AND THEN HIS BROER ATHLSO LOOKED OUT THE WINDOW AND SAWIM H WALKING IN THE DIRECTION TOWARDS BENSONND A HE WAS NEVER SEEN OR HEARD FROM AGAIN. In order for this theory to make sense, the driver of the offending car would have had to remove Jason from the scene and hide him somewhere to avoid prosecution. [8] As of 2022, the Omaha Police Department continues to investigate the case. Under an hour later, between 11:15 and 11:30 a.m., Jolkowski's co-worker had called his home stating that Jolkowski had failed to be at the high school for a ride to work. Jolkowski, circa 2001; Age-progression to age 36 (circa 2017). In the early morning hours of Valentine's Day 2000, nine-year-old Asha Degree left her home with a packed bookbag. I suspect foul play as well. But short of some kind of workplace conspiracy I can't think of what else it could of been. His case remains unsolved. Again, no idea of motive, that would help here, but pre-arranging a meet-up spot to me puts those persons most in the suspect pool. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Suicide is also a plausible theory but his case doesn't point towards suicide in my opinion. Then, the driver killed Jason either by accident or on purpose, worried he would tell about the encounter. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. As much as I want to believe that Jason is alive out there somewhere, I dont think he would have left his family in the dark for this long if he knew who he was. The driver then hid Jason somewhere yet unfound. Jolkowskis mother has described him as shy, quiet boy with only a small handful of friends. Lets explore. Jason left his parents home around 10:45 am and was last seen by a neighbor setting trash receptacles out by the street. He stood at around 61 tall and weighed around 165 lbs. On June 13, 2001, Jason Jolkowskis manager called him into work earlier than expected. He never arrived at the school and has not been heard from since. His mother described him as being quite shy, preferring to keep a small group of friends. I agree that suicide would be next to impossible for several different reasons, including nowhere to hide on the route. O MISTRIO DE JASON JOLKOWSKI - YouTube Jason Jolkowski was born on June 24, 1981 in Grand Island, Nebraska. They say he is too responsible to have left without warning, and he was not having any problems at the time of his disappearance. This case blows my mind and I've done so much research. Probably not connected, but another 19 year old white male went missing while living on the same street, about a mile away, about a month later. It would have taken some time to load him into the boot, clean up any mess or evidence left behind etc. Jason Jolkowski was a 19 year old from Omaha, Nebraska. When you look up images of Lake James Park on Google, the only images available come from an article about gang violence in Omaha which just strikes me as odd ( and our Jolkowski is a man from Omaha, Nebraska, who went missing on June 13th, 2001, while walking to his former high school to meet up with a co-worker for a ride to work. Jason Jolkowski was a 19 year old from Omaha, Nebraska. There are no indications that he had any of the typical issues that would get a person murdered. People from west O tend to think of north O as scary and dangerous. He has brown hair and brown eyes. (WOWT) - Twenty years ago on June 13, 2001, Jason Jolkowski went missing without a trace. I would be interested in reading thru an AMA with his mother. Its very unfortunate there is so little hard evidence to work with and I feel so bad for his family. If there was a river or other body of water of any size on his route I would bet a lot of money he ended up there. A later check of security cameras at Benson High School show he never arrived on campus. I do think Jason got at least as far as crossing Bedford Ave. On the other hand, we have a large park, Gallagher Park across from the front of the high school on N 52nd street and there is, at the immediate south-west of the high school very easy access to the NW Radial Highway (Rt 64) which leads out to I-680, 480 and Interstate 80 within ten minutes. Following his disappearance, there was no further activity on either his bank account or his cellphone. She was witnessed that night by several motorists walking along the highway, but when one of them tried to talk to her, she ran into the nearby woods. It probably means nothing, there was a pedestrian tunnel in that area that was closed a decade ago or so. At the same time, I dont think he would have been able to make it far from any accident scene without being seen and recognized, let alone not being recognized for so many years after. Foul play is suspected in his case.,,,,,,,,,, Security cam footage from Benson High School confirmed that Jason never arrived that day. Nothing else had been taken from his bedroom. his room was full of his belongings and there was no sign that he planned on leaving. That's a long time," said Link. For those who are unfamiliar with the disappearance of Jason Jolkowski, I will elaborate. As he had been without a car for a number of days, it is possible he had been sighted and registered as a target. Last updated January 11, 2019; picture added, age-progression updated. On June 13, 2001, Jason Jolkowski was last seen walking to meet up with a coworker to get a ride to work. They say he is too responsible to have left without warning, and he was not having any problems at the time of his disappearance. He is described as a shy person who was not involved with drugs or alcohol and was close to his family at the time of his disappearance. