Insured worldwide by Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. Do not touch hot surfaces. The NITECORE NU25 Dual Beam USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp is available with 3 light sources. For 3.8V Li-ion batteries: Follow the above setting method. Damages from using unofficial cords cannot be covered by official warranty. The charger is designed for adults. Verwenden Sie niemals den NEW i2 mit anderen. Die beste Speicherspannung fr 4,2V / 4,35V wiederaufladbare Lithium-Akkus ist 3,7V. Each battery socket has its own microprocessor, which is able to independently monitor and charge the . Akkukapazitten sollte der Ladestrom kleiner als 1C sein. 3 Color LED displays charging progress for each battery. since I got it, it hasn't been charging my 26650 only on the right side. 12650, 13650, 14650, 16650) stellen Sie den Ladestrom bitte manuell ein (kleiner als 1C). Copyright 2012-2022 NITECORE All rights reserved. 17. Press and hold the V button to enter Voltage Selection. Overtime Prevention The i2 is equipped with an advanced 'overtime' safety function. It has the usual 3 status leds, this time in green and a red led to signal full current (1A). It is all weather applicable as IP66 rated. Please make sure the correct program and settings are chosen and set. Despite offering double the bays to the Intellicharger i4, the Nitecore i8 is just as simple and easy to use. When 1A charging current is selected, the LED next to the 1A mark goes on. For Ni-MH batteries and 3.7V Li-ion batteries, the NEW i2 automatically selects proper charging modes. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If our chargers, judge that an inserted battery is a Li-ion battery, the battery will be automatically charged in 4.2V standard charging mode. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. groer Ladestrom wird zu groen Wrmemengen fhren und damit zu Akkuschden und ggf. Nitecore UI1 USB Charger, for 18650, 21700, 18350, 20700 etc Batteries, Nitecore Q6 Six Slot Charger, for 18650 16340 RCR123A 14500 18350 and more, Nitecore UA42Q 2-Port QC USB 2.0 & 3.0 Power Adapter, Nitecore UI2 Dual-Slot USB Charger, for 18650, 21700, 18350, 20700 Batteries. NITECORE NU25 / NU25 UL Dual Beam USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp Is Out Now. This 2016 version has a 100% charging acceleration with up a 1000 mA charging current in a single slot, your batteries will charge faster than ever, and automatic current selection means the charger adapts to your battery's needs. Laden oder entladen Sie niemals einen Akku mit Anzeichen von Leckage, Schwellungen, beschdigter Auenhaut, unnormalen Farbvernderungen oder Verformungen. distributor or send an email to tiefen Temperaturen oder extremen Temperaturschwankungen. After battery inspection, press the button over the batterys slot to enter Manual Settings mode. The NEW i2 will charge normal batteries upon inspection. Wird eine Fehlfunktion festgestellt, beenden Sie den. 16. The charger must be used with Nitecore's official cords. ber 12. Charger Nitecore Intellicharger new i2 2016, updated version The i2 charger gets an update once in a while, this time with support for multiple chemistries, higher charge current and larger cells. I checked the voltage again about a half hour ago and it was a hair under 4 volts, and that was about 2 hours charge time. Featuring 8 bays that are controlled independently, the i8 automatically detects power levels of the batteries and selects the appropriate . Do not misuse in any way! cause fire or explosion of the batteries. For LiFePO4 batteries:Insert the batteries into the NEW i2s charging slots. This product is globally insured by Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. Nitecore shall not be held responsible or liable for any loss, damage or claim of any kind incurred as a result of the failure to obey the instructions provided in this user manual. Der NEW i2 ist kompatibel mit: Whrend des Ladevorgangs zeigen drei Ladestromanzeige-LEDs den Akkustatus sowie den Ladefortschritt in Prozent an. The LR40 Multifunctional USB-C Rechargeable Camping Lantern features 3 light sources and stepless brightness adjustment with a max runtime of 65 hours. berladen oder Tiefentladen Sie die Akkus nicht. Nitecore Intellicharger i2 V2 2-Slot Charger {{product.attr}} View Wish List Continue shopping. It usually has a 3.7V mark on its skin. types of rechargeable batteries thus eliminating the need to own several chargers. I've tried contacting nitecore and haven't gotten a response in 3 days now. Use of the charger by kids