they may take their anger out on themselves. If you dont put demands or rules on those who have Mars in Aquarius in their charts, theyll back down from the dramz. It's great for politicians or diplomats, because it features tact and manipulation. enough to say that is a conjunction. It combines the fierce physicality of a fire sign and determination and endurance of a fixed sign. Today, Evolve Daily gives you 8 Reasons Why Pisces Make Great Martial Artists: 1) They're dedicated. Be aware that emotional manipulation is not healthy. 2. I personally have Mars in Capricorn but Leo is the LION of the Zodiac and will tear a bitch up. aries: you make every one else just as enthusiastic as you are, taurus: youre just so easy to be around, you literally radiate tranquility, cancer: you know exactly when to help people and how, leo: youre capable of making anything extremely fun, virgo: its refreshing to be around someone whos so careful and practical, libra: you are the human embodiment of the wordaesthetic, scorpio: passion comes easy for you and its easy for you to make others passionate as well, sagittarius: you make everyone around you feel free and stop stressing over unimportant things, capricorn: your goals are very high but its okay because of how hard you work, aquarius: you support the underdog because you genuinely care about everything being fair, taurus: captain america: the first avenger (2011), capricorn: captain america: the winter soldier (2014), aries: calm down dude, you need less energy, taurus: quit always being so calm dude, you need more energy, gemini: theres a fine line between cocky and confident, leo: were not all interested in watching you to see what you do next, virgo: why are yall so critical of other people, libra: drama doesntfollow you, you start it, scorpio: youre not always right about people you havent even spoken to, sagittarius: why dont you think things through, capricorn: yall act like robots but we all know the feelings are in there somewhere, aquarius: you guys are rude without even realizing it cause youre so oblivious to the feelings of others, pisces: you keep overlooking the real world because youre afraid to face it, hi my name is olivia & I'm just trying to make everyone happytaurus sun // libra moon // gemini rising | venmo: oacarpenter, ask (please read faq first & i can also answer in spanish!! Undercover cop? So I went into a meeting with an image of Hawthorne the crab in my head (Shermans Lagoon). Mars, the Planet of Action, is on the move, and this time its leaving forward-thinking Aquarius and entering the dreamy sign of Pisces. they have a go with the flow the attitude. as far as work goes, im a fan of routine, and riding the day out to the end, working late sometimes can be a problem. it looks like they arent even mad. Hahaha, cant even wrap my head around this! Imbuing our actions with feeling, and a shared sense of meaning, thickens the sauce with full-bodied . Mars Capricorn (9H), strong beliefs, keep them to myself though. Careful not to play too mean! Let them feel their feels and be angry for a hot minute. Rash-acting Aries Mars can get in trouble when they punch a black-belt in karate on impulse because they did not take the time to size up the foe. because youre so blunt, you can come across as someone who brags and is rude. when its over, its over. Transiting Mars in Pisces. *Sigh*. The Personality of a Mars in Pisces Woman People born under the sign of Piscesare, above all, compassionate. Unless they have bot. I have a girlfriend like this. Whatever zodiac sign and house Mars was orbiting through at your time of birth determines your natal Mars or Mars sign. More specifically, this will guide you in the following ways: Mars is one of the inner planets, along with Venus and Mercury. Mars topic is popular! its one of the best things about you. These high-minded men are dreamers. youre very enthusiastic and know how to excite other people. readmore 10 /10 Virgo Virgo, this transit will demand a lot of sacrifices from you. As such, you might also have a prickly outer shell which belies your tender sensitivity. they are one of the more quick tempered mars signs, its very easy to irritate them. You must trust that Mars is more your big brother that will fend off bullies for you and not the actual bully. I dont relate to the Leo energy easily, and its not my style at all in Mars matters, conflicts as well as general drive. Once angered, you stubbornly hold your ground. Many of these will be psychological, Scorpios natural playground. The taboo can be a turn-on for those with Mars in Pisces, but careful not to get sucked into anything unsavoryeven in your financial life. Most don't come across as particularly enthusiastic; rather, theirs is a low-key but determined energy. If you were born while the fiery, dynamic,. I have an intercepted mars in scorpio in the fifth house,and I find it makes my creative even more covert and hidden!! Mars in Virgo at 27 in 1H, so when I want to go somewhere or do something, I get up and do it and just get out of my way. Fair . Mars in Pisces Career With this placement, your career will take a turn for the better because you are willing to make some necessary changes. This is their job on the planet. These Retro Fridges Are So! And they always have to have the last word. