This feature helps find potential problems with the vehicle, leading to quicker repairs, improved performance, and better air quality. Your vehicle failed its emissions inspection because the gas cap is broken or missing. Theyll make sure its working properly and that it is effective at reducing those emissions. Testing is available through various private companies, and fees vary. Open: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday Cost: $8, Air Care Colorado Tampering of emissions control systems is prohibited! Do not remove, disconnect, detach, deactivate, alter, modify, reprogram or in any wayrender any emission control device or element of design inoperable or less effective thanoriginally designed. Inspections are required when a vehicle meets the above criteria and moves to a mailing address in the. Please include the vehicle's license plate number and, if possible, whether it's gasoline- or diesel-powered. Air Care Colorado tests the following components of your vehicle's OBD system: Air Care Colorado is making OBD a more important part of its emissions testing process, giving you more test results and information on yourVehicle Inspection Report. Emissions Technical Centers (ETCs) are state-operated facilities with duties specified in state law to provide support to various Mobile Sources program activities. New, updated vehicle emissions testing coupons will be available at the main Air Care Colorado office by August 31, 2022. You will need to address the issue stated on the unable to test form in order to complete an inspection. Cost: $25, Colorado State Patrol, Douglas County Cost: $15, Colorado State Patrol, Adams County My vehicle has failed its Emissions Test now what do I do? Registration in any of the following counties: Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson. Vehicles purchased from a dealer are exempt from testing for the first seven model years. If the vehicle passed inspection, owners will receive notification on their next renewal registration statement. It is illegal under state and federal law to tamper with the emissions system of any vehicle. Depending on your cars age, powertrain, and fuel type, you might qualify for different types of tests (more on that below)., . Please contact the Division of Motor Vehicles Emissions Team at 303.205.5603 ifyou have any questions. Open: 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday The counties here in Colorado that require emissions testing include: While it may be a minor inconvenience having to get this testing done, it helps ensure were all doing our part to keep our state and our earth in general a cleaner place to live. Light-duty vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of 14,000 pounds or less are exempt from an emissions test for four years if they are purchased brand new, and then tested after that. Heavy-duty vehicles with a gross vehicle weight rating of 14,001 pounds or more are exempt from emissions testing if they are purchased brand new for their first four years, and then tested every two years until they reach their tenth year. Contact: 970-224-3027 (However, if you are buying and registering a vehicle that has reached 7 years, even if the 7th year is not complete, you will need an emissions test.). All Air Care Colorado emissions inspectionstations are open 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday, and closed Sundays and all, The actual emissions inspectionusually takes about 20 minutes. If you have recently completed your emissions test, please . Cost: $10, Golden Police Department Contact: 720-726-7760 You may need an emissions inspection if your vehicle is more than 7model years old, and; Some vehicles don't require an emissions inspection: Contact your county clerk for more specific information. Cost: $10, CarMax Open: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; 8 a.m. to noon; appointments needed ). If emissions testing isnt performed in the county of temporary residence, then you must include aVerification of Vehicle Identification Number (VIN: Form 2698)with the extension form. Cost: Free, Windways Diesel Emissions Cost: Free, True Speed Call Air Care Colorado at 303-456-7090 or visit Air Car Colorado for testing locations and details. CDPHE operates several Emissions Technical Centers that can also provide assistance: 1-888-861-2646. Contact: 303-305-3752 SBTAP coordinates technician training, provides testing and repair information to technicians, and works to solve vehicle repair issues. Cost: $25, Larimer County Motor Vehicle Division, Estes Park Open: Appointment needed, visit The vehicle must also be emissions tested within 15 days of returning to . Collector vehicles are subject to different emissions requirements. Open: Appointment needed This includes reprogramming or re-flashing the vehicles computer, or installing performance chips to circumvent or defeat factory settings,or to produce excessive exhaust smoke (diesel trucks). The current emissions inspection program began in 1995 and applies to most vehicles and locales in the Denver-metropolitan area and the North Front Range of the state. AS OF JANUARY 2015: Hybrid and plug-in hybrid vehicles that are 8 years and older must have a test of their OBD computer systems. Model year 1981 and older vehicles are inspectedevery year. Cost: $10, Excel Diesel & SUV - Castle Rock Open: No appointment needed Open: Walk-ins welcome Diesel Vehicles: All diesel vehicles model years 2007 - 2013 need an emission test biennially and all diesels model years 1986 - 2006 need emissions tests annually. Please include the vehicle's license plate number and, if possible, whether it is gasoline- or diesel-powered. Cost: $20, Colorado State Patrol, Boulder County Contact: 303-623-7049 Contact: 970-491-7693 * 5 Contact: 303-697-6850 Porsche of Colorado Springs Cost: $10, Broomfield Police Department Open: 7:30 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday; 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturdays If you happen to miss that deadline, youll be charged, What if you cant afford the repairs youd need to pass? The ETCs are available for use by these trainers to train automotive technicians. Contact: 970-667-7396 Cost: $12, BOULDER COUNTY Currently, model years 2017 to 2022 are exempt from emissions testing, but model years 2016 require emissions testing before a transfer of ownership. A light-duty gasoline-powered vehicle, defined as weighing 8,500 pounds or less. Open: Appointment needed Air Care Colorado will continue to honor the existing emissions testing coupons during the inventory transition. Emissions Emissions testing of gas and dieselpowered vehicles is required when registering or selling vehicles in Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson counties, and in portions of Adams, Arapahoe, Larimer, and Weld counties, as shown in the Air Care Colorado