under age must be under supervision. Beyond 12 months (1 year), a limited warranty applies, covering the cost of labor and maintenance, but not the cost of accessories or replacement parts. HVn6}7Geb;[%m]$F^`$f"~}g(_ 323 t?SZ;c7,8aeQz%kX2 4J. The Nitecore i8 Intelligent Charger is the latest charger from the Intellicharge Nitecore range, ideal for charging a huge variety of batteries whether used for vaping, torches or other electronic devices. The Nitecore Intellicharger i2 is compatible with IMR, Li-ion, LiFePO4, Ni-MH, and Ni-Cd batteries. ACHTUNG: Unsere Ladegerte beurteilen und whlen den Ladestrom automatisch nach der Lnge des Akkus. Be careful with this type of batteries. The safe operation temperature for the charger is between -10-40C, and the safe storage temperature is -20-60C. Intellicharger i2 blinking green light Nitecore i2 can automatically detect Li-ion, LiFePO4, Ni-MH, and Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries and apply the appropriate charging mode: Constant Current (CC), Constant . My humble old school flashlight collection, How do you protect your flashlight inventory, Personal Gadgetry & Non-flashlight Electronics. The best storage voltage for 4.2V/4.35V rechargeable Lithium batteries is 3.7V. For LiFePO4 batteries, manual setting is required. Nehmen Sie das Ladegert nicht in Betrieb, wenn es in irgendeiner Weise beschdigt zu sein scheint. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. dem Sicherheitslevel kann zu Akkuschden und zur Explosion fhren. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die richtigen Einstellungen ausgewhlt und eingestellt wurden. Nach dem Einlegen eines 0V IMR-Akkus blinken alle vier LEDs des NEW i2, um anzuzeigen, dass er nicht zum Laden bereit ist. The New Nitecore Intellicharger i2 is a compact device that can charge batteries that are 30mm to 69.3mm long, including flat top types. 0 of 0 people found the following review helpful: Li-ion/IMR: 10340, 10350, 10440, 10500, 12340, 12500, 12650, 13450, 13500, 13650, 14350, 14430, 14500, 14650, 16500, 16340 (RCR123), 16650, 17350, 17500, 17650, 17670, 18350, 18490, 18500, 18650, 22500, 22650, 25500, 26500, 26650, Size: 4.61" x3.98" x5.30" (117mm x101mm x134.5mm), Monitors and charges each of the 8 slots independently, Compatible with and identifies Li-ion batteries, Ni-MH and Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries, features three charging modes (constant current, constant voltage, -dV/dt), Automatically detects power levels of batteries and selects the appropriate voltage and charging mode, Reverse polarity protection and short circuit protection, Activation function for over discharged protected batteries, Made from durable PC material (fire retardant/ flame resistant). Intellicharger i2 blinking green light Nitecore i2 can automatically detect Li-ion, LiFePO4, Ni-MH, and Ni-Cd rechargeable batteries and apply the appropriate charging mode: Constant Current (CC), Constant Voltage (CV), or Trickle Charge. Does the top one stay on, do the lights go green? We provide both expert advice and warranty service. Bevor Sie die Taste loslassen, werden, Ihnen nacheinander die drei Ladespannungs-Abschalteinstellungen jeweils fr eine Sekunde angezeigt. Vorgang und beachten Sie die Bedienungsanleitung. beginnt. Der NEW i2 darf nur zum Laden von wiederaufladbaren Li-Ionen-, IMR- LiFePO4-, Ni-MH/Ni-Cd-Akkus verwendet werden. Before you complete the warranty service registration, you cannot enjoy our warranty service for your purchase. JavaScript is disabled. When the battery is done charging, all three lights will remain solid. The NEW i2 will separately calculate the charging time of each battery. Other features:The New i2 has reverse polarity protection and anti-short circuiting protection incorporated. DO NOT store or use the product in an environment where the temperature is extremely high/low or changes rapidly, or in a confined area with a high. immer am Stecker und nicht am Kabel. complete; Charges at 1A for large capacity battery while Left is complete. For 3.8V Li-ion batteries: Follow the above setting method.Battery ActivationThe NEW i2 is capable of activating depleted Li-ion batteries with a protective circuit. complete the warranty service registration, you cannot enjoy our warranty service for your purchase. The New Nitecore Intellicharger i2 is a compact device that can charge batteries that are 30mm to 69.3mm long, including flat top types. NITECORE Multifunctional USB-C Rechargeable Camping Lantern Is Out Now. Ladespannung Einstellungen fr 3.8V Li-Ionen-Akkus, Der NEW i2 ist