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac and rules the feet. when communicating, youre emotionally detached so that can make you come off as rude. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! if you take the advice offered, youre more likely to be surrounded by more stability! its okay to argue back or settle the argument down. theyre clever and very good at making others agree with them. Lets login and you can leave your thoughts. Whatever you hear about Scorpio thats me. Mars in Pisces men are a bit of a contradiction of themselves. To win, you only need to tell them how you feel. they tend to be rude to the person theyre arguing with. When they get their hands on you, they never let up. Freaking! Temper alert! if youre fighting with a mars in aries, the best thing to do is just be patient. i find cancer/cap mars axis, from astrology sites reading alot of sadness/sorrow going on.cancer hides under the rock to lick their wounds and pains and capricorn pretends everything is allright under their bravado and deep pain. they tend to be overly sensitive. Theyll be totally okay if you leave them alone to work through their anger on their own without your presence or input. You have so many strong qualities, and Mars will enhance these strengths. if you are arguing with one and they stop fighting, dont think you have won the argument. keep it up! Men born with Mars in Pisces are often introverted and dreamy. you get like this when youre stressed out and overwhelmed. If its followed by another harmonious aspect i might complete it. Winning isnt everythingbut it is something, especially when it comes to asserting ourselves. you love learning about broad subjects. Im the queen of the poison pen. You listen to your feelings, and you navigate the romantic waters of a relationship cautiously, especially at first. Which is too bad, because I could really use the outlet. This does cause a sense of conflict as Pisces is more laid-back than what Mars is going to allow, so there has to be a need of coming to terms with what it is doing at this point to allow you to make the progress that you need to have in life. and dont be so stubborn! youre practical and deliberate. They are deeply peaceful, sweet, and kind men. Theyll drop the dramz if you apologize kindlyTBH, they are not fighters by nature. In order to combat this game, youll have to put on your best poker face and call their bluff. Interestingly, what I do feel is strength and most recently since he passed away I feel my own courage which amazes me. I have a Leo Mars (retrograde by progression for pretty much my whole life). They are comfortable discussing matters on their terms but can never see the other side of the situation. Libra Mars wants to discuss the unpleasantness over dinner Aries is going to have Libra for dinner. Let them feel their feels and be angry. Gemini is the zodiacs most mischievous sign, known for provoking and button pushing. this isnt necessarily a bad thing, though. You love life too much to hold a grudge, so once youve said your piece, you return to seeing the best in others. Promise. Once. Disloyal people will hear you roar, as you demand respect and honesty in your relationships. Since Im not allowed to disturb the peace, that plate does not crash down on top of your head which I regret! Overly self protective of feelings and will go to war when needs be. You will find self-love and fulfillment when you focus your battling energies on tasks unrelated to essential decision-making. this is all great! If you block my path I am even more determined to complete the task. This sign also rules the seas and you may prefer to plunge below the surface to get your erotic fix. lol. Others may pick up on your anger only by noticing you are extra moody, quiet or absent. Guess it is that Libran Venus just lovin it! He takes such pleasure in pinching peoples toes, I figured it would satiate me while having to be so professional & composed. How smart you are! continue to think about the logic of what theyre saying, but dont do it as much as you are right now. try to stay patient with people. You may find that