For example, when setting up a WOFE, a Chinese Notary is usually required. company incorporation and BR status, Statutory Declaration for Passport Application, Affidavit of Financial Support / Letter of Invitation for Temporary Resident Visa. Examples of designated authorities are embassies, ministries, courts or (local) governments. Your name will be entered in the register of notaries public by the Registrar. The notary offers solutions to those who need notarization and helps in keeping all certificates and documents authentic, valid and legal. For example, a notary public is not allowed to pay part of the profits to an individual who introduces a client. We employ cookies to improve user experience. Copyright 2023 The Law Society of Hong Kong. In such cases, the consulate or a countrys embassy has the power to legalize a certificate. Our Voice Fill in the information here and expect our reply within one day. In their practice, they must not allow for the impairment of their independence or integrity, the duty to act in the best interest of the client, they are required to maintain a proper standard of work and their own reputation as well as the reputation of the profession. A notary public (sometimes referred to as simply a notary) is an individual public officer authorized to witness signatures, administer oaths and conduct other similar actions. The main work of a Notary Public is to authenticate and certify signatures, authority and capacity relating to documents for use in business transactions outside Hong Kong. HK$900 or up. Notarization and authentication of Canadian government official signatures and seals on documents. Ready to get started? Each additional notary seal will cost $10 but most documents only require one. The Law Society speaks for the solicitors profession in Hong Kong and ensures our voice are accurately and purposefully communicated to relevant parties. Court. It is a criminal offence under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance to use the personal data in this List for direct marketing without the data subjects' consent. These include, but are not limited to, the following: Our team oflawyers in Hong Kongcan provide more details on the difference between an apostille, a legalization and a notarization. Legalization is the ultimate way to authenticate a certification. This procedure is the last option which an individual has for authenticating documents. Unfortunately we cannot perform a Medallion Signature Guarantee, which is a special type of signature acknowledgement sometimes required for the exchange of securities. Collect the Certificate of Appointment after 2 Contact Us. Notaries are very experienced lawyers. Apply for Registrar's Certificate by letter (sample attached) and send it to Master's Clerks Office (Apostille Service Office), Room 115, LG1/F., High Court, 38 Queensway, Hong Kong or by fax (2524 2034). 9660-8058 (Call or WhatsApp). Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service Legalisation by Consulate Simple notary starts with HKD900 Enquiries Tel/Whatsapp : 6888-9999 (Miss Law) Address: Wanchai, Lai Chi Kok and Tuen Mun For more information on Hong Kong Notary, please click to visit of Yip, Tse & Tang, Solicitors & Notary Our efficient notarisation ensures your documents remain valid, legal and genuine. You may collect the Notarization, Apostille, and Legalization of a document are essential for all! The data is to be retained for at least 6 years. We have 3 full-time notaries public. 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Notarization of Power of Attorney for use overseas (outside Hong Kong) : Here, one should appear before the relevant authority prior to signing the document. The List of Notaries Public is compiled by the Law Society based on the Certificates of Appointment issued by the High Court of Hong Kong. Hong Kong Notary, Notarial Certificate & Apostille Service. authorized person to collect it on your behalf. Reach out and Connect We also serve as an Apostille (under the Hague Convention) and Legalisation agents. For the documents to be used in other countries that have not signed the Hague Convention require an additional process known as "authentication" or "legalization.". A notary is recognized internationally and nearly all the actions conducted by a notary are required for use in a foreign . This procedure authenticates certification, signature or witness identity of a person. We have 2 full-time notary public, Thomas Tse and Charles Tse (above picture). At Notarize, we're champions of bringing trust online 24/7 for life's most important moments. For information concerning remote notarial and authentication services, we direct you to the following recently updated Department of Statewebpage. A U.S. social security number for secure identity verification. Society of Notaries. same-day service for simple documents and witnessing. Notarization of Birth Certificate, Death Certificate, Marital Status Declaration, academic and professional qualification certificates, Affidavit of Financial Support, Guardianship Declaration, Immigrant Visa, Passport, and other documents that are required for immigration, studying, visiting family members and tourism in foreign countries. collecting the Certificate, please produce the receipt the receipt of $360 registration fee, the letter mentioned Your application will be considered by the Designated WANT to learn more? Several types of documents are issued by a notary public. The notary has a duty of care towards individuals in any jurisdiction when these persons place their reliance on a statement contained in the notarial work provided by the professional. We can arrange this. a current member of the Hong Kong Society of Notaries. Office (LG2/F., High Court). The notarial fee or notary charges start with HKD900 and varies with number of required signatures and nature of documents. Please write out the statement you wish to attest or swear to, but do not sign the form until instructed to do so by the Consular Officer. ". Further, our fees are affordable and low. Our efficient notarisation ensures your documents remain valid, legal and genuine. As needed, we are able to provide more