der Lage, tiefentladene Li-Ionen-Akkus mit Schutzschaltung zu reaktivieren. Sie sind als Verbraucher zur Rckgabe. Best Vape Battery Charger Uk.Voopoo drag s pod vape kit. Do not short-circuit slots or other parts of the device. Fr einige lange Akkus mit geringer. The Nitecore Intellicharger i2 is compatible with IMR, Li-ion, LiFePO4, Ni-MH, and Ni-Cd batteries. List of top rated vape battery charger from thousands of customer reviews & feedback. Your opinions are very valuable to us and will be highly appreciated. The unit also includes two USB output ports to charge devices like smartphones and . I already have the user manual for this charger. jeweiligen LED angezeigt wird. Falsche Einstellungen knnen zu Schden am Ladegert oder zum Brand oder, 8. the content of this document at any time without prior notice. Bei Akkus ohne Schutzschaltung (wie IMR-Akkus), bitten wir Sie darauf zu achten, den Akku. Ci2. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning the use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. 1 blinking green LED = 2.5V to about 3.85V (plus solid red LED if charging at 1A). other types of batteries as this could result in battery explosion, cracking or leaking, causing property damage and/or personal injury. Never attempt to charge primary cells such as Alkaline, Zinc-Carbon, Lithium, CR123A, CR2, or any other unsupported chemistry due to the risk of explosion and fire. Connect to power source: Connect the NEW i2 to an external power source (such as car adaptor, power socket) via its charging cable. The NITECORE P23i i-Generation Long Range 21700 Tactical Flashlight utilizes a Luminus SFT-70 LED to produce a max output of 3,000 lumens and a max throw of 470 meters. Zwei untere LEDs leuchten ber dem Ladeschacht, in dem. grTPVVN"]lKAoy/%UufIu&!p i$_N-}"sq9H8$zd8} Umstellung auf 1A Ladestrom fr Akkus grerer Kapazitt. Started swapping bays and now one of the batteries will charge. Ladestrom fr beide Schchte betrgt 1500mA. When the appropriate current setting is. The NITECORE NU40 High Performance Lightweight USB-C Rechargeable Headlamp can produce a max output of 1,000 lumens, powered by the built-in 2,600mAh 18650 Li-ion battery. Required fields are marked *. NEW i4 Intellicharger: an upgraded edition of the i4, with enhanced compatibility, efficiency and intelligence. . SYSMAX Innovations Co., Ltd. reserves the rights to interpret and amend. Der gesamte max. Do not charge a damaged IMR battery as doing so may lead to charger short-circuit or even explosion. batteries, the charging current must be smaller than 1C. Ohne manuelle, Einstellungen werden unsere Ladegerte diesen Akkutyp standardmig mit 4,2V Spannung aufladen, was zu Beschdigungen oder sogar zur Explosion fhren. 1. 19. Normally its seller will inform its buyer that it needs to be charged with 4.35V, power. You can. Should any problem covered under warranty occurs, customers can contact their dealers or, distributors in regards to their warranty claims, as long as the product was purchased from an authorized dealer or distributor. For example, 1C in a 2600mAh rechargeable Lithium battery is 2.6A. Wenn die gewnschte Einstellung markiert ist, lassen Sie die. Should any discrepancy occurs between this manual and, information specified on, information on our official website shall prevail. sy,dK{%?~\#wO"JqxTK4h'5~~]-'k`1uU\HZhVG4\U,%|g}Sem *xK Ineffective reply to our email within a week might be regarded as giving up the testing opportunity. I have 3 Samsung 18650's that are also new. It is all weather applicable as IP66 rated. Utilizing dual primary lights Spotlight and Floodlight, it can produce a max output of 400 lumens with a light transmission of over 94%. 4,35V Li-Ionen-Akkus sind vergleichsweise selten. Incorrect program or setting may damage the charger, or cause fire or explosion. Before you. Ie 1 light flashing it's nearly flat, 2 green flashing it's half way. A battery detected as damaged cannot be activated, and the three LEDs above its slot will go on to notify the user. What will the light sequence do as the battery charges? NITECORE is an innovative manufacturer of LED flashlights, headlamps, batteries, chargers, and other accessories. WARNUNG: Versuchen Sie KEINE Akkureaktivierung durchfhren, wenn der Akku mit vertauschter Polaritt eingelegt wurde! Zweckentfremden Sie das Gert in keiner Weise! Bad charger. Good info. 12. I got a Intellicharger i2 today and a Fenix 18650 battery. Schlieen Sie den Ladeschacht oder andere Teile des Gertes nicht kurz. You are using an out of date browser. Automatic Detection of Non-Rechargeable