your fuse is shorter when it comes to this area of life. I post back in 2014, but heres what I know more of today about my mars in cancer. youre open-minded, logical and one of the most intelligent placements. Though you could say its okay remember, sometimes its not, and that is okay too. Im a very calculated it worth it? Social and diplomatic Libras have a hard time with arguments. (If you don't know your Mars sign by heart, head to's free birth chart calculator to find out! It can be hard for you to shake an angry mood, often holding a grudge well past its expiry date. When he said that, so much finally made sense to me in regards to my deteriorating relationship with my husband, Mars in sagittarius, but its on his ascendant, so Im told even though its in friendly Sag, he is Martian because of it being on his ascendant and his rising sign is Scorpio. criticism is not meant to hurt you, its meant to help you. they dont really want to argue but that doesnt mean theyre soft. Explosive bursts of anger are not your style, and you prefer to take your time when mulling over an offense. They get to the point in a round-about fashion. it makes people love to be around you. Pisces is the sign of fantasy and the 12th house knows no bounds, so you have a rich imagination in the bedroom. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. youre just gonna have to figure them out and you cant do that when youre feeling a ton of heat. Make sure to tell them how wonderful they are and how theyre at the top of their game mid-argument. end result, anger does not pay. They tend to go with the flow. start being more patient. They scare me, and in the best way possible. Thats a Scorpio Mars technique. It allows you to better organise your time to then do the things that are of interest to you rather than battling against the tide as you are so prone to doing. mars in cancer. Learning to detach, set boundaries and to shield your field will be essential to your serenity. Mars in Pisces is going to provide you with more drive to push forward in life and to take more chances, and this can easily work against what you were expecting to happen. I often think with this Mars I make an effort to use the energy efficiently; with pre-planning, anticipate problems to execute well. Yes, efficiency is absolutely key I constantly find myself kicking my butt when I`m failing to find and implement the optimal solution or path. but mars in virgo gets annoyed or irritated more than actually getting mad. Moody and intuitive, Mars in Scorpio withdraws into silence when wronged. they care about fairness and equality. Thats an extremely good and intimidating placement as well. We had great love and passionate sex. (ha theres some Capricorn keywords there!) My husband is a Libra Mars, I think his 12th house Libra Mars is complimented by my Capricorn Mars, I am strong where he is weak but I express action/aggression with calculated dignity which he appreciates. Mars shows what motivates us, and what activates that surge of physical vitality that sets goals in motion. It doesnt act right. applying logic to your thinking will help everything you imagine actually become reality! During this Mars direct into Pisces, you must be vigilant and be aware of your surroundings. if they do, dont take it to heart so much, it was just an impulsive way of expressing their anger. youre also a great motivator. On the one hand, they have the deeply emotional, compassionate, and creative nature of a person born under the Pisces sign. Give them a moment to simmer down and theyll come around to see your side of the matter. At times, it will be difficult to feel at ease, especially when Mars is in Pisces. youre reliable, independent, practical, intelligent and cautious. Well no one is that nice, so when Libra blows look out. Lusty Mars is the forthright companion to seductive Venus and can bring out the cosmic caveperson in us all. they know exactly how to use their words to persuade others onto their side. sometimes you even come off as arrogant. You play your cards close to the chest because you so deeply value personal security. Other than that last item, Mars is content to roll solo in your sign. virgo: relax. Sex with you is ground-shattering and nourishing to the soul. Anger is potentially a healthy part of life, butits the way we choose to show this emotion that determines whether its effective, or destructive. There are very girly types who can be really aggressive! You understand that your love may not share all of your views. just make sure that both sides of the argument are good and its not just black and white. for example, when youre giving critiques, be careful with how you give them. you need to learn that other