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, (Im typing on my phone so I apologize if the formatting is off. Security cameras at the school do not show Jason ever arriving to campus. the area around his school is very quiet and it's reported to have little pedestrian or vehicle traffic. the school's security cameras were checked but none of them showed jason arriving at school or being anywhere even near it. Updated: Jun. The Missing: Jason Jolkowski - The Morbid Library 19-year-old Jason Jolkowski was last seen in Omaha, Nebraska on June 13, 2001. The Disappearance of Jason Jolkowski Revisited, I also think it's foul play but I have literally no idea who it could have been; I was thinking that it had to be someone who knew his car was being repaired and knew he worked at the Italian restaurant but I think the only people aware of this were his boss, coworker and his immediate family, which I believe have all been cleared. This was the last definitive sighting of Jason Jolkowski. Jason Jolkowski | The Cubs Fan Who Didn't Come Home | Ep 2 He left his parents house to meet the co-worker at the high school several blocks way and never arrived; no body came forward to report seeing or hearing anything suspicious. A subreddit dedicated to the unresolved mysteries of the world. There hasnt been any activity on his bank cards or cell phone. Would you be able to share some of your research? Perhaps some former classmates decided to prank him by lightly brushing him with a car (some sheriff insists that this is the solution to the Tara Calico mystery, but who knows) or threw a bottle at him and the unthinkable happened. Maybe Jason was intentionally struck by a car or picked up in a case of mistaken identity. Jason was supposed to meet his female coworker at the high school around 11 AM, and was last seen by a neighbor returning trash cans into his house. THERES NO LEADS. He also worked at a local Italian restaurant called Fazolis. Debris would have been left at the scene? They also lobbied for Jasons Law, which was passed by the Nebraska Legislature in 2005 and resulted in the creation of a statewide database for missing persons. The first theory is that Jason was the victim of a hit and run accident that left him either dead or with life-threatening injuries. Jason Jolkowski was born on June 24, 1981, in Grand Island, Nebraska, to parents Jim and Kelly. Between 11:15 and 11:30, Jasons coworker called his home phone to ask where Jason was, as he hadnt showed up to the school to be picked up. What happened to the Fort Worth Missing Trio? For a downloadable poster, click here. Age progression photo courtesy of National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. NOTHING LIKE THAT. On June 7, 1992, Suzie Streeter, Stacy McCall, and Sherrill Levitt, "The Springfield Three," disappeared after a graduation party in the heart of the Bible Belt. Its believed that Jason had only his cellphone and no more than $60 on him that day. Jason's nickname is J.J. I have to laugh at those comments. For those who are unfamiliar with the disappearance of Jason Jolkowski, I will elaborate. At the time, he had a job at a local Fazolis fast food restaurant, though he was set to start a new job at a local radio station in mid to late June of 2001. Dec 31, 2022 On June 13, 2001 in Omaha, Nebraska, is where 19-year-old Jason Jolkowski was last seen by anyone. Jason Jolkowski: The Cubs Fan Who Didn't Come Home And he (Jason) was the one who always lost. Jolkowski carried his red work t-shirt with him at the time of his disappearance. The morning of June 13th, Jason was called in by his boss for an earlier shift than usual, and Jason agreed to come in earlier. Suicide seems highly unlikely to me simply because he was on foot and his body was never found. That's a long time," said Link. Though they were spotted that day in the mall, they have not been seen since and the vehicle they arrived in was left behind. My thinking is that he got into a car. Much healing to the family. I would imagine that someone who did something like this would not be a one-time offender, and could be linked to other crimes. What Happened To Jason Jolkowski? - YouTube So what happened to him? I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW SEONEOM COULD JUST VANISH WITH NO TREES. He appeared to have originally planned on walking to work that day, but called the restaurant to say he would be getting a ride with