Lithium Batteries. Should any discrepancy occurs between this manual and information specified on, information on our official website shall prevail. Description. and our The reasons for attracting attention to the person . :F2'Zg1\{x[CmQlS/_Va9H*W0V1j?7/ South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Macedonia. The i2 will individually monitor the elapsed charging time for each battery slot and if a particular slot exceeds 20 hours, the i2 will automatically power off the slot and three yellow power indicators will stop blinking and illuminate steadily to indicate completion of the charging process. Fr LiFeO4 Akkus ist eine manuelle Einstellung erforderlich. Each of the four battery slots monitors and charges independently. Charging Li-ion batteries with electric voltage beyond safety standard can lead to battery, 4.2V Li-ion batteries are the most common rechargeable Lithium batteries. Slimline 18650 Battery Case, soft durable material - Pack of 2 (Holds 2 Batteries) $18.45. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Nitecore's New i4 Intellicharger is an affordable, simple, and efficient four bay charger with twice the charging speed from the. Sie knnen gebrauchte Batterien unentgeltlich an unserer Versandlager zurckgeben. JavaScript is disabled. Efest Slim K1 Vape Battery Charger is an affordable, intelligent charger compatible with 18650 and 20700 batteries, plus many more. Vier LEDs blinken, um den Nutzer ber einen Fehler zu informieren. Sie knnen einen Akku mit einem Ladegert auf 3,7V entladen oder ihn auf 3,7V laden, bevor Sie ihn ber einen lngeren Zeitraum lagern. 12650, 13650. The NEW i4 charger from Nitecore improves upon the original model with six new features: Expanded Compatibility to Support 3.7V and 4.35V batteries. The updated Nitecore Intellicharger i2 is a universal, automatic smart-charger compatible with almost all types of rechargeable batteries. Beyond 12 months (1 year), a limited warranty applies, covering the cost of labor and maintenance, but not the cost of accessories or replacement parts. Betreiben oder lagern Sie es nicht in feuchter Umgebung. Such damaged battery cannot be activated by i2. automatische Umstellung auf 1A Ladestrom fr Akkus grerer Kapazitt. 13. Charger Battery Vape 18650 IMRE-juice E-liquid Mixer Diyvaper e-Cig. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. t$-bF@-TjZ(0pX,w7AVGX';khr^Rf nwqB+ The Ci4 is a QC/PD input available intelligent USB-C four-slot superb charger with a single slot max output of 3000mA while it is equipped with a USB-C charging port for outdoor charging, compatible with Li-ion and Ni-MH/Ni-Cd batteries. This email and your registration email address are essential to your possible warranty application. 3 green flashing, it's nearly done. 7. Lithium-Ionen (Li-Ionen) Akkus unterliegen strengen Anforderungen an die Spannungsregelung. When one of the green LEDs is flashing, the cell below it is being tested or charged. Input Voltage: AC 100~240V 50/60Hz 0.25A(max) 8WDC 9~12VOutput voltage: 4.35V1%/4.2V1%/3.7V1%/1.48V1%Output current: 500mA2/1000mA 1Compatible with: 10340, 10350, 10440, 10500, 12340, 12500, 12650, 13450, 13500, 13650, 14350, 14430, 14500, 14650, 16500, 16340(RCR123), 16650, 17350, 17500, 17650, 17670, 18350, 18490, 18500, 18650, 22500, 22650, 25500, 26500, 26650Flat-topped Batteries: 18700, 20700, 21700Li-ion/IMR/LiFePO4:Ni-MH(NiCd): AA,AAA,AAAA,C,DDimensions: 132mm70mm35mmWeight: 126g (without batteries and power cord). The rechargeable batteries or the device may become hot at full load or high power charging/discharging. Nitecore recommends abandoning this battery if it fails to be recovered after several attempts. We provide both expert advice and warranty service. ein, da sonst das Ladegert mit standardmigen 4,2V arbeitet, und keine ausreichende Spannung zur Ladung zur Verfgung stellen kann. 19. Laden Sie Akkus in bereinstimmung mit den Spezifikationen auf der Rckseite. Power deals, product announcements & more, Sign up for power deals, product announcements & more. largecapacity battery while Right is complete. . When the overall charging time exceeds 20 hours, the NEW i2 will automatically stop charging and display a fully charged status. Wenn Sie diesen Akkutyp aufladen, stellen Sie bitte die Ladespannung manuell auf 4,35V. The New Nitecore Intellicharger i2 is a compact device that can charge batteries that are 30mm to 69.3mm long, including flat top types. The NITECORE EDC27 Ultra Slim High Performance EDC Flashlight is designed with an ultra slim high strength stainless steel body of 14.2mm (0.56").