people have different opinions than you. The general personality of Mars influences Aries and is therefore currently affecting the vibe of Venus (and Taurus, and Libra), but Mars itself is enjoying hanging out quietly with you while you tell it about your day. I have a 2nd house Cap Mars that is part of an earth Grand Trine with my Moon in Virgo and Saturn in Taurus. There is a duality to the Two Fish that can puzzle you, but you must not press them to explain themselves. You are ultra-feminine Water Sign, meaning you flow with what your gut tells you. My Mars style is pure Scorpio. Your anger style is to give the offending party and angry earful, with a megaphone, but you rarely hold a grudge. when fighting, they cant see the other persons point of view. What you have to say may be hard to hear, but often is what others were thinking anyway. continue this! My most potent use of my mars though is just letting people fuck the selves over with their own self destructive tendencies. sorting out your thoughts and really trying to think things through (without mixing in emotion) will also help stop this from happening. It doesnt have to be fighting. He is not a nice person and once he caused a mans death due to a confrontation over something the other mans son did. Oh, thank you! gemini: they tend to be very sarcastic when in an argument. Walk! Mars in PiscesClueless As the most sensitive, intuitive, creative zodiac sign Pisces can take a long time to tune into anger. Un-aspected in 5th. theres no need to be defensive. youre an excellent person to my friends with. The problem with Mars in Libra is that Libra is nice. But hey! But being the Libra Sun/Moon and Pisces rising that I am (Neptune conjunct the MC, and Jupiter, and Mars, hahahahahah), I can hear George Harrison`s Got My Mind Set On You playing in the background But it`s gonna take time, a whole lot of precious time, it`s gonna take patience and time, to do it right I guess I`ve had to learn to laugh (Jupiter) at the amount of time it takes to finally get the things I want :))). aries: often described asimpulsive. I have found that too; people with Mars in Virgo are very effective, in action. dont take advantage of their passiveness. Mars turns retrograde once every two years for a span of approximately two and a half months. he had this office where he had a hand grenade. Just like Tina, I too have Mars in Cap and yes I am determined and patient and in for the long haul. Like, lightning speed. there are positive versions though. they will always stand up for themselves. A lot of commentsinteresting given the climate if things. Mars is hard and fast, high energy, determined, and ambitious. Pisces Mars is a cool placement! And joining the military gave my life a completely different spin (north node). Mars, the planet of war and confrontation, rules over our personal drive and how we express anger. Stern and authoritative Capricorn defaults to logic and reason when angry. leo: mars in leo cannot hide their anger. Mars is mean and selfish and warlike, but also, nothing gets done without it. At an evolved level, Mars in Pisces is the embodiment of our sexual and spiritual nature unified as one. . I recommend martial arts to this placement, particularly an un-aspected one. The daughter is just like her dad and they get into fist fights ever so often. its contradictory. Feeling powerless makes me cry from frustration. Hearst Magazine Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. When it comes to exes? This longing may or may not be related to your ongoing healing quest, but if so, the omens are auspicious! you sometimes are gonna have to. Mars a planet of ego, intensity and firewill charge into Pisces from April 14 and remain until May 24, 2022. The only option here is to avoid confrontation altogether and not to engage with their drama ever. Mars in Aquarius may pride themselves on staying detached and aloof when others are losing their cool. They have a highly romantic nature. use them as your advantage, find a career, skill or hobby that these can be applied to! And I thought men were hunters. On March 7, 2023, Saturn, the great planet of form, hits Pisces, the ocean of undoing. And please dont try and stop me! Kind of paradoxical bc I dont feel uber-feminine. Cool and grounded, you will handle confrontations like a court in session, discerning and judging all sides of the argument. Do these interpretations pull you in two different directions? He was quiet, controlled, and described how he went to the city and how they were not allowed to fine people for that . With Mars in Cancer, you tend to retreat from confrontation, withdrawing into your shell when hurt or offended. In Pisces, Mars takes the form of