a coworker. They think, well, you should be over that by now, you should be back to normal. He was a part-time student in the radio broadcasting program at Iowa Western Community College in Council Bluffs, Iowa[3] and worked at a local Fazoli's restaurant. Wild guess, but I think that Jason was the victim of some random, horrible accident. Updated: 10:19 PM CDT Jun 13, 2021 Infinite Scroll Enabled Emily Tencer Reporter Sorry,. Jolkowski's mother described him as "shy", "a quiet boy" with only "a small handful of friends. Jolkowski was born in Grand Island, Nebraska. Jason never reached the rendezvous location and he was never seen again. I'm not quite sure who arranged what, but it was agreed upon that Jason would make around a 15 minute walk from his home on N 48th St to a nearby high school called Benson High Magnet School. Did they die in the fire? What places did it connect to? It's important to point out that the only other person at Jason's home that day was his 13 year-old brother. Though he did experience some communication difficulties throughout his childhood - particularly when it came to speech and language expression- Jason is a highly intelligent person. Jason Anthony Jolkowski was born on June 24, 1981 in Grand Island, Nebraska. Surely if a car hit a person, someone nearby would have heard? One thing I learned in my college anatomy course is that the human body is terrifying frail. No answers, no clues, just the reminder that it's officially been 20 years and no one knows what happened to Jason Jolkowski. Something random like this is always possible, but no one in the neighborhood reported hearing or seeing a vehicle accident in the middle of the day. Background Jason Anthony Jolkowski was born on June 24, 1981 in Grand Island, Nebraska to parents Kelly Murphy and Jim Jolkowski. Missing From: Omaha, Nebraska Missing: June 24, 2001 . But every explanation I can think of here is just weird. Jason's Background THATS A THAT' A LONG TIME CHESTER LINK FORMER. "I didn't realize it's been 20 years. What ever happened to Jason Jolkowski? : r/UnresolvedMysteries - reddit The two most plausible outcomes in my mind are that he ran into foul play at the hands of someone he knew (even if in passing or neighbors/acquaintances), maybe even someone close enough to him to know where he worked, what his routine was like, etc. Refresh the page, check Medium 's site status, or find. "Someone does know something and we need someone to come forward and help alleviate all our pain," said Jim Jolkowski, Jolkowski's father.At the event Sunday, Jolkowski's father also asked the crowd to pray for the family of Ryan Larsen, saying he understands what they are going through right now. He left $650 behind in his bank account, which has not been touched since his disappearance. in 2003 his parents started a non profit called project jason but for unknown reasons the project went offline fairly recently. Next year will mark 20 years since Jason's disappearance and we're still left with many more questions than answers. So he called a co-worker and arranged to meet her at nearby Benson High School, roughly half a mile away from his home, and from there she was supposed to drive him to Fazolis. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. Possibly saw something he wasnt supposed to (car being stolen, drug deal, burglary? Unfortunately, I can not find anything that tells us what Jason did in the previous days he did not have his car---did he actually go to work? I tend to believe he was met with foul play as well. Maybe he was lured into a home by someone he knew, at least casually. "So there's no way of knowing.". He appeared to have originally planned on walking to work that day, but called the restaurant to say he would be getting a ride with a coworker. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. On the morning of June 13, 2001, his car was in the shop, so he began his ten minute walk to meet a co-worker who would give him a ride to work. Jason Jolkowski has been missing since 2001. Maybe he was seen as an easy target due to his shy nature as well. Boom, dead, end of story. Like I said maybe he saw something . Despite circumstantial evidence pointing to his stepmother, the case remains unsolved. Many articles mention Jason had a hard time giving directions, so the high school was a logical spot to meet. Someone in Omaha saw something that day, or knows someone who let something slip. [5][2][10] In 2005, after lobbying by his parents, "Jason's Law" was passed by Nebraska Legislature, providing for a statewide database on missing persons. While these could just be coincidences, someone he knew might had taken advantage of this changed schedule---I feel Jason encountered someone he knew along the way to meet his ride and willingly went with them, perhaps under the pretense of bringing him to the ride faster, or to work. I went down a rabbit hole but could only find pictures of the pedestrian tunnel under Dodge. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising.