Common toys such as Beanie Buddies, and Pluffies go $0,50 each. So, in the world of beanie babies selling, if you have a purple beanie baby like Patti the Platypus or Princess (for the Princess Diana memorial fund), photograph that toy on a yellow background. RARE Beanie Babies are selling for more than 1,000 on eBay, so if you have one of the stuffed animals in your wardrobe or attic, it's time to dig it out. You just need to know what to do. I have some of the more rare beanies including Princes Diana, and Valentino and Valentina, and others. Collectors will be out trolling for Beanies in antique shops and flea markets, sure, but if you want to be able to reach the most collectors and even have them compete for your collection, online is the place to go! Theres a noticeable pattern here regardless of tag quality, for the toy to be worth anything, the plush has to be in perfect condition. If youre a fan of Netflix and have been looking for ways to make money online, here are 7 legit ways to get paid to watch Netflix. The clearest mark of value for many are defects or misprints, which set the toys apart. When shes not in the classroom or fulfilling her obligations as an A+ hockey and lacrosse mom, shes working on her latest article. Listed below, I found the many reputable options you may want to consider if youre looking to get rid of your collection today. This is one of the best ways to make real money online. The price list is in alphabetical order. $100-550. I have a large collection of beanie babies I am interested in selling, 168 regular beanies and 54 teenie beanies. Be smart about where and how you sell them, and youll maximize your Beanie Babies payout. Buy online store prices on sale in stock selling Etsy. I have a high collection of bernies for sale some are quite old andrade I am willing to make a list for serious inquires they will be priced quite favorably interested? Chrissy, Hi Chrissy my email is By the way, if you find out that yours are not particularly worth much and it wouldnt even be worth your time to try and sell them, you can always donate them. The website,, appears that they will buy Beanie Babies from you, but there are a few exceptions. Whether its individual pieces or selling them in bulk, its as easy as taking a few pictures, adding a description and then shipping it off to your buyer. The more information you can provide visually, the better the chances of getting an interested buyer. This is everything you need to know about where to sell them today! thank you. I have several beanie babies several on the rare list and top 40 list r u interested in buying them, I have rear Valentina and valintino with error tags many other originals old original mc Donald sets of ect. I have some hot wheels collectors cars still in original package. Helping people live life on their terms by demystifying entrepreneurship and money. Bear in mind that they have a monthly fee of $25 to keep up your storefront on Ruby Lane. Here, you will click on the Sold Items tab. The first version of the yellow duck Beanie Baby released in 1994 came without wings. Whether you want an instant quote or you want to sell on your own, there are a variety of ways to sell your Beanie Babies collection online. See how. Consider anniversaries of major events. Well, the answer is kind of. Its much safer to get your items evaluated via video conference. Have you dealt with any of these options? As with anything, Beanie Babies are only worth what someone is willing to pay, but there are ways of finding out what a Beanie Baby is currently selling for. Even after eBay takes a cut, you will still come out well ahead in comparison to selling it to an online shop/pawn store. I would guess about 2500 in all that before I sit down and sort through I would consider offers for. I have a huge Beanie baby collection that I post on Instagram, Facebook and YouTube channel. I have close to 200 BB, some with errors. 1. In this article, we list the top 10 Beanie. Check the past 3-4 months to get an idea of how many people are selling it and how much they got for it. I highly recommend signing up for ALL these sites; not only do you get to enjoy all the bonuses, but your chances of earning also increase. Includes common cards, birthday/rookie cards and retired cards. I have multiples of the Teanie Beanie Babies from McDonalds including one that was only given to employees and Brittania with errors. My Mom had been a collector ever since they came out. For example, dont try to sell Batty the Bat in Spring or Winter. Now that Im getting older I would love to pass them down to someone who enjoys collecting them as much as I have. The website,, appears that they will buy Beanie Babies from you, but there are a few exceptions. Maple Bear will tush tags errors. Curly is a brown bear with a dark red ribbon adorning his neck. Worst case, you can always take the listings down or even ignore them. CHICAGO Cameron Percy thought he'd found a rare treasure when he moved into a new place two weeks ago. Because of the unique coloring process, no two Beanie Babies of this model are the same. Hi Tom. Whether you have a stash in your garage or are just curious as to what they are worth today, then you may find this guide of interest. Sell4Value. I have no clue about selling until I read your article. I have quite a few of the rare beanie babies. You won't believe the value of these items on eBay. The usual go-to for online sales, eBay has already been used to sell hundreds of Beanie Babies for up to $60,000! Only serious buyers. Also, take photos of the tags and all the information within. TY Beanie baby stretch the ostrich