pathos. youre artistic, strategic, intelligent and passionate. Blessings, Aries Rising. In addition to Women's Health, her work and writing has been featured in The Today Show, Oprah Daily, Vogue, Teen Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29, and InStyle. Mars in Pisces 211906 in house 10 direct. But a person can only be bullied so much without letting loose. Designed to help you in the 1 minute it takes to read them. Mars in Libra, in 12th. I literally was so upset after I initially left with the twin, that when I got back I couldnt do anything the rest of the day. having ashort fuse does not make them easy to mess with. That was great! The symbolism of the Ten of Cups: Mars in Pisces includes fulfillment, success, and rejoicing, but also contains the spark of life that gestated properly breeds all life. Youll win the fight if you act unbothered, as theyll apologize shortly after. You have an original view of the world, and you see the best in everything you indulge in. Virgo is an earthy, practical, analytical sign that will think before acting. Like a celestial sentry, Mars readies us to fight for what we hold dear. Give them the chance to make their own resolutions when arguing with them. The influence of Mars on your birth chart enables you to become more open with people. try to stop being so indecisive. Do not hesitate, procrastinate or self-sabotage. (Perhaps Id enact well thought out ingenious revenge if I could leave the country?!!) if theres not enough impetus to complete the project, i may just leave it in the middle incomplete. ranting might be a thing they do, but more than anything else, these guys debate. On the other, however, the movements of Mars influence them to be active, passionate, and, sometimes, aggressive. they get sarcastic when fighting. I use logic, compromise & compassion but my Leo sun (6th), Scorpio moon & Uranus (9th) get impatient with Libras kind approach. As for myself I have Mars in Virgo and as I use the whole system, it falls in my 8th house. Just dont let your side of the conflict become too intensei.e., no yelling, name-calling, or Real Housewives reunion-ingbecause then you wont make up. The planets home base, an easy flow if placed here in the chart, Opposite sign of home base, may need to work harder to integrate the planets energy if placed here in the chart, The planets most powerful position; indicates ease and added fortune with using the planets energy if placed here in the chart, Opposite sign to the exalted position, can indicate struggles with utilizing the planets energy if placed here in the chart. Its in my 1st house conj. Mars will be in Pisces from April 14-May 24, 2022. . they dont blow up, instead they speak with passion and intellect. Aries Mars throws the first punch. PSA: You may not win a fight when dealing with a Mars in Capricorn. Know result of planet Mars in Pisces Zodiac Sign (Mars sign Pisces) as per Vedic Astrology. Mars in Pisces according to Saravali: Should Mars be in Pisces at the time of one`s birth, the person will be troubled by diseases, will have indifferent children, will live in foreign countries, be insulted by his own relatives, will lose all his wealth . in a disagreement, they will use their charm and manipulation to get others to side with them. their anger is NOT explosive like aries, though. Read both the sign and house description below. Or you may run hot and cold. watch out for this! you wont even give up, youll change your whole viewpoint! we would play with it. stop trying to find middle ground for every single argument. Mars is well placed in Aries, the sign it rules and the sign opposite Libra. And we read about Scorpio mars Jennifer Aniston and Aries mars Jolie. criticism is to help you, not hurt you. Let this period be a time for reflection, rest and relaxation. I am rather stubborn though, so I will work tenaciously for what I want, & will fight for animals/children/loved ones. Be agreeable and briefly express how you feel. You can patiently endure a lot of dramas before blowing your stack. Now, this man is a former Marine and well, to them it is always a Marine. Mars is the planet of passion, anger, war, assertion, and separation, and its placement in your birth chart indicates how you pursue your goals, assert yourself, attack and defend, and cut people. theyre the ones who keep the power. My Sister in law is an Aries and she has Mars in Aries as well. Controlled force with a smile LOL. Its square Pluto trine Jupiter. speaks volumes about how you let your anger showor not! Last Updated 13 April 2022, 23:58. This means I may want to hit you with a bat but the second I think it I realize that these are not nice things to do. This is something that is often