program area maps . Emission control components include: oxygen sensor, catalytic converter, thermal reactor, EGR valve, fuel filler cap, evaporative canister, PCV valve, air pump, distributor, ignition wires, coil, and spark plugs. The biggest counties, including Denver, Broomfield, Douglas, and Boulder, also require emissions testing. A signed application and agreement of ETC use stating the purpose of request, curriculum to be taught, and obligating the trainer to cover loss of tools and/or equipment, building or vehicle damage, re-keying the facility due to lost or non-returned keys, etc. Vehicles from 1981 or older must be tested every year at a cost of $15. Gasoline vehicles are exempt from an emissions test for the first seven model years. Open: For Thornton residents only; appointments need; Wednesdays and Thursdays Violation of policies will result in denial of access and billing to the person or his/her company for losses as cited above. Arapahoe County: (303) 795-4500 Larimer County: (970) 498-7878 Weld County: (970) 353-3840 If your car isn't registered in the above locations, but you travel to them regularly for work or school, your vehicle is subject to the same rules as those of residents. If you dont return the failed vehicle within the initial three-day period, the dealer will be relieved of responsibility to repair or repurchase the vehicle for compliance with the emissions program. A vehicle registered to a mailing address in the, A vehicle registered to a mailingaddress outside the. Current RapidScreen locations are posted on the. From museums and nonprofits to blogs and apps, they enjoy making complicated topics like medical history and car insurance fun and approachable through writing. Please contact us at 303-205-5603 for more information. 25 years of the 996-generation Porsche 911, 1962 Porsche 356 B Notchback in Colorado Springs, CO, 1979 Porsche 911 SC in Colorado Springs CO, 1988 Porsche 911 Carrera Colorado Springs CO, First Dibs: From Inside Porsche Colorado Springs, Porsche Model Research Colorado Springs CO, The Porsche Vision 357: A Concept Car for the Future. Contact: 303-466-6552 Theres an issue with the engine on my Toyota 4Runner, but for the life of me I cant find the OBD port to scan for trouble codes! Open: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; appointment recommended Any manufacturer or dealer who violates this section shall be subjectto a civil penalty of not more than $37,500 per violation. This is an alternative to standard testing at emissions testing stations, allowing you to have your vehicle's emissions screened by driving past a RapidScreen emissions testing system. Answers to frequently asked questions about emissions testing. Cost: $15, Parker Police Department If an owner registers a vehicle to a mailing address located in one of Colorado's AIR Care Program Area counties: Boulder County Broomfield County Denver County Douglas County Jefferson County and, certain parts of: Adams County Arapahoe County Larimer County Weld County Therefore, an alternative I/M 240 inspection may be performed. The testing fee for eligible vehicles is, using cash, credit or debit cards, or check., Prior to 1990, things get a little more complicatedthats because cars of that age are eligible for, . Hybrid vehicles 8 years and older will be inspected using onboard diagnostics (OBD). Such vehicles are registered for a period of five years. Contact: 303-456-7090 If your vehicle fails an emissions inspection, the procedure is pretty simple: the inspection personnel will explain why your car failed and identify certain repairs you need in order to pass another inspection., If youre getting an inspection to renew your vehicles registration, dont worry! Open: Make an appointment at If you are concerned about your health and safety, please wear a mask. The RapidScreen program measures emissions and records license plate numbers as vehicles drive past roadside monitors. Contact: 303-795-4500, #2, #4 Contact: 303-525-8490 Tampering is defined as the disconnecting, deactivating, removing or rendering inoperableany emission control device or element of design installed or engineered by the manufacturer on your vehicle, and is prohibited pursuant to CRS 42-4-314. Cost: $15, Air Care Colorado Also, waivers cannot be issued to vehicles that failed the emissions test due to a gas cap failure. Which counties in Colorado require emissions testing? Cost: Free, Diesel Repair & Performance The table below shows the testing requirements for cars from 1990 or earlier based on their plates., . Saturdays; appointment needed A check engine light on a vehicle at least 12 years old may still pass if the I/M 240 test can be run and the car can pass the test. Click here to find unit RapidScreen Locations for the current and upcoming weeks. Cost: Free, EL PASO COUNTY Contact: 303-688-3115 Contact: 720-865-4600 #5, #1, #5 Jerry automatically shops for your insurance before every renewal. Open: Appointment needed For questions or concerns regarding the out of state emissions extension process, please call the Colorado Department of Revenue Motor Vehicle Emissions Program at 303-205-5603 or apply online at: New diesel vehicles are exempt for the first four modelyears. Specific conditions must be met while driving for the Readiness Monitors to be set to Ready. Some vehicle manufacturers provide specific driving procedures to set the necessary monitors to ready. 2003 and older vehicles are tested every year. Exhaust Readers I To reduce the number of vehicles requiring a traditional emissions inspection, the RapidScreen roadside emissions testing program was established for Metro Denver and NorthFront Range. Please limit your idling whenever possible. However, if the vehicle is a hybrid, an emissions test is required (see Hybrids). Open: 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; appointment needed Colorado provides a, for repairs and reinspection. Contact: 303-384-8045 Contact: 303-660-7500 CARS provides both you and repair facilities with current information on the emissions repair process. Contact: 970-221-9400 In addition, certain repairs to fuel injection systems, carburetors and internal engine components may apply. All electric vehicles (with no gas tank or tail pipe emission). Contact: 720-523-6010 Once a monitor has run, it is set to Ready indicating that the systems self evaluation is complete. Pm me if it's not something that you would like to throw out . Proof of a passing emissions test%2c in the county where the vehicle is currently located. All inquiries in regards to fuel additive/retrofit devices should be made to the EPA. Fulton is an insurance editor and writer with 7+ years of experience in digital publishing. RapidScreenis Air Care Colorado's roadside emissions testing program. Open: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday; appointment recommended