details to our clients and assist as needed during the legal procedures that demand this additional step. The Society of Notaries may refuse to issue a certificate of practice for a notary public in the following cases: The conduct is considered improper for a notary public in the following cases: When a practicing notary public in Hong Kong is subjected to disciplinary tribunal proceedings, then his conduct becomes the subject of an inquiry and it may be submitted to the Tribunal. Pay $360 registration fee at the High Court Accounts In order to become a notary, the individuals is required to pass all the subjects in a single examination. According to the Notary Public Practice Rules, these professionals need to observe a set of good conduct rules. All transactions through the Notarize platform undergo a dynamic, multi-factor authentication process. Our scope of service: in Notarization & Declaration Service by Notary Public | Permalink. Examples of legal forms are available on-line (PDF 8.54 KB), but please keep in mind that the forms and their purposes can vary widely from one jurisdiction to another. Take a second to understand what online notarization is, and the legality of online notarization for US citizens living or traveling abroad. It is possible to have documents notarized by a local notary public for use in the United States if the notary publics signature is authenticated. We encourage you to keep checking the online appointment system if you do not immediately find an open slot. In this case, the inquiry can be discontinued without a further hearing. This register needs to include information on the notarial work, most notably the following: the date of the work, the name of the client, the nature of the document and a short description of the work. In Hong Kong, apostille is a verification by the Hong Kong High Court that the notary is an authentic notary in Hong Kong and therefore the document can be relied on. Legalisation by Consulate. 159). Documents signed by a notary public or a Commissioner of Oaths in Hong Kong On the other hand, a notary public, being a certified and trained professional, verifies the authentication of documents. Central, Hong Kong Canada etc. $10 per additional notarization seal. Detailed information for visitors traveling to or through Hong Kong is availablehere. he was suspended from practicing as a notary public or a solicitor; he was suspended from practicing in a foreign jurisdiction; he was convicted in Hong Kong or in another jurisdiction of an offence associated with fraud or dishonesty; he willingly provided the Society with false or misleading information for the application; suffers or appears to suffer from a mental health disorder (as described in the Mental Health Ordinance). same-day service for simple documents and witnessing. Notary Public. already filled in. To certify the genuineness of the signatures authority of the Notary Public on contracts or declarations that have been notorized by the Notary Public. Only certain documents are eligible for it. The Law Society strives to raise general public legal awareness, facilitate public access to legal services and promote a culture of giving back to the community among our members. Notarization is the process of authenticating execution and/or certifying a true copy, as already explained. the Masters Clerks Office (Apostille President of the People's Republic of China Hu Jintao. List of Attorneys / Law Firms in Macau Last modified: December 16, 2022 Contact Us U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong & Macau 26 Garden Road Central, Hong Kong Tel: 2841-2211 (office hours) 2523-9011 (after office hours) Fax: (852) 2845-4845 In the numbered fields the following information is added:Country [country name]This public documenthas been signed by [name]acting in the capacity of [function]bears the seal/stamp of [authority]certifiedat [location]the [date]by [name]No [apostille registration number]Seal/stamp [of the authority giving the apostille]Signature [signature of authority giving the apostille]The information can be placed on the (back of the) document itself, or attached to the document as an allonge. A Medallion Signature Guarantee can only be obtained from a participant in one of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approved programs, such as a commercial bank, brokerage firm, credit union or savings and loans institutions that are members of the Medallion Stamp Program. Please note that the Consulate cannot assume responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the law firms or persons whose names appear on the above Legal Assistance (Notary Matters) list. Our Hong Kong Notary Public can help you to notarize a variety of documents for use outside Hong Kong SAR (except Mainland China). This step is required for those who wish to provide notarial services as a form or as an individual. The Law Society of Hong Kong is a professional association for solicitors in Hong Kong vested with statutory powers to regulate the professional conduct of solicitors, trainee solicitors and foreign lawyers. We provide top quality professional service. The preparation of legal forms is typically the task of an attorney. Yip, Tse & Tang, Notary Public. If you're a business, and need to send documents for customers to sign, head on over to the Notarize pricing page for our plans. That website also maintains information on other members to this Hague Convention and their designated Central Authorities. They have a very experienced legal team. Notary fees or notary charges in Hong Kong. weeks from payment of the fee at the Please DO NOT send cash to the Apostille Service Office. Notary Public or China Appointed Attesting Officer? File affirmation of service within 7 days of service Yip, Tse & Tang, Notary Public. Notary Addresses, Phone and Office Hours: YIP TSE & TANG, Notary Service in Hong Kong, Types of Notarial Services and Notary fees or charges, Hong Kong Notary Public Addresses and Phone contact, Notaries Public: Thomas Tse and Charles Tse, Notary Service Enquiries : 6888-9999 (Miss Law), Apostille service under Hague Convention by a Notary, Notarization & Declaration Service by Notary Public,