underestimated in its importance, but she will notice that she is correct more often than not, and from that stems confidence that she does know what is happening in her life and is in control of it all. Further, they will keep going bumped, bruised, bloody, or whatever until victory is achieved. People with Mars in the 12th house have read, most often, scary things about this natal position. youre an awesome listener and very imaginative. Your best prospects for love are with a partner who loves your open-mindedness and joy for life. Mars in Pisces in a nutshell: Style: Easygoing and gentle; Top qualities: Spiritual, empathic, appreciative and sacrificing; Weaknesses: Cowardly, escapist and prone to addictions; Advice: Be careful who you trust with your secrets; Celebrities: Marilyn Monroe, Eric Clapton, Ellie Goulding, Jessica Chastain. Wow, that is a great Mars placement. You need to get everything off of your chest immediately and will boldly go to the source to handle a confrontation in person. youre very trusting of others. My Mars definitely fuels my intercepted Sun. Let people go who resist arrest? The last one was a knock down drag out fist fight with his daughter. They act on dreams, emotional states, and spiritual longings. She has a hair trigger and will knock the crap out of anyone that crosses her path. its great that youre an optimist, but sometimes you need to start looking at the realistic side so you dont set yourself up for disappointment. And so tenacious its painful. . Mars in Pisces Personality When placed in the sign of Pisces, Mars can manifest as a creative drive. .css-4xjy6g{display:block;font-family:RundDisplay,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:0.01em;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-4xjy6g:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.9375rem;margin-top:1.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1.25rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.625rem;line-height:1.2;}}These Retro Fridges Are So! I have Mars in Aries in the equal 8th house parallel PlutoI can kill in an instant, but Im also capable of waiting to kill. Doesnt less bad karma come back from genuine niceness than from not niceness? they care about fairness and equality. I will cut a person apart with my words and I know every weakness they possess and will use this to my advantage when pushed too far. Hailing from a long line of spiritual healers, Lisa has been practicing astrology professionally for over 15 years but has been studying the stars all of her life. you can also still learn about many things to satisfy that curiosity of yours while focusing on one subject. The sheer thought of being in an argument with another person will give them anxiety, as they dont know how to be forceful. Mars in Virgo conjunct the north node (seconds apart), in the 1 St house. cancer mars may say things or do things when theyre mad that they end up regretting. There is no middle ground. But I guess thats Venus. That is, until I finally open my Mercury-conjunct-Pluto-and-Saturn-in Scorpio mouth . Rolling with it also fulfills the Libra desire for equality and balance, since opposing forces and viewpoints are equally valid and valuable in the overall scheme of things? In defense of police officers who appear too violent, policemen operate on a combination of Saturn and Mars. So the placement of Mars in Pisces is an unusual combination. When arguing with a Mars in Leo, chances are they will make the discussion only about themhow you upset them, their needs, their heartaches. For example, if motivational Mars was Lady Gaga (the "actor"), Mars in dreamy, artistic Pisces would cast her far from the shallowas Ally in A Star Is Born. Stable and slow to react, people in your life may take your calm demeanor for granted, until one day you really let them have it. With the planet of pursuit in this position you can be singularly focused on locking down loveso much so that other areas of your life can suffer, if you arent mindful. If you want to come out on top, you might pretend you have one. Grounded and complacent Mars in Taurus takes a long time to get worked up. Intimacy is a Mars in Pisces jam: You long for a deep, spiritual connection and may be drawn to Tantra or other mind/body/soul love making modalities. Where Aries is overt (thats their fist smashing into your face), an enemy with a Scorpio Mars will subtly dismantle you from the inside out using elaborate covert techniques. ), Read Me: Moon Sign Compatibility: Heres the Sign You Need to Date. you hate conflict. Regardless of their Sun sign, those with Mars in Pisces can seem rudderless at times, and their ability to go with the flow can make them vulnerable to stronger wills.