original with errors pvc pellets mint condition Feltazia (50) 2,995.00 The end rate beanie baby with errors Beaniebabies21GB 8,732.00 FREE UK delivery Ty Beanie Baby 1998 Holiday Bear 'A rare one' Cornercollectorstore 2,350.00 FREE UK delivery In other cases, waiting doesnt drive the toys price up at all. When it comes to selling toys, usually the internet can fetch you more money. Did you sell your collection online? I thought it would be fun to see how much you could make today if you were to own a Beanie Babies collection. I have 71 beanie babies, a lot of them are in original packages, some do not but have been kept in plastic Ziplock bags plus another big bag. Generally, as long as they werent played with and kept stored away in a safe place, they may have an interest. The general idea is that the longer you have something, the less common it becomes thus its value goes up. Great post. I wouldnt let them play with them so I put them in plastic storage bins and forgot about them until a few months ago when I cleaned out my storage unit. I have numerous Mc Donalds TY brand new in original packaging are they still worth a lot. I also have a tote and a half tote of car cars movie cars in original packages and have a tote of old dolls and also have barbie and meg in there case with clothes. ), already been used to sell hundreds of Beanie Babies, 60 Low Stress Jobs After Retirement [Fun & Well Paying]. PlushCollector. We have them in large storage boxes(50 to a 100 a box) and have over 60 boxes. If you mislead on the quality itll only result in a return request. Can you really sell Beanie Babies for money? ivetriedthat was started in 2007 to help protect consumers from falling victim to online scams. eBay has connected millions of buyers and sellers through the decades, and Read More They became collectibles and increased in popularity because of the strategy of deliberate scarcity; that is, they produce new designs in limited quantities and regularly retire them after a while. Several different colors and more than 20 pieces of materials were needed to create this Beanie, which was retired on March 31, 1999. Conversely, a flat price listing is better if the prices for the same model are fairly consistent so that the price doesnt go down. If its not worth your time, then consider donating to a local childrens hospital or charity. Both have never been played with just purchased and put away. I just read on this for 2021 pricing. A Beanie Baby appraiser can not only tell you if your toy is worth selling, but they can help you identify the type of buyer who will be willing to pay the most for it. All payments are made via PayPal or check, whichever option you choose. Don't pass this one up. Beanie Babies are one of the most popular collectible toys in history. Prices vary depending on desirability & what we need at the time. I have Tiny the Chihuahua. I have Bernie too. Hi! I will talk about what your collection may be worth as well as where you could sell yours for cash as early as today. Although you will find sellers listing some for over $20,000, nobody is actually buying them for such crazy prices. I also have the original receipt of purchase, dated June 1999. While most of your groups are usually local, your smaller items, such as the Beanie Babies, can work in a nationwide targeted group since they are easier to ship. Lisa. $7,500 for Halo the Bear. I have Beannie babies for sale. The toy was quickly updated to have wings, and the original remains hard to find. And Peace Bear collectables. It tells buyers that the item is in fantastic shape, and hasnt been tarnished in any way. When youre buying Beanie Babies, its a good idea to get to know the signs of a fake, and what toys are most popular. I have Wisest the Owl 2000. Ty Beanies Series 3 . For now, take out your collection if you want to get rid of it, set aside the ones you want to get rid of and then get a quote to see what they are worth. Although the company was started in 1989, it didnt begin to gain steam until the late 90s, when collectors realized they could make serious money selling to others. Thank you! This deal is for items that resell for $50 or more. Here are the six most valuable Beanie Babies on the market today. Multiple angles and an eye-catching one for the thumbnail are a must! 2023 George Cole Auctions. Where do I go to authenticate it? Bernie Oct. 3 1996. I have slot ty beanie babys. The best place to buy Ty Beanies Babies online is specialty sites that cater exclusively to Beanie Baby collectors. Usually, Beanie lovers and experts run these types of . So if you have plenty of Beanies lying around, this might be a good option for you. While most Beanie Babies sell. Selling Beanie Babies can earn you some side cash, but its not the only way to make some side cash quickly. It's the Internet's most honest money site after all. . I would like to sell as a set. The HOTTEST New Way to Make Money in 2021. I have over 200 I also have the End beanie baby to Sell, if interested please call me at (phone number removed by admin). Now you know where to sell your toys, here are some good practices when selling your Beanie Babies. I have approximately 1600 cases, my brother doubled 2 in a case, and I still have 3 huge bags of loose Beanies stored in addition. I will make a list for serious buyers only. 3. Years ago, it seemed like you could almost retire if you had a Beanie Babies collection. It could take some time, dependent on how many you have, but it can at least give you an idea as to what your collection is worth. Even though theyre less valuable than before, you can certainly still sell Beanie Babies for some side cash. Don't Limit Yourself. 1. To see what your collection is worth, they have a list of all of them, as well as a price attached. Here are some tips to help you get more money for beanie babies. All for sale at the right price. When you sell your Beanie Babies to us, you will avoid paying the fees required by some classified websites for shipping devices. According to reports, adults over 65 are twice as likely to be working today - Continue -, If you are short on money and need cash quickly, try this method. Our condolences to you for the passing of your mom, Richard. The market crashed at the end of 1999, and the bottom fell out. Where you located? Thanks for the resources. I have maybe 30 . That can give you a good idea of how much to list yours for. You have to be very careful selling or buying anything online. Thanks for any help you can give! Claude The Crab - $10.000. Some apparently rare Beanie Babies are listed on eBay for prices north of half a million dollars, with one seller asking $660,000 for a set of two Princess Diana special edition bears, and. Polyvinyl Ethylene (PVE) pellets are more common and therefore are worth less. You can find out whats inside your Beanies on the tag on their bottoms. I am ready to sell now. Curley-Derby the horse with the star and beautiful mane-Hope-Millinium tag sp wrong-too many to name pvc pellets the whole collection has never been handled wout gloves!! Seaweed the Beanie Baby is an adorable little guy that could be worth a lot today. First Edition Princess Diana. Beanie babies series 2 collector cards in an official binder plus some empty packets. They are all like new, never been played with. I have a set of McDonalds International bears still in their original packaging. Hi, Owen! I will make a package deal. And theyre all in their original packages. Check out our tips to sell fast on eBay. Craigslist is a good way to find collectors in your area if youre the type to prefer supporting your local collectibles traders. Things can take off for the oddest reasons, so you never know. Follow the link below to find a group near you. This advert is located in and around Failsworth, Greater Manchester. As we explained in our rent post about selling Legos, it depends on what you have. I have lefty and eighty if anyone interested. You can email me Chrissy. The rarest Peanut the Elephants are worth the most and are the Royal Blue version. If youve got a really big pile of Beanie Babies, this is a good way to make sure youre there in person to haggle for the best selling price for them. Thank you! If there are still a stain or a mark, try to rub it out with a clean, moist, soft cloth. 16. Jake the Duck - $600. Gobbles - sold for $24,000 (17,500) in September. The buyers youre looking for may just be in your neighborhood. "Some Beanie Babies. Ty Beanie Babies Paddington Bear Toy - 931972 (3) Total ratings 3. i have 2 huge totes of beanie babies most are in display cases. If you arent already storing your Beanie Babies in plastic, youll need to start now. They appear to buy a lot! Valuable Happy Meal sets include TY Teenie Beanie Babies, Furbys, and Halloween Buckets. You can look that up online to learn what price range to put them up for. Choose a flat backdrop for your Beanie Babies; you dont want any distractions. Some mistakes are inevitable, but you can always bounce back if youre careful, and learn from errors. Will be selling soon some where on line. One of the simplest ways to find this out is to go to eBay, type in the name of the Beanie you're looking for followed by " beanie baby ". Its been nearly 30 years since Beanie Babies hit the market, which means they count as vintage collectibles. Below are some final sale prices in 2023 for Beanie Babies listed for sale online. 8.95 New. Near-mint quality is if the beanie baby itself is perfect, but the tags show wear and tear and have slight issues. But while the majority of Beanie Babies sold decades ago aren't worth much money today, a select few are worth a small fortune. Beaniepedia is crowdsourced, with thousands of members uploading photos and descriptions of their Beanie Babies. I estimate she has between 2000 and 3000. i really need a serious buyer that could make a deal with me. In the case you do accept it, you will then ship your shipment out to have it confirmed. Here are some websites to connect with buyers near you. 2. Open Bank Account Best Banks 2023 Transfer Your Card Debt Tools With that in mind, we've put together a list of the 21 most valuable Beanie Babies with a handy price guide. TRAY 13 BEANIE BABIES. Like Craigslist, you will have to meet in person, so if youre uneasy with this idea, then I would skip it altogether. Thanks for the info. A $5,000 piece of artwork is available by Nana the Monkey. Having a record of what you have is the best way to at least estimate whether or not you can earn a lot of money for your collection, whether its one Beanie Baby or a whole closet full of them. We did mention the importance of having your babies appraised by a professional, but beware of experts who may ask you to ship your Beanie Babies to them under the pretext of inspecting them. The Most Valuable Beanie Babies. However, Etsy is more the place to go if you want to sell to nostalgic buyers, as the majority of offers are in the $3-5 range. Hi Angela, I always think the best way is to check out eBay, particularly the most recently sold listings. There is a $5,000 reward for Peace the Bear. What you might not realize is some collections also grow to., If you have a list and prices please email me. 25 Passive Income Ideas